Publication List 2005
- Alheit, J., C. Möllmann, J. Dutz, G. Kornilovs, P. Loewe, V. Mohrholz and N. Wasmund (2005). Synchronous ecological regime shifts in the central Baltic and the North Sea in the late 1980s. ICES j. mar. sc. 62: 1205-1215
- Bartholdy, J., T. Leipe, P. Frenzel, F. Tauber and R. Bahlo (2005). High resolution single particle analysis by scanning electron microscopy: a new tool to investigate the mineral composition of agglutinated foraminifers. Stud. geol. pol. 124: 53-65
- Bauerfeind, E., T. Leipe and R. O. Ramseier (2005). Sedimentation at the permanently ice-covered Greenland continental shelf (74°57.7´N /12°58.7´W): significance of biogenic and lithogenic particles in particulate matter flux. J. mar. syst. 56: 151-166
- Becks, L., F. M. Hilker, H. Malchow, K. Jürgens and H. Arndt (2005). Experimental demonstration of chaos in a microbial food web. 435: 1226-1229
- Beineke, A., U. Siebert, M. S. McLachlan, R. Bruhn, K. Thron, K. Failing, G. Müller and W. Baumgärtner (2005). Investigation of the potential influence of environmental contaminants on the thymus and spleen of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Environ. sci. technol. 39: 3933-3938
- Berglund, J., K. Jürgens, I. Bruchmüller, M. Wedin and A. Andersson (2005). Use of group-specific PCR primers for identification of chrysophytes by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Aquat. microb. ecol. 39: 171-182
- Blanz, T., K.-C. Emeis and H. Siegel (2005). Controls on alkenone unsaturation ratios along the salinity gradient between the open ocean and the Baltic Sea. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 69: 3589-3600
- Bobertz, B., C. Kuhrts, J. Harff, W. Fennel, T. Seifert and B. Bohling (2005). Sediment properties in the Western Baltic Sea for the use in sediment transport modelling. J. coast. res. 21: 588-597
- Bock, B., V. Liebetrau, F. Eisenhauer, R. Frei and T. Leipe (2005). Nd isotope signature of Holocene Baltic Mn/Fe precipitates as monitor of climate change during the Little Ice Age. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 69: 2253-2263
- Bock, S. and G. Schernewski (2005). Das Regionale Informationssystem zur Odermündungsregion. In: Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon : exchange of experiences in the region. Ed. by B. Glaeser, A. Sekscinska and N. Löser. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 6): 169 – 174
- Bohling, B. (2005). Estimating the risk for erosion of surface sediments in the Mecklenburg Bight (south-western Baltic Sea). 18: 3-12
- Burchard, H. (2005). (Guest ed.:) Part 4: Boundary layers. In: Marine turbulence : theories, observations and models. Ed. by H. Z. Baumert, J. H. Simpson and J. Sündermann. Cambrigde: Cambrigde Univ. Press: 241-314
- Burchard, H. (2005). (Guest ed.:)Part 3: Numerical and computational methods. In: Marine turbulence : theories, observations and models. Ed. by H. Z. Baumert, J. H. Simpson and J. Sündermann. Cambrigde: Cambrigde Univ. Press.: 157-239
- Burchard, H. (2005). Epilogue to Part 3: Numerical and computational methods. In: Marine turbulence : theories, observations and models. Ed. by H. Z. Baumert, J. H. Simpson and J. Sündermann. Cambrigde: Cambrigde Univ. Press: 238
- Burchard, H. (2005). Epilogue to Part 4 : Boundary layers. In: Marine turbulence : theories, observations and models. Ed. by H. Z. Baumert, J. H. Simpson and J. Sündermann. Cambrigde: Cambrigde Univ. Press: 314
- Burchard, H. (2005). Prologue to Part 3: Numerical and computational methods. In: Marine turbulence : theories, observations and models. Ed. by H. Z. Baumert, J. H. Simpson and J. Sündermann. Cambrigde: Cambrigde Univ. Press: 159
- Burchard, H. (2005). Prologue to Part 4 : Boundary layers. In: Marine turbulence : theories, observations and models. Ed. by H. Z. Baumert, J. H. Simpson and J. Sündermann. Cambrigde: Cambrigde Univ. Press: 243
- Burchard, H. and L. Umlauf (2005). Observations and numerical modelling of mixed layer turbulence: do the represent the same statistical quantities? (Editorial). Deep-sea res. Pt. 2. 52: 1069-1074
- Burchard, H. and L. Umlauf, Eds. (2005). Observations and modelling of mixed layer turbulence: do the represent the same statistical quantities? (Special issue from the First Warnemünde Turbulence Days, sept. 17-19, 2003). 1069-1357 S. (Deep-Sea research Part 2. vol. 52, no.9-10)
- Burchard, H., E. Deleersnijder and A. Meister (2005). Application of modified Patankar schemes to stiff biogeochemical models for the water column. Ocean dyn. 55: 326-337
- Burchard, H., E. Deleersnijder and G. Stoyan (2005). Some numerical aspects of turbulence-closure models. In: Marine turbulence : theories, observations and models. Ed. by H. Z. Baumert, J. H. Simpson and J. Sündermann. Cambrigde: Cambrigde Univ. Press: 197-206
- Burchard, H., H. U. Lass, V. Mohrholz, L. Umlauf, J. Sellschopp, V. Fiekas, K. Bolding and L. Arneborg (2005). Dynamics of medium-intensity dense water plumes in the Arkona Sea, Western Baltic Sea. Ocean dyn. 55: 391-402
- Burchard, H., K. Bolding, M. R. Villarreal, T. P. Rippeth, N. Fisher and A. Stips (2005). The GOTM modelling system. In: Marine turbulence : theories, observations and models. Ed. by H. Z. Baumert, J. H. Simpson and J. Sündermann. Cambrigde: Cambrigde Univ. Press: 213-224
- Carstensen, J., A.-S. Heiskanen, P. Kauppila, T. Neumann, G. Schernewski and Gromisz S. (2005). Developing reference conditions for phytoplankton in the Baltic coastal waters. Part II: Examples of reference conditions developed from the Baltic Sea. Ispra: Inst. Environ. and Sustainability. 35 S. (Technical report/ EU Joint Research Centre ; EU 21582/EN/2)
- Deutsch, B., I. Liskow, P. Kahle and M. Voss (2005). Variations in the d15N and d18O values of nitrate in drainage water of two fertilized fields in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany). Aquat. sc. 67: 156-165
- Dippner, J. W. (2005). Mathematical modelling of the transport of pollutants in water. In: Encyclopedia of life support systems (EOLSS) : http://www.eolss.net/. Oxford: EOLSS Publ.:
- Dippner, J. W., F. Janssen and T. Leipe (2005). IBSEN - a millennium study of regional climate variability in the Baltic Sea. BALTEX newsl. 7: 8-10
- Dutz, J., W. C. M. Klein Breteler and G. Kramer (2005). Inhibition of copepod feeding by exudates and transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) derived from a Phaeocystis globosa dominated phytoplankton community. Harmful algae 4: 929-940
- Ebeling, W. and R. Feistel (2005). Chaos i kosmos. Moskva-Izevsk: Reguljarnaja i Chaotiseskaja Dinamika. 335 S., 5-93972-454-X
- Feistel, R. (2005). Numerical implementation and oceanographic application of the Gibbs thermodynamic potential of seawater. Ocean sci. 1, 1: 1-19 , http://www.ocean-science.net/os/1/9/
- Feistel, R. and W. Ebeling (2005). Statistical theory of electrolytic skin effects. In: Nucleation theory and applications. Ed. by J. W. P. Schmelzer, G. Röpke and V. B. Priezzhev. Dubna: Joint Inst. Nuclear Research: 401-418
- Feistel, R. and W. Wagner (2005). A comprehensive Gibbs potential of ice Ih. In: Nucleation theory and applications. Ed. by J. W. P. Schmelzer, G. Röpke and V. B. Priezzhev. Dubna: Joint Inst. Nuclear Research: 120-142
- Feistel, R. and W. Wagner (2005). A comprehensive Gibbs thermodynamic potential of ice. In: Water, steam, and aqueous solutions for electric power. Ed. by M. Nakahara. Kyoto: MARUZEN (Proceedings of the 14th Internat. Conference of the Properties of Water and Steam): 751-756
- Feistel, R. and W. Wagner (2005). High-pressure thermodynamic Gibbs functions of ice and sea ice. J. mar. res. 63: 95-139
- Feistel, R., W. Wagner, V. Tchijov and C. Guder (2005). Numerical implementation and oceanographic application of the Gibbs potential of ice. Ocean sci. 1, 1: 29-38, http://www.ocean-science.net/os/1/29/
- Fennel, W. and T. Osborn (2005). A unifying framework for marine ecological model comparison. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2. 52: 1344-1357
- Garrity, C., R. O. Ramseier, R. Peinert, S. Kern and G. Fischer (2005). Water column particulate organic carbon modeled fluxes in the ice-frequented Southern Ocean. J. mar. syst. 56: 133 -149
- Gasiunaite, Z. R., A. C. Cardoso, A.-S. Heiskanen, P. Henriksen, P. Kauppila, I. Olenina, R. Pilkaityte, I. Purina, A. Razinkovas, S. Sagert, H. Schubert and N. Wasmund (2005). Seasonality of coastal phytoplankton the Baltic Sea: influence of salinity and eutrophication. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 65: 239-252
- Gerofke, A., P. Kömp and M. S. McLachlan (2005). Bioconcentration of persistent organic pollutants in four species of marine phytoplankton. Environ. toxicol. chem. 24: 2908-2917
- Glaeser, B., A. Sekscinska and N. Loeser, Eds. (2005). Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon : exchange of experiences in the region. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. 183 S. (Coastline reports ; 6)
- Glaeser, B., K. Gärtner, M. Glaser, G. Janssen, A. Kannen, G. Krause and G. Schernewski (2005). Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement (IKZM) als Instrument nachhaltiger Ent-wicklung : Probleme, Perspektiven und Empfehlungen. In: Küste, Ökologie und Mensch : integriertes Küstenmanagement als Instrument nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Ed. by B. Glaeser. München: oecom-Verlag (Edition Humanökologie; 2): 311-334
- Glaeser, B., N. Loeser and A. Sekscinska (2005). Regionale IKZM–Prozesse im Kontext der nationalen Strategie. In: Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon : exchange of experiences in the region. Ed. by B. Glaeser, A. Sekscinska and N. Löser. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 6): 1-9
- Glöer, P. and M. L. Zettler (2005). Kommentierte Artenliste der Süßwassermollusken Deutschlands. Malakol. Abh. 23: 3-26
- Goncalves Ito, R., B. Schneider and H. Thomas (2005). Distribution of surface fCO2 and air-sea fluxes in the southwestern subtropical Atlantic and adjacent continental shelf. J. mar. syst. 56: 227-242
- Gustafsson, Ö., P. Andersson, J. Axelmann, T. D. Bucheli, P. Kömp, M. S. McLachlan, A. Sobek and J.-O. Thörngren (2005). Observations of the PCB distribution within and in-between ice, snow, ice-rafted debris, ice-interstitial water, and seawater in the Barents Sea Marginal Ice Zone and the North Pole Area. Sci. total environ. 342: 261-279
- Haarich, M., C. Pohl, T. Leipe, K. Grünwald, A. Bachor, M. v. Weber, T. Petenati, C. Schröter-Kermani, W. Jansen and A. Bladt (2005). Ostsee: anorganische Schadstoffe. In: Messprogramm Meeresumwelt: Zustandsbericht 1999 - 2002 für Nord- und Ostsee. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt f. Seeschifffahrt u. Hydrographie (Bund-Länder-Messprogramm Meeresumwelt; 4): 167-194
- Hagen, E. (2005). Beobachtungen fluktuierender Randströme im "Östlichen Gotlandbecken" der Ostsee. In: Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2004 : 14. Symposium, 24.-25.5.2004, Hamburg. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie: 127-138
- Hagen, E. (2005). Zonal wavelengths of planetary Rossby waves derived from hydrographic transects in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean? J. oceanogr. 61: 1039-1046
- Hagen, E. and R. Feistel (2005). Climatic turning points and regime shifts in the Baltic Sea region: the Baltic winter index (WIBIX,1659-2002). Boreal environ. res. 10: 211-224
- Hagen, E., J. J. Agenbag and R. Feistel (2005). The winter St.Helena climate index and extreme Benguela upwelling. J. mar. syst. 57: 219-230
- Hansen, F. C., R. Cloete and H. M. Verheye (2005). Seasonal and spatial variability of dominant copepods along a transect off Walvis Bay (23°S), Namibia. Afr. j. mar. sc. 27: 55-63
- Harff, J., R. Lampe, W. Lemke, H. Lübke, F. Lüth, M. Meyer and F. Tauber (2005). The Baltic Sea - a model ocean to study interrelations of geosphere, ecosphere and anthroposphere in the coastal zone. J. coast. res. 21: 441-446
- Heiskanen, A.-S., S. Gromisz, A. Jaanus, P. Kauppila, I. Purina, S. Sagert and N. Wasmund (2005). Developing reference conditions for phytoplankton in the Baltic coastal waters. Part I: Applicability of historical and long-term datasets for reconstruction of past phytoplankton conditions. Ispra: Inst. Environ. and Sustainability. 78 S. (Technical report/ EU Joint Research Centre ; EU 21582/EN/1)
- Hille, S., G. Nausch and T. Leipe (2005). Sedimentary deposition and reflux of phosphorus (P) in the Eastern Gotland Basin and their coupling with P-concentrations in the water column. Oceanologia 47: 663-679
- Hofstede, J. and G. Schernewski (2005). Two coastal management and public participation case studies in Germany. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean (ICCCM 2005). Ed. by F. V. Gomes. Porto: Instituto de Hidraulica e Recursos Hidricos: 371-379
- Höfle, M. G., S. Flavier, R. Christen, J. Bötel, M. Labrenz and I. Brettar (2005). Retrieval of nearly complete 16S rRNA gene sequences from environmental DNA following 16S rRNA based community fingerprinting. Environ. microbiol. 7: 670-675
- Jeroschewski, P. and G. Witt (2005). Umweltanalytik und Ökotoxikologie (Lehrbrief f. weiterbildendes Fernstudium "Umweltschutz"). Rostock: Universität Rostock. 128 S.
- Jónasdóttir, S. H., N. H. Trung, F. C. Hansen and S. Gärtner (2005). Egg production and hatching success of the calanoid copepods Calanus helgolandicus and Calanus finmarchicus in the North Sea from March to September 2001. J. plankton res. 27: 1229-1238
- Kersten, M., T. Leipe and F. Tauber (2005). Storm disturbance of sediment contaminants at a hot-spot in the Baltic Sea assessed by 234Th. Environ. sci. technol. 39: 984-990
- Koski, M., J. Dutz and W. C. M. Klein Breteler (2005). Selective grazing of Temora longicornis in different stages of a Phaeocystis globosa bloom - a mesocosm study. Harmful algae 4: 915-927
- Kuijpers, A., H. Heinrich and M. Moros (2005). Climatic warming: a trigger for glacial iceberg surges („Heinrich events“) in the North Atlantic? Geol. Survey of Denmark and Greenland bull. 7: 53-56
- Labrenz, M. and P. Hirsch (2005). Genus IV. Antarctobacter. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Vol. 2,C: The Proteobacteria. 2nd ed. Ed. by G. M. Garrity. New York: Springer: 172-174
- Labrenz, M. and P. Hirsch (2005). Genus XIX. Roseovarius. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Vol. 2,C: The Proteobacteria. Ed. by G. M. Garrity. New York: Springer: 215-217
- Labrenz, M. and P. Hirsch (2005). Genus XXIII. Staleya. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Vol. 2,C: The Proteobacteria. Ed. by G. M. Garrity. New York: Springer: 221-223
- Labrenz, M., G. Jost, C. Pohl, S. Beckmann, W. Martens-Habbena and K. Jürgens (2005). Impact of different in vitro electron donor/acceptor conditions on potential chemolithoautotrophic communities from marine pelagic redoxclines. Appl. environ. microbiol. 71: 6664-6672
- Labrenz, M., P. A. Lawson, B. J. Tindall, M. D. Collins and P. Hirsch (2005). Roseosalinus antarcticus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel aerobic bacteriochlorophyll a-producing alpha-Proteobacterium isolated from hypersaline Ekho Lake, Antarctica. Int. j. syst. evol. microbiol. 55: 41-47
- Lampe, R., E. Endtmann, W. Janke, H. Meyer, H. Lübke, J. Harff and W. Lemke (2005). A new relative sea-level curve for the Wismar Bay, N-German Baltic coast. Meyniana 57: 5-35
- Lass, H. U. and V. Mohrholz (2005). On the fluctuations and vertical structure of the shelf circulation off Walvis Bay , Namibia. Cont. shelf res. 25: 1473-1497
- Lass, H. U., V. Mohrholz and T. Seifert (2005). On pathways and residence time of saltwater plumes in the Arkona Sea. J. geophys. res. 110: C11019; doi:10.1029/2004JC002848, (1-24)
- Lehmann, A., D. Jacob and J. W. Dippner (2005). DEKLIM Final Symposium. BALTEX newsl. 7: 6
- Leipe, T., M. Kersten, S. Heise, C. Pohl, G. Witt, G. Liehr, M. L. Zettler and F. Tauber (2005). Ecotoxicity assessment of natural attenuation effects at a historical dumping site in the western Baltic Sea. Mar. poll. bull. 50: 446-459
- Lemke, W. (2005). Die kurze und wechselvolle Geschichte der Ostsee. In: Ostseesplitter 2005 : meereskundliche Geschichten aus der Ostsee. 4 S.
- Lemke, W. (2005). Wann kam die Flut? Aktuelle Untersuchungen zum Verlauf der Litorina -Transgression. In: Ostseesplitter 2005 : meereskundliche Geschichten aus der Ostsee. 4 S.
- Lemke, W. and J. Harff (2005). Holocene of Europe. In: Encyclopedia of Geology. Ed. by R. C. Selley. Amsterdam: Elsevier: 147-160
- Liehr, G., M. L. Zettler, T. Leipe and G. Witt (2005). The ocean quahog Arctica islandica L.: a bioindicator for contaminated sediments. Mar. biol. 147: 671-679
- Lloyd, J. M., L. A. Park, A. Kuijpers and M. Moros (2005). Early Holocene palaeoceanography and deglacial chronology of Disko Bugt, West Greenland. Quat. sci. rev. 24: 1741-1755
- Loeser, N. and A. Sekscinska (2005). Auswirkungen des Einzugsgebietes auf die Küstenzone der Oder : mediale Präsenz in Deutschland und Polen. In: Neue Ergebnisse der Meeres- und Küstenforschung : Beiträge der 23. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Geographie der Meere und Küsten v. 28. - 30. 4. 2005, Univ. Koblenz-Landau. Ed. by N. Beck. Koblenz: Inst. f. Integrierte Naturwiss. der Univ. Koblenz-Landau (Schriften des Arbeitskreises Landes- und Volkskunde ; 4): 162-175
- Loeser, N. and A. Sekscinska, Eds. (2005). Integriertes Küste-Flusseinzugsgebiets-Management an der Oder/Odra : Hintergrundbericht. http://www.ikzm-oder.de/ergebnisse_ikzm-oder_berichte.php?dokid=217. Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung. 127 S. (IKZM-Oder Berichte; 14)
- Loick, N., W. Ekau and H. Verheye (2005). Water body preferences of dominant calanoid copepod species in the Angola-Benguela frontal zone. Afr. j. mar. sc. 27: 597 - 608
- Luckas, B., J. Dahlmann, K. Erler, G. Gerdts, N. Wasmund, C. Hummert and P. D. Hansen (2005). Overview on key phytoplankton toxins and their recent occurrence in the North and Baltic Seas. Environ. toxicol. 20: 1-17
- Lunau, M., A. Lemke, K. Walther, W. Martens-Habbena and M. Simon (2005). An improved method for counting bacteria from sediments and turbid environments by epifluorescence microscopy. 7: 961-968
- Matthäus, W. (2005). Am Tropf der Nordsee : Ursachen und Auswirkungen von Salzwassereinbrüchen. In: Ostseesplitter 2005 : meereskundliche Geschichten aus der Ostsee. 4 S.
- Matz, C. and K. Jürgens (2005). High motility reduces grazing mortality of planktonic bacteria. Appl. environ. microbiol. 71: 921-929
- Meyer, M. and J. Harff (2005). Modeling palaeo coastline changes of the Baltic Sea. J. coast. res. 21: 598-609
- Miltner, A., K.-C. Emeis, U. Struck, T. Leipe and M. Voss (2005). Terrigenous organic matter in Holocene sediments from the central Baltic Sea, NW Europe. Chem. geol. 216: 313-328
- Moschella, P. S., R. P. W. M. Laane, S. Back, H. Behrendt, G. Bendoricchio, S. Georgiou, P. M. J. Herman, H. Lindeboom, M. S. Skourtous, P. Tett, M. Voss and W. Windhorst (2005). Methodologies to support implementation of the Water Framework Directive. In: Managing European coasts : past, present and future. Ed. by J. Vermaat, L. Bouwer, K. Turner and W. Salomons. Berlin: Springer: 137-152
- Nausch, G. (2005). Der Zustand der Ostsee und die Aktivitätender Helsinki-Kommission. In: Ostseesplitter 2005 : meereskundliche Geschichten aus der Ostsee. 4 S.
- Nausch, G., M. v. Weber, T. Petenati, R. Feistel and A. Bachor (2005). Ostsee: Nährstoffbedingungen. In: Messprogramm Meeresumwelt: Zustandsbericht 1999 - 2002 für Nord- und Ostsee. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt f. Seeschifffahrt u. Hydrographie (Bund-Länder-Messprogramm Meeresumwelt; 4): 161-166
- Nausch, G., M. v. Weber, T. Petenati, R. Feistel and A. Bachor (2005). Ostsee: Ozeanographie. In: Messprogramm Meeresumwelt: Zustandsbericht 1999 - 2002 für Nord- und Ostsee. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt f. Seeschifffahrt u. Hydrographie (Bund-Länder-Messprogramm Meeresumwelt; 4): 155-160
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel and E. Hagen (2005). Water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea and conditions in the deep basins. http://www.helcom.fi/environment2/ifs/ifs2005/en_GB/inflow/
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, H. U. Lass, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (2005). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 2004. Meereswiss. Ber. 62: 3-78
- Nausch, G., W. Matthäus and R. Feistel (2005). Hydrographisch-hydrochemische Bedingungen im Bereich des Gotlandtief zwischen 1992 und 2003 und Auswirkungen auf den Nährstoffhaushalt. In: Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2004 : 14. Symposium, 24.-25.5.2004, Hamburg. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie: 117-126
- Neumann, T. and C. Kremp (2005). A model study with light-dependent mortality rates of copepod stages. J. mar. syst. 56: 416-434
- Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2005). An ecological model evaluation of two nutrient abatement strategies for the Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. 56: 195-206
- Neumann, T., N. Rausch, T. Leipe, O. Dellwig, Z. Berner and M. E. Böttcher (2005). Intense pyrite formation under low-sulfate conditions in the Achterwasser lagoon, SW Baltic Sea. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 69: 3619-3630
- Pastuszak, M., Z. Witek, K. Nagel, M. Wielgat and A. Grelowski (2005). Role of the Oder estuary (southern Baltic) in transformation of the riverine nutrient loads. J. mar. syst. 57: 30-54
- Peine, F., B. Bobertz and G. Graf (2005). Influence of the blue mussle Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus) on the bottom roughness length (z0) in the south-western Baltic Sea. Baltica 18: 13-22
- Pempkowiak, J., J. Beldowski, K. Pazdro, A. Staniszewski, A. Zaborska, T. Leipe and K.-C. Emeis (2005). Factors influencing fluffy layer suspended matter (FLSM) properties in the Odra River - Pomeranian Bay - Arkona Deep system (Baltic Sea) as derived by principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA). Hydrol. earth syst. sci. 9: 67-80
- Permien, T., P. Dehne, N. Loeser and G. Schernewski (2005). Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement als ein Prozess der regionalen Agenda 21. In: Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon : exchange of experiences in the region. Ed. by B. Glaeser, A. Sekscinska and N. Löser. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 6): 55 – 62
- Pfeifer, S., D. Schiedek and J. W. Dippner (2005). Effect of temperature and salinity on acetylcholinesterase activity, a common pollution biomarker, in Mytilus sp. from the south-western Baltic Sea. J. exp. mar. biol. ecol. 320: 93-103
- Pohl, C. and U. Hennings (2005). The coupling of long-term trace metal trends to internal trace metal fluxes at the oxic-anoxic interface in the Gotland Basin; (57°19,20`N; 20°03,00`E). J. mar. syst. 56: 207-225
- Pohl, C., U. Hennings and T. Leipe (2005). Die Schwermetall-Situation in der Ostsee im Jahre 2004. Meereswiss. Ber. 62: 81-117
- Postel, L. (2005). Filigrane Wunderwerke oder glibberiger Matsch: Quallen-Vorkommen und Gefährdung. In: Ostseesplitter 2005 : meereskundliche Geschichten aus der Ostsee.: 4 S
- Postel, L. (2005). Ostsee: marine Lebensgemeinschaften: Zooplankton. In: Messprogramm Meeresumwelt: Zustandsbericht 1999 - 2002 für Nord- und Ostsee. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt f. Seeschifffahrt u. Hydrographie (Bund-Länder-Messprogramm Meeresumwelt; 4): 237-242
- Reissmann, J. H. (2005). An algorithm to detect isolated anomalies in three-dimensional stratified data fields with an application to density fields from four deep basins of the Baltic Sea. 110: C12018; doi:10.1029/2005JC002885, (1-17)
- Rocha, C., S. Forster, E. Koning and E. Epping (2005). High-resolution permeability determination and two-dimensional porewater flow in sandy sediment. Limnol. oceanogr. : methods 3: 10-23
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