Publication List 2000
- Bauer, S., A. Tholen, J. Overmann and A. Brune (2000). Characterization of abundance and diversity of lactic acid bacteria in the hindgut of wood- and soil-feeding termites by molecular and culture-dependent techniques. Arch. microbiol. 173: 126-137
- Bennike, O., J. B. Jensen and W. Lemke (2000). Late glacial environments of the Kattegat region, based on radiocarbon dated fossils. In: The Baltic : the 6th Marine Geological Conference, March 7-9, 2000, Hirtshals, Denmark : abstracts. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS): 13
- Bennike, O., J. B. Jensen, P. B. Konradi, W. Lemke and J. Heinemeier (2000). Early Holocene drowned lagoonal deposits from the Kattegat, southern Scandinavia. Boreas 29: 272-286
- Bennike, O., J. B. Jensen, P. Konradi, W. Lemke and J. Heinemeier (2000). Early Holocene submarine lagoon deposits from Kattegat, Scandinavia. In: The Baltic : the 6th Marine Geological Conference, March 7-9, 2000, Hirtshals, Denmark : abstracts. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS): 12
- Bodungen, B. v., B. Hentzsch, J. Pempkowiak and A. Stigebrandt (2000). The changing coastal oceans: from assessment to prediction: preface. J. mar. syst. spec. issue 25, 3/4: 209-212
- Bodungen, B. v., B. Hentzsch, J. Pempkowiak and A. Stigebrandt, Eds. (2000). The changing coastal oceans: from assessment to prediction: papers presented at the Baltic Sea Science Conference, Rostock-Warnemünde, 23-28. 11. 1998. S. (Journal of marine systems, special issue. 25(2000)3/4)
- Boetius, A. and K. Lochte (2000). Regional variation of total microbial biomass in sediments of the deep Arabian Sea. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2. 47: 149-168
- Boetius, A., B. Springer and C. Petry (2000). Microbial activity and particulate matter in the benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) of the deep Arabian Sea. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2. 47: 2687-2706
- Boetius, A., T. Ferdelman and K. Lochte (2000). Bacterial activity in sediments of the deep Arabian Sea in relation to vertical flux. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2. 47: 2835-2875
- Bothe, H., G. Jost, M. Schloter, B. B. Ward and K.-P. Witzel (2000). Molecular analysis of ammonia oxidation and denitrification in natural environments. FEMS microbiol. rev. 224: 673-690
- Bruhn, R., N. Kannan, G. Petrick, D. E. Schulz-Bull and J. Duinker (1999). Persistent chlorinated organic contaminants in harbour porpoises from the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and Arctic waters. Sci. total environ. 237/238: 351-361
- Christiansen, B. and A. Boetius (2000). Mass sedimentation of the swimming crab Charybdis smithii (Crustacea: Decapoda) in the deep Arabian Sea. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2. 47: 2673-2685
- Darr, A. and M. L. Zettler (2000). Erstnachweis von Congeria leucophaeata (CONRAD, 1831) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae). Malakol. Abh. 20: 197-200
- Daunys, D., D. Schiedek and S. Olenin (2000). Species strategy near its boundary: the Marenzelleria cf. viridis (Polychaeta, Spionidae) case in the south-eastern Baltic Sea. Int. Rev. gesamten Hydrobiol. 85: 639-651
- Debus, L., H. Winkler and M. L. Zettler (2000). Vorläufige Ergebnissse von Felduntersuchungen an einer Elektrode in der Ostsee. In: Technische Eingriffe in marine Lebensräume: Workshop des Bundesamtes f. Naturschutz, Vilm, 27.-29.10.1999 ; Tagungsband. Ed. by T. Merck and H. v. Nordheim. Bonn: Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN-Skripten ; 29): 31-40
- Dippner, J. W. (2000). Klimavariabilität in marinen Ökosystemen. 1999/2000: 133-150
- Dippner, J. W., G. Kornilovs and L. Sidrevics (2000). Long-term variability of mesozooplankton in the central Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. 25: 23-31
- Dudzinska-Huczuk, B., B. Schneider and J. Bolalek (2000). Sources of particulate selenium in the Baltic Sea atmosphere. Oceanologia 42: 305-313
- Emeis, K.-C., T. Sakamoto, R. Wehausen and H.-J. Brumsack (2000). The sapropel record of the eastern Mediterrean Sea - results of Ocean Drilling Program leg 160. Palaeogeogr., palaeoclimatol., palaeoecol. 158: 371-395
- Emeis, K.-C., U. Struck, H.-M. Schulz, S. Bernasconi, T. Sakamoto and F. Martinez-Ruiz (2000). Temperature and salinity of Mediterrean Sea surface waters over the last 16.000 years: constraints on the physical environment of S1 sapropel formation based on stable oxygen isotopes and alkenone unsaturation ratios. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol. 158: 259-280
- Emeis, K.-C., U. Struck, T. Leipe, F. Pollehne, H. Kunzendorf and C. Christiansen (2000). Changes in the burial rates and C , N, P ratios in Baltic Sea sediments over the last 150 years - relevance to P regeneration rates and the phosphorus cycle. Mar. Geol. 167: 43-59
- Hahlbeck, E., C. Arndt and D. Schiedek (2000). Sulphide detoxification in Hediste diversicolor and Marenzelleria viridis, two dominant polychaete worms within the shallow coastal waters of the southern Baltic Sea. Comp. biochem. physiol. B 125: 457-471
- Harff, J. (2000). Geowissenschaften in Forschung und Landesdienst zum Nutzen Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. In: Rohstoffsicherung und Naturschutz. Hannover: Niedersächs. Akad. Geowiss. (Veröff. Niedersächs. Akad. Geowiss. ; 18): 82-89
- Harff, J. and J. C. Davis (2000). Multivariate geostatistics for deposit modeling and mapping. In: 7th International Internet Seminar "Computer support of the state program Gosgeolkarta-2000, FSUE "Kavkazgeolsyomka" http://www.geolog.kmv.ru/Eng/Konferenc/konferenc.html. 8
- Harff, J. and J. C. Davis (2000). Regionalized classification - a tool for computerized mapping and resource deposit modeling. In: Proceedings "Geological Survey and Mineral Resources of Russia at the beginning of the XXI. Century", St. Petersburg, Russia, Oct. 3-7, 2000. St. Petersburg: VSEGEI: abstract on CD
- Harff, J., A. Frischbutter, R. Lampe and M. Meyer (2000). Sea level change in the Baltic Sea: interrelation of climate and geological processses. In: Proceedings AAPG Annual Conf., New Orleans, April 16-19, 2000. New Orleans: AAPG: A 64
- Harff, J., G. C. Bohling, J. C. Davis, R. Endler, H. Kunzendorf, R. A. Olea and W. Schwarzacher (2000). Baltic Sea Basin sediments as indicators for the Holocene depositional environment. In: The Baltic : the 6th Marine Geological Conference, March 7-9, 2000, Hirtshals, Denmark : abstracts. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS): 32
- Harff, J., R. Endler, W. Lemke, H. Lübke and F. Tauber (2000). Coastal change of the southwestern Baltic Sea and prehistoric settlements. In: The Baltic : the 6th Marine Geological Conference, March 7-9, 2000, Hirtshals, Denmark : abstracts. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS): 33
- Hippelein, M. and M. S. McLachlan (2000). Soil / Air partitioning of semivolatile organic compounds. Pt.2. Influence of temperature and relative humidity. Environ. sci. technol. 34: 3521-3526
- Humborg, C., G. Schernewski, B. v. Bodungen, R. Dannowski, J. Steidl, J. Quast, V. Wallbaum, K. Rudolph, C. Müller, S. Mahlburg and W. Erbguth (2000). Oder Basin - Baltic Sea Interactions (OBBSI) : Endbericht / Final report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 84 S. (Meerswissenschaftliche Berichte; 41)
- Humborg, C., K. Fennel, M. Pastuszak and W. Fennel (2000). A box model approach for a long-term assessment of estuarine eutrophication, Szczecin Lagoon, southern Baltic. J. mar. syst. spec. issue 25, 3/4: 387-403
- Humborg, C., K. Fennel, M. Pastuszak and W. Fennel (2000). Das Oder-Ästuar: Nährstoffbelastung und Modellierung der trophischen Entwicklung. In: Oder Basin - Baltic Sea Interactions (OBBSI) : Endbericht / Final report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte ; 41): 43-55
- Jensen, J. B., W. Lemke, O. Bennike, A. Kuijpers and P. Konradi (2000). Late Weichselian and Holocene sequence stratigraphy of the southwestern Kattegat , Scandinavia. In: The Baltic : the 6th Marine Geological Conference, March 7-9, 2000, Hirtshals, Denmark : abstracts. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS): 39
- John, H. C., V. Mohrholz and J. R. E. Lutjeharms (2000). Cross-front structures in hydrography and fish larvae at the Angola-Benguela Frontal Zone (Poster). ICES Ann. Sc. Conf. 2000: ICES CM paper L:21
- Kaupp, H., M. Blumenstock and M. S. McLachlan (2000). Retention and mobility of atmospheric particle-associated organic pollutant PCDD/Fs and PAHs in maize leaves. New phytol. 148: 473-480
- Krüger, S. (2000). Basic shipboard instrumentation and fixed automatic stations for monitoring in the Baltic Sea. In: The ocean engineering handbook. Boca Raton: CRC: 52
- Kulik, D. A., M. Kersten, U. Heiser and T. Neumann (2000). Application of Gibbs energy minimization to model early-diagenetic solid-solution aqueous-solution equilibria involving authigenic rhodochrosites in anoxic Baltic Sea sediments. Aqu. geochem. 6: 147-199
- Kömp, P. and M. S. McLachlan (2000). The kinetics and reversibility of the partitioning of polychlorinated biphenyls between air and reygrass. Sci. total environ. 250: 63-71
- Lass, H. U., M. Schmidt, V. Mohrholz and G. Nausch (2000). Hydrographic and current measurements in the area of the Angola-Benguela front. J. phys. oceanogr. 30: 2589-2609
- Leipe, T., A. Löffler, K.-C. Emeis, S. Jähmlich, R. Bahlo and K. Ziervogel (2000). Vertical patterns of suspended matter characteristics along a coastal-basin transect in the western Baltic Sea. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 51: 789-804
- Lemke, W. (2000). Die kurze und wechselvolle Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ostsee. In: Beiträge zur Geschichte Warnemündes zwischen Diedrichshagen und der Rostocker Heide. WArnemünde: Warnemünder Sonntagsschule, Tourismuszentrale Rostock & Warnemünde: 4-8
- Lemke, W., J. B. Jensen, O. Bennike, A. Witkowski and A. Kuijpers (2000). Late- and postglacial history of the south-western Baltic-Sea. In: Environmental changes in Fennoscandia during the Late Quaternary. Ed. by P. Sandgren. Lund: Lund Univ., Dep. Quart. Geol. (LUNDQUA report; 37): 122
- Lemke, W., J. B. Jensen, O. Bennike, R. Endler, A. Witkowski and A. Kuijpers (2000). Paleogeographical implications of bathymetric thresholds in the western Baltic Sea. In: The Baltic : the 6th Marine Geological Conference, March 7-9, 2000, Hirtshals, Denmark : abstracts. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS): 60
- Lemke, W., J. B. Jensen, O. Bennike, R. Endler, A. Witkowski and A. Kuijpers (2000). Paleographic implications of bathymetric thresholds in the western Baltic. In: Environmental changes in Fennoscandia during the Late Quaternary. Ed. by P. Sandgren. Lund: Lund Univ., Dep. Quart. Geol. (LUNDQUA report; 37): 126
- Lochte, K., A. Boetius and C. Petry (2000). Microbial food webs under severe nutrient limitations: life in the deep sea. In: Microbial biosystems: new frontiers : Proc. 8th Int. Symp. Microbial Ecology, Halifax, 9.-14.8.1998. Ed. by C. R. Bell, M. Brylinsky and P. Johnson-Green. Halifax: Atlantic Canada Society for Microbial Ecology: 95-102
- Löffler, A., T. Leipe and K.-C. Emeis (2000). The "fluffy layer" in the Pomeranian Bight (western Baltic Sea) : geochemistry, mineralogy and environmental aspects. 52: 85-100
- Mamontov, A. A., E. A. Mamontova, E. N. Tarasova and M. S. McLachlan (2000). Tracing the sources of PCDD/Fs and PCBs to Lake Baikal. Environ. sci. technol. 34: 741-747
- Matthäus, W. (2000). Einige Grundzüge der Ozeanographie der Ostsee. In: Beiträge zur Geschichte Warnemündes zwischen Diedrichshagen und der Rostocker Heide. Warnemünde: Warnemünder Sonntagsschule, Tourismuszentrale Rostock & Warnemünde: 37-43
- Matthäus, W. (2000/2001). Sturmniedrigwasser in Warnemünde. Tidingsbringer: ein Warnemünder Bäderjournal 5: 67-69
- Matthäus, W. and G. Nausch (2000). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 1999. DGM-Mitt. 2000, 1: 17
- Matthäus, W., G. Nausch, H. U. Lass, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (1999). The Baltic Sea in 1998: characteristic features of the current stagnation period, nutrient conditions in the surface layer and exceptionally high deep water temperatures. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 51: 67-84
- Matthäus, W., G. Nausch, H. U. Lass, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (2000). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 1999. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 73 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 39)
- Miltner, A. and K.-C. Emeis (2000). Origin and transport of terrestrial organic matter from the Oder Lagoon to the Arkona Basin, southern Baltic Sea. Org. geochem. 31: 57-66
- Mohrholz, V., H. U. Lass and A. Mutzke (1999). Dynamics of river plumes in the Pomeranian Bight (Ext. abstract). ICES j. mar. sc. 56, suppl.: 84-86
- Mohrholz, V., M. Schmidt and J. R. E. Lutjeharms (2000). Space-time behaviour of the Angola-Benguela frontal zone during the Benguela Nino of April 1999 (Poster). ICES Ann. Sc. Conf. 2000: ICES CM paper L:22
- Müller, J. F., D. W. Hawker, D. W. Connell, P. Kömp and M. S. McLachlan (2000). Passive sampling of atmospheric SOCs using tristearin coated fibreglass. Atmos. environ. 34: 3525-3534
- Nausch, M. and G. Nausch (2000). Stimulation of the peptidase activity in nutrient gradients in the Baltic Sea. Soil biol. biochem. 32: 1973-1983
- Neumann, T. (2000). Towards a 3D-ecosystem model of the Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. spec. issue 25, 3/4: 405-419
- Ohlendieck, U., A. Stuhr and H. Siegmund (2000). Nitrogen fixation by diazotrophic cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea and transfer of the newly fixed nitrogen to picoplankton organisms. J. mar. syst. spec. issue 25, 3/4: 213-219
- Pastuszak, M., H. Siegel, S. Sitek, M. Gerth, G. Tschersich, K. Nagel and A. Grelowski (1999). Impact of water temperature on nutrient concentrations in the Oder Estuary in 1996-1998. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 51: 423-439
- Pfannkuche, O. and K. Lochte (2000). The biogeochemistry of the deep Arabian Sea : overview. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2. 47: 2615-2628
- Pollehne, F. (2000). Die Rolle der Küstengewässer - Drehscheibe des Stofftransportes zwischen Land und Meer. 10: 65-81
- Postel, L. (2000). Interannual variations of the amount of herring in relation to plankton biomass and actvity, temperature and cloud coverage in the Baltic Sea. ICES Ann. Sc. Conf. 2000: ICES CM paper M:16
- Postel, L., H. Fock and W. Hagen (2000). Biomass and abundance. In: ICES zooplankton methodology handbook. Ed. by R. Harris, P. Wiebe, J. Lenz, H. R. Skjoldahl and M. Huntley. San Diego: Acad. Press: 83-192
- Reissmann, J. (1999). Bathymetry of four deep Baltic basins. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 51: 489-497
- Rhein, M. (2000). Drifters reveal deep circulation. (News and views). Nature 407: 30-31
- Rusch, A., M. Huettel and S. Forster (2000). Particulate organic matter in permeable marine sands - dynamics in time and depth. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 51: 399-414
- Sameoto, D., P. Wiebe, J. Runge, L. Postel, J. Dunn, C. Miller and S. Coombs (2000). Collecting zooplankton. In: ICES zooplankton methodology handbook. Ed. by R. Harris, P. Wiebe, J. Lenz, H. R. Skjoldahl and M. Huntley. San Diego: Acad. Press: 55-81
- Schernewski, G. (2000). Bathing water quality assessment, status and importance of integrated sustainable management along the German Baltic coast. In: Sustainable development of coastal zones and instruments for its evaluation : international conference 22.-27.10.2000 ; conference documentation. Bremen: Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft: 129-133
- Schernewski, G. (2000). Sustainable development of the German Baltic coasts : regional water quality problems and tourism. In: Sustainable development of coastal zones and instruments for its evaluation : international conference 22.-27.10.2000 ; conference documentation. Bremen: Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft: 134-137
- Schernewski, G. and B. v. Bodungen (2000). Integrative, transdisziplinäre Forschung zum Küstenzonenmanagement : eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme. In: Oder Basin - Baltic Sea Interactions (OBBSI) : Endbericht / Final report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte ; 41): 67-72
- Schernewski, G., R. Dannowski, C. Humborg, S. Mahlburg, C. Müller, F. Pollehne, J. Steidl and V. Wallbaum (2000). Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement am Beispiel von Oder/Stettiner Haff : Erfahrungen und Perspektiven. 9: 73-85
- Schernewski, G., V. Podsetchine and U. Schulz (2000). Flow measurements and simulations in and in front of reed stands (Phragmites australic). In: Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL)..., Rostock, 27.9.-1.10.1999. Tutzing: Eigenverl. der DLG: 1013-1017
- Schernewski, G., V. Podsetchine, D. Asshoff, D. Garbe-Schönberg and T. Huttula (2000). Spatial ecologigal structures in littoral zones and small lakes: examples and future prospects of flow models as research tools. Arch. Hydrobiol. spec. issues Adv. limnol. 55: 227-241
- Schernewski, G., V. Podsetchine, H. Siegel and T. Huttula (2000). Instruments for water quality management and research in coastal zones: flow and transport simulations across spatial scales. Period. biol. 102, suppl. 1: 65-75
- Schmidt, M., V. Mohrholz, T. Schmidt, H. C. John, S. Weinreben, H. Diesterheft, A. Iita, V. Filipe, B.-B. Sangolay, A. Kreiner, V. Hashoongo and D. Da Silva Neto (2000). Data report of R/V "Poseidon" cruise 250 ANDEX' 1999. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 117 S. (Meerswissenschaftliche Berichte; 40)
- Schneider, B., D. Ceburnis, R. Marks, J. Munthe, G. Petersen and M. Sofiev (2000). Atmospheric Pb and Cd input into the Baltic Sea. Mar. chem. 71: 297-307
- Schneider, B., K. Nagel and U. Struck (2000). Carbon fluxes across the halocline in the eastern Gotland Sea. J. mar. syst. spec. issue 25, 3/4: 261-268
- Schneider, B., K. Nagel, H. Thomas and A. Rebers (1999). The Baltic Sea CO2 transfer velocity. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium CO2 in the Oceans, Tsukuba, 18-22.02.1999. Ed. by Y. Nojiri. Tsukuba: Nat. Inst. Env. Res., Center for Global Env. Res.: 289-292
- Schneider, R., D. Schiedek and G. I. Petersen (2000). Baltic cod reproductive impairment: ovarian organo-chlorine levels, hepatic EROD activity, development success of eggs and larvae, challenge tests. ICES Ann. Sc. Conf. 2000: ICES CM paper S:09
- Schröder, A. and B. Sievert (2000). Die Bibliothek des Institutes für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde (IOW) an der Universität Rostock. In: Bibliothek zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel : Festschrift für Peter Hoffmann zum 60. Geburtstag. Ed. by S. Siebert. Rostock: Universität Rostock (Veröffentlichungen der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock ; 129): 209-212
- Schulz, H., K.-C. Emeis, H. Erlenkeuser, U. v. Rad and C. Rolf (1999). Assessing the climatic impact of the Toba megaeruption (Sumatra, ~73,000yrBP) in Arabian Sea sediments. 1999/4: 242-243
- Schulz, H., K.-C. Emeis, U. v. Rad and V. Ittekkot (2000). The deep-sea record of the Arabian Monsoon system : variability , instability and repeated breakdowns of oxygen-minimum conditions during the past 75.000 years. In: Biogeochemical cycles : German contributions to the International Joint Global Ocean Flux Stydy. Ed. by B. Donner and G. Wefer. Bremen: Univ. Bremen, Fachber. Geowissenschaften (Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen ; 162): 83-84
- Schulz, H., U. F. Treppke, V. Ittekkot and U. v. Rad (1999). Seasonal flux and sedimentation in the northeastern Arabian Sea, off Pakistan. In: Bericht über den 8. JGOFS-Workshop am 2. und 3.12.1999 in Bremen. Bremen: Univ. Bremen, Fachber. Geowissenschaften (Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen ; 150): 45-46
- Schulz, H.-M. and K.-C. Emeis (2000). Sources and pathways of natural and anthropogenic hydrocarbons into the natural dump Arkona Basin (southern Baltic Sea). Environ. geol. 39: 839-848
- Schulz, H.-M., A. Schöner and K.-C. Emeis (2000). Long-chain alkenone patterns in the Baltic Sea - the ocean-freshwater connection. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 64: 469-477
- Siegel, H. (2000). Satellite-based studies of the 1997 Oder flood event in the southern Baltic Sea. Remote sens. environ. 73: 207-217
- Siegel, H. and M. Gerth (2000). Remote-sensing studies of the exceptional summer of 1997 in the Baltic Sea: the warmest August of the century, the Oder flood, and phytoplankton blooms. In: Satellites, oceanography and society. Ed. by D. Halpern. Amsterdam: Elsevier (Elsevier oceanography series; 63): 239-255
- Siegel, H., M. Gerth, R. Tiesel and G. Tschersich (1999). Seasonal and interannual variations in satellite derived sea surface temperature of the Baltic sea in the 1990s. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 51: 407-422
- Staniszewski, A., K. Pazdro, J. Beldowski, T. Leipe, K.-C. Emeis and J. Pempkowiak (2000). Temporal and spatial changes of cadmiuim in the near-bottom suspendes matter of the Pomeranian Bay - Arkona Deep system. Oceanologia 42: 483-491
- Struck, U., K.-C. Emeis, M. Voss, C. Christiansen and H. Kunzendorf (2000). Records of southern and central Baltic Sea eutrophication in delta 13 C and delta 15 N of sedimentary organic matter. Mar. geol. 164: 157-171
- Tauber, F. (1999). Spurious clusters in granulometric data caused by logratio transformation. Math. geol. 31: 491-504
- Tauber, F. (2000). Presumable annual layers in a Gotland Basin sediment. In: The Baltic : the 6th Marine Geological Conference, March 7-9, 2000, Hirtshals, Denmark : abstracts. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS): 82
- Tauber, F., W. Lemke and R. Endler (1999). Map of sediment distribution in the western Baltic Sea (1 : 100,000), sheet "Falster - Møn". Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 51: 5-32
- Tauber, F., W. Lemke and R. Endler (2000). Sedimentological sea bottom mapping of the Falster-Moen area. In: The Baltic : the 6th Marine Geological Conference, March 7-9, 2000, Hirtshals, Denmark : abstracts. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS): 83
- Visbeck, M. and M. Rhein (2000). Is bottom boundary layer mixing slowly ventilating Greenland Sea deep water? J. phys. oceanogr. 30: 215-224
- Voss, M., B. Larsen, H. Leivuori and H. Vallius (2000). Stable isotope signals of eutrophication in Baltic Sea sediments. J. mar. syst. spec. issue 25, 3/4: 287-298
- Wasmund, N., G. Nausch, L. Postel and Z. e. a. Witek (2000). Trophic status of coastal and open areas of the south-eastern Baltic Sea based on nutrient phytoplankton data from 1993-1997. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 83 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 38)
- Wasmund, N., J. Alheit, F. Pollehne and H. Siegel (2000). Der biologische Zustand der Ostsee im Jahre 1999 auf der Basis von Phytoplankton- und Zooplanktonuntersuchungen. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 65 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 43)
- Wasmund, N., M. Zalewski and S. Busch (1999). Phytoplankton in large river plumes in the Baltic Sea. ICES j. mar. sc. 56, suppl.: 23-32
- Witt, G. and E. Trost (1999). Distribution and fate of polycyclic hydrocarbons in sediments and fluffy layer material from the Odra River Estuary. Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol. 27: 308-315
- Witt, G. and H. Siegel (2000). The consequences of the Oder flood in 1997 on the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Oder River Estuary. Mar. poll. bull. 40: 1124-1131
- Zettler, M. L. (2000). Biologische Artenvielfalt in Küstengewässern der Ostsee am Beispiel der Krebse (Malacostraca). In: Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL)..., Rostock, 27.9.-1.10.1999. Tutzing: Eigenverlag der DLG: 414-418
- Zettler, M. L. (2000). Weitere Bemerkungen zur Morphologie von Unio crasis PHILIPSSON 1788 aus dem nordeuropäischen Vereisungsgebiet (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Malakol. Abh. 20: 73-78
- Zettler, M. L. and D. Schiedek (2000). Application of underwater video for assessment of macrozoobenthic colonization and sediment structure in German Baltic waters: Report of the Benthos Ecology Working Group, Ann. 5. ICES ann. sc. conf. 1999: ICES CM paper E: 08
- Zettler, M. L., R. Bönsch and F. Gosselck (2000). Verbreitung des Makrozoobenthos in der Mecklenburger Bucht (südliche Ostsee) - rezent und im historischen Vergleich. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 144 S. (Meerswissenschaftliche Berichte; 42)