Publication List 2006
- Alheit, J. (2006). Einfluss der Klimavariabilität auf marine Ökosysteme. In: Faszination Meeresforschung : ein ökologisches Lesebuch. Ed. by G. Hempel et.al. Bremen: Hauschild: 56-59
- Andersen, J. H., J. Aigars, U. Claussen, B. Hakansson, H. Karup, M. Laamanen, E. Lysiak-Pastuszak, G. Martin and G. Nausch (2006). Development of tools for assessment of eutrophication in the Baltic Sea. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission. 64 S. (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 104)
- Auer, N. R. and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2006). Stable carbon isotope analysis of anthropogenic volatile halogenated C1 and C2 organic compounds. Environ. chem. 3: 268-275
- Auer, N. R., B. U. Manzke and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2006). Development of a purge and trap continuous flow system for the stable carbon isotope analysis of volatile halogenated organic compounds in water. J . chromatogr. 1131: 24-36
- Balzer, W., J. Alheit, K.-C. Emeis, H. U. Lass and M. Türkay (2006). South-East Atlantic 2000 : cruise no. 48, 6 July 2000 - 3 November 2000, Walvis Bay - Walvis Bay. Hamburg: Leitstelle METEOR, Inst. f. Meereskunde der Univ. Hamburg. getr. Zähl. S. (Meteor-Berichte ; 06-5)
- Baršienë, J., D. Schiedek, A. Rybakovas, J. Syvokiene, J. Kopecka and L. Förlin (2006). Cytogenetic and cytotoxic effects in gill cells of the blue mussel Mytilus spp. from different zones of the Baltic Sea. Mar. poll. bull. 53: 469-478
- Bauerfeind, E. and B. v. Bodungen (2006). Underestimation of biogenic silicon flux due to dissolution in sediment trap samples. Mar. geol. 226: 297-306
- Blake, R. E., A. V. Surkov, M. E. Böttcher, T. G. Ferdelman and B. B. Jorgensen (2006). Oxygen isotope composition of dissolved sulphate in deep-sea sediments: Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Proc. ODP: sci. results 201: Ms 2001SR-116 (1-23) http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/201_SR/116/116.htm
- Bochert, R. and M. L. Zettler (2006). Effect of electromagnetic fields on marine organisms. In: Offshore wind energy : research on environmental impacts. Ed. by J. Köller et.al. Berlin: Springer: 223-234
- Bouillon, S. and M. E. Böttcher (2006). Stable isotopes in biogeosciences (preface). Org. geochem. 37: 1197-1199
- Bouillon, S. and M. E. Böttcher, Eds. (2006). Stable isotopes in biogeosciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1197-1420 S. (Organic geochemistry, Special issue, vol.37, no.10)
- Brettar, I., M. Labrenz, S. Flavier, J. Bötel, H. Kuosa, R. Christen and M. G. Höfle (2006). Identification of a Thiomicrospira denitrificans-like Epsilonproteobacterium as a catalyst for autotrophic denitrification in the central Baltic Sea. Appl. environ. microbiol. 72: 1364–1372
- Brüchert, V., B. Currie, K. R. Peard, U. Lass, R. Endler, A. Dübecke, E. Julies, T. Leipe and Z. S. (2006). Biogeogeochemical and physical control of shelf anoxia and water column hydrogen sulphide in the Benguela coastal upwelling system off Namibia. In: Past and present water column anoxia: proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held in Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, 4-8 October 2003. Ed. by L. N. Neretin. Dordrecht: Springer (Nato science series : 4: Earth and environmental sciences ; 64): 161-193
- Burchard, H. (2006). Können Windparks die Ostee aufmischen? In: Ostseesplitter 2006 : meereskundliche Geschichten aus der Ostsee. 4 S.
- Burchard, H., K. Bolding, W. Kühn, A. Meister, T. Neumann and L. Umlauf (2006). Description of a flexible and extendable physical-biogeochemical model system for the water column. J. mar. syst. 61: 180-211
- Böttcher, M. E., A. Hetzel, H.-J. Brumsack and A. Schipper (2006). Sulfur-iron-carbon geochemistry in sediments of the Demerara Rise. Proc. ODP: sci. results 207: Ms207SR-108 (1-23) http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/207_SR/108/108.htm
- Böttcher, M. E., T. G. Ferdelman, B. B. Jorgensen, R. E. Blake, A. V. Surkov and G. E. Claypool (2006). Sulfur isotope fractionation by the deep biosphere within sediments of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific and Peru Margin. Proc. ODP: sci. results 201: Ms 2001SR-109 (1-21) http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/201_SR/109/109.htm
- Conte, M. H., M.-A. Sicre, C. Rühlemann, J. C. Weber, S. Schulte, D. E. Schulz-Bull and T. Blanz (2006). Global temperature calibration of the alkenone unsaturation index (Uk'37) in surface waters and comparison with surface sediments. Geochem., geophys., geosyst. 7: Q02005, doi:10.1029/2005GC001054, (1-22)
- Corno, G. and K. Jürgens (2006). Direct and indirect effects of protist predation on population size structure of a bacterial strain with high phenotypic plasticity. Appl. environ. microbiol. 72: 78-86
- Cremer, H. and B. Wagner (2006). The modern and Holocene diatom flora in Crater Lake El’gygytgyn. In: International El’gygytgyn Lake Workshop 2004 in Leipzig - expedition 2003 and deep drilling prospects (Leipziger Geowissenschaften 15/16). Leipzig: Univ. , Inst. f. Geophys. u. Geol.: 13-14
- Daunys, D. and M. L. Zettler (2006). Invasion of the North-American amphipod (Gammarus tigrinus Sexton, 1939) into the Curonian lagoon, south-eastern Baltic Sea. Acta zool. Lituanica 16: 20-26
- Deutsch, B. and M. Voss (2006). Anthropogenic nitrogen input traced by means of d15N values in macroalgae: results from in-situ incubation experiments. Sci. total environ. 366: 799-808
- Deutsch, B. and U. Berth (2006). Differentiation of western and eastern Baltic Sea cod stocks (Gadus morhua) by means of stable isotope ratios in muscles and otoliths. J. appl. ichthyol. 22: 538-539
- Deutsch, B., M. Mewes, I. Liskow and M. Voss (2006). Quantification of diffuse nitrate inputs into a small river system using stable isotopes of oxygen and nitrogen in nitrate. Org. geochem. 37: 1333-1342
- Deutsch, B., P. Kahle and M. Voss (2006). Assessing the source of nitrate pollution in water using stable N and O isotopes. Agron. sustain. dev. 26: 263-267
- Dippner, J. W. (2006). Future aspects in marine ecosystem modelling. J. mar. syst. 61: 246-267
- Dippner, J. W. (2006). Klimavariasjoner i Oestersjoen de sista 1000 ar. 2006, 1: 32-35
- Dippner, J. W. and ... (2006). Assessment of climate change for the Baltic Sea basin - the BACC project. Geesthacht: International BALTEX Secretariat. 26 S. (Publication / International BALTEX Secretariat; 35)
- Dutz, J. and M. Koski (2006). Trophic significance of solitary cells of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis globosa depends on cell type. Limnol. oceanogr. 51: 1230-1238
- Ebeling, W., R. Feistel, I. Hartmann-Sonntag, L. Schimansky-Geier and A. Scharnhorst (2006). New species in evolving networks - stochastic theory of sensitive networks and applications on the metaphorical level. Biosystems 85: 65-71
- Feistel, R. (2006). Wird die Ostsee zum Süßwassermeer? In: Ostseesplitter 2006 : meereskundliche Geschichten aus der Ostsee. 4 S.
- Feistel, R. and S. Feistel (2006). Die Ostsee als thermodynamisches System. In: Irreversible Prozesse und Selbstorganisation. Ed. by T. Pöschel et al. Berlin: Logos Verl.: 247-264
- Feistel, R. and W. Wagner (2006). A new equation of state for H2O ice Ih. J. phys. chem. ref. data 35: 1021-1047
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch and E. Hagen (2006). Response of Baltic water properties to the unusual inflow sequence sinc 2002. 2006: ICES CM paper C : 09
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch and E. Hagen (2006). Unusual Baltic inflow activity in 2002-2003 and varying deep-water properties. Oceanologia 48, S: 21-35
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch and E. Hagen (2006). Water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea and conditions in the deep basins. http://www.helcom.fi/environment2/ifs/ifs2006/en_GB/waterexchange/
- Feistel, R., T. J. McDougall and F. J. Millero (2006). Eine neue Zustandsgleichung des Meerwassers. DGM-Mitt. 2006, 2: 19-21
- Fréon, P., J. Alheit, E. D. Barton, S. Kifani and P. Marchesiello (2006). Modelling, forecasting and scenarios in comparable upwelling ecosystems: California, Canary and Humboldt. In: Benguela : predicting a large marine ecosystem. Ed. by V. Shannon et al. . Amsterdam: Elsevier (Large marine ecosystems ; 14): 185-220
- German, C. R., E. T. Baker, D. P. Connelly, J. E. Lupton, J. Resing, R. D. Prien, S. L. Walker, H. N. Edmonds and C. H. Langmuir (2006). Hydrothermal exploration of the Fonualei rift and spreading center and the northeast Lau spreading centre. Geochem., geophys., geosyst. 7, 11: Q11022, doi:10.1029/2006GC001324
- Grøsvik, B. E., H. Jonsson, M. J. Rodriguez-Ortega, P. Roepstorff and A. Goksøyr (2006). CYP1A-immunopositive proteins in bivalves identified as cytoskeletal and major vault proteins. Aquat. toxicol. 79: 334-340
- Hagen, E. (2006). Volcano dust and long-term modes of the Baltic Sea winter climate. BALTEX newsl. 9: 14-15
- Hajdu, S., I. Olenina, N. Wasmund, L. Edler and B. Witek (2006). Unusual phytoplankton events in 2005. http://www.helcom.fi/environment2/ifs/ifs2006/en_GB/phyto/
- Hannig, M., G. Braker, J. W. Dippner and K. Jürgens (2006). Linking denitrifier community structure and prevalent biogeochemical parameters in the pelagial of the central Baltic Proper (Baltic Sea). FEMS microbiol. ecol. 57: 260-271
- Hansen, F. C., C. Möllmann, U. Schütz and T. Neumann (2006). Spatio-temporal distribution and production of calanoid copepods in the Central Baltic Sea. J. plankton res. 28: 39-54
- Hansson, T., D. Schiedek, K. K. Lehtonen, P. J. Vuorinen, B. Liewenborg, E. Noaksson, U. Tjärnlund, M. Hanson and L. Balk (2006). Biochemical biomarkers in adult female perch (Perca fluviatilis) in a chronically polluted gradient in the Stockholm recipient (Sweden). Mar. poll. bull. 53: 451-468
- Henson, S. A., I. Robinson, J. T. Allen and J. J. Waniek (2006). Effect of meteorological conditions on interannual variability in timing and magnitude of the spring bloom in the Irminger Basin, North Atlantic. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 53: 1601–1615
- Hetzel, A., H.-J. Brumsack, B. Schnetger and M. E. Böttcher (2006). Inorganic geochemical characterization of lithological units recovered during ODP Leg 207 (Demerara Rise). Proc. ODP: sci. results 207: Ms207SR-107 (1-37) http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/207_SR/VOLUME/CHAPTERS/107.PDF
- Hille, S., T. Leipe and T. Seifert (2006). Spatial variability of recent sedimentation rates in the Eastern Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea). Oceanologia 48: 297-317
- Holliday, N. P., J. J. Waniek, R. Davidson, D. Wilson, L. Brown, R. Sanders, R. T. Pollard and J. T. Allen (2006). Large-scale physical controls on phytoplankton growth in the Irminger Sea, Part I: Hydrographic zones, mixing and stratification. J. mar. syst. 59: 201-218
- Jackett, D. R., T. J. McDougall, R. Feistel, D. G. Wright and S. M. Griffies (2006). Algorithms for density, potential temperature, conservative temperature and the freezing temperature of seawater. J. atmos. ocean. technol. 23: 1709–1728
- Jonsson, H., D. Schiedek, A. Goksøyr and B. E. Grøsvik (2006). Expression of cytoskeletal proteins, cross-reacting with anti-CYP1A, in Mytilus sp. exposed to organic contaminants. Aquat. toxicol. 78(S): S42-S48
- Jonsson, H., D. Schiedek, B. E. Grøsvik and A. Goksøyr (2006). Protein responses in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) exposed to organic pollutants: a combined CYP-antibody/proteomic approach. Aquat. toxicol. 78(S): S49-S56
- Jürgens, K. (2006). Predation on bacteria and bacterial resistance mechanisms : comparative aspects among different predator groups in aquatic systems. In: Predatory prokaryotes. Ed. by E. Jurkevitch. Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer (Microbiology monographs ; 4): 57-92
- Kotov, S. and J. Harff (2006). A comparison of Greenland Ice and Baltic Sea sediment record: a contribution to climate change analysis. Math. geol. 38: 721-733
- Kube, S., A. Gerber, J. M. Jansen and D. Schiedek (2006). Patterns of organic osmolytes in two marine bivalves, Macoma balthica, and Mytilus spp., along their European distribution. Mar. biol. 149: 1387-1396
- Kube, S., J. Kube and A. Bick (2006). A loss of fecundity in a population of mudsnails Hydrobia ventrosa caused by larval trematodes does not measurably affect host population equilibrium level. Parasitology 132: 725-732
- Kuhrts, C., T. Seifert and W. Fennel (2006). Modeling transport of fluff layer material in the Baltic sea. 554: 25-30
- Kuss, J., W. Roeder, K.-P. Wlost and M. DeGrandpre (2006). Time-series of surface water CO2 and oxygen measurements on a platform in the central Arkona Sea (Baltic Sea) : seasonality of uptake and release. Mar. chem. 101: 220-232
- Kuuppo, P., T. Tamminen, M. Voss and U. Schulte (2006). Nitrogenous discharges to the eastern Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea : elemental flows, stable isotope signatures, and their estuarine modification. J. mar. syst. 63: 191-208
- Lehodey, P., J. Alheit, M. Barange, T. Baumgartner, G. Beaugrand, K. Drinkwater, J.-M. Fromentin, S. Hare, G. Ottersen, I. R. Perry, C. Roy, C. van der Lingen and F. Werner (2006). Climate variability, fish and fisheries. J. clim. 19: 5009-5030
- Lehtonen, K. K. and D. Schiedek (2006). Chemical pollution -has it been tackled sufficiently? Visions of a healthier Baltic Sea. Mar. poll. bull. 53: 375-376
- Lehtonen, K. K. and D. Schiedek (2006). Monitoring biological effects of pollution in the Baltic Sea: neglected - but still wanted? Mar. poll. bull. 53: 377-386
- Lehtonen, K. K., D. Schiedek, A. Köhler, T. Lang, P. J. Vuorinen, L. Förlin, J. Baršienë, J. Pempkowiak and J. Gercken (2006). The BEEP project in the Baltic Sea : overview of results and outline for a regional biological effects monitoring strategy. Mar. poll. bull. 53: 523-537
- Lehtonen, K. K., S. Leiniö, R. Schneider and M. Leivuori (2006). Biomarkers of pollution effects in the bivalves Mytilus edulis and Macoma balthica collected from the southern coast of Finland (Baltic Sea). Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 322: 155-168
- Lindeque, P. K., S. J. Hay, M. R. Heath, A. Ingvarsdottir, J. Rasmussen, G. R. Smerdon and J. J. Waniek (2006). Integrating conventional microscopy and molecular analysis to analyse the abundance and distribution of four Calanus congeners in the North Atlantic. J. plankton res. 28: 221–238
- Loeser, N., J. Hoffmann and G. Schernewski (2006). Testing governance indicators for coastal zone management : the Oder Estuary case study. In: Integrated Coastal Zone Management : theory and practice. Ed. by M. Forkiewicz. Gdansk: Gdansk Univ. of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics: 197-204
- Lunau, M., A. Lemke, O. Dellwig and M. Simon (2006). Physical and biogeochemical controls of microaggregate dynamics in a tidally affected coastal ecosystem. Limnol. oceanogr. 51: 847-859
- Matthäus, W. (2006). The history of investigation of salt water inflows into the Baltic Sea - from the early beginning to recent results. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 74 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 65)
- Mašín, M., A. Zdun, J. Stoñ-Egiert, M. Nausch, M. Labrenz, V. Moulisová and M. Koblížek (2006). Seasonal changes and diversity of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the Baltic Sea. Aquat. microb. ecol. 45: 247-254
- Meier, H. E. M., R. Feistel, J. Piechura, L. Arneborg, H. Burchard, V. Fiekas, N. Golenko, N. Kuzmina, V. Mohrholz, C. Nohr, V. T. Paka, J. Sellschopp, A. Stips and V. Zhurbas (2006). Ventilation of the Baltic Sea deep water: a brief review of present knowledge from observations and models. Oceanologia 48, S: 133-164
- Melles, M., B. Wagner, A. Raab, G. Stoof and G. Müller (2006). Paleolimnological investigations. In: Field evidence for the Late Quaternary climatic and environmental history of the southern Taymyr Peninsula, Central Siberia. (Leipziger Geowissenschaften 15/16). Leipzig: Univ. , Inst. f. Geophys. u. Geol.: 85-99
- Melles, M., D. Y. Bolshiyanov, O. Lisitzina and B. Wagner, Eds. (2006). Field evidence for the Late Quaternary climatic and environmental history of the southern Taymyr Peninsula, Central Siberia. Leipzig: Univ.: Inst. f. Geophys. u. Geol. 112 S. (Leipziger Geowissenschaften 15/16)
- Melles, M., J. Brigham-Grette, P. Minyuk, O. Juschus and B. Wagner, Eds. (2006). International El’gygytgyn Lake Workshop 2004 in Leipzig - expedition 2003 and deep drilling prospects. Leipzig: Univ.: Inst. f. Geophys. u. Geol. 36 S. (Leipziger Geowissenschaften 15/16)
- Moeller, H. S., K. G. Jensen, A. Kuijpers, S. Aagaard-Soerensen, M.-S. Seidenkrantz, M. Prins, R. Endler and N. Mikkelsen (2006). Late-Holocene environment and climatic changes in Ameralik Fjord, southwest Greenland : evidence from the sedimentary record. Holocene 16: 685-695
- Mohrholz, V., J. Dutz and G. Kraus (2006). The impact of exceptionally warm summer inflow events on the environmental conditions in the Bornholm Basin. J. mar. syst. 60: 285-301
- Monteiro, P. M. S., A. van der Plas, V. Mohrholz, E. Mabille, A. Pascall and W. Joubert (2006). Variability of natural hypoxia and methane in a coastal upwelling system : oceanic physics or shelf biology? Geophys. res. lett. 33: L16614; doi:10.1029/2006GL026234, (1-5)
- Montoya, J. P. and M. Voss (2006). Nitrogen Cycling in anoxic waters : isotopic signatures of nitrogen transformations in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone. In: Past and present water column anoxia: proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held in Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, 4-8 October 2003. Ed. by L. N. Neretin. Dordrecht: Springer (Nato science series : 4: Earth and environmental sciences ; 64): 259-281
- Moros, M., J. T. Andrews, D. D. Eberl and E. Jansen (2006). Holocene history of drift ice in the northern North Atlantic : evidencene from different spatial and temporal modes. Paleoceanography 21: PA 2017
- Moros, M., K. G. Jensen and A. Kuijpers (2006). Mid-to-late-Holocene hydrological and climatic variability in Disko Bugt, central West Greenland. Holocene 16: 357-367
- Muench, R. D., H. Burchard and T. J. McDougall, Eds. (2006). Ocean Mixing : Conference on Ocean Mixing, Victoria, Canada 11-14 October 2004. 1-246 S. (Deep-Sea research Part 2. vol. 53, no.1-2)
- Möllmann, C., B. Müller-Karulis, R. Diekmann, J. Flinkman, G. Kornilovs, E. Lysiak-Pastuszak, J. Modin, M. Plikshs, Y. Walther and N. Wasmund (2006). An integrated ecosystem assessment of the central Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga. 2006: ICES CM paper P : 03
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, H. U. Lass, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (2006). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 2005. Meereswiss. Ber. 66: 3-82
- Nausch, M. and G. Nausch (2006). Bioavailability of dissolved organic phosphorus in the Baltic Sea. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 321: 9-17
- Nausch, M. and G. Nausch (2006). Phosphorus regulation of cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic Sea ICES. 2006: ICES CM paper E : 06
- Neto, J. A. B., F. X. Gingele, T. Leipe and I. Breme (2006). Spatial distribution of heavy metals in surficial sediments from Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Environ. geol. 49: 1051-1063
- Neumann, T. and W. Fennel (2006). A method to represent seasonal vertical migration of zooplankton in 3D-Eulerian models. Ocean model. 12: 188-204
- Oguz, T., J. W. Dippner and Z. Kaymaz (2006). Climate regulation of Black Sea hydro-meteorological and ecological properties at interannual-to-decadal time scales. J. mar. syst. 60: 235-254
- Olenina, I., S. Hajdu, A. Andersson, L. Edler, N. Wasmund, S. Busch, J. Göbel, S. Gromisz, S. Huseby, M. Huttunen, A. Jaanus, P. Kokkonen, I. Ledaine and E. Niemkiewicz (2006). Biovolumes and size-classes of phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission. 144 S. (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 106)
- Podsechin, V., I. Tejakusuma, G. Schernewski and M. Pejrup (2006). On parameters estimation in a dynamic model of suspended sediments. J. hydrol. 318: 17-23
- Pohl, C., A. Löffler, M. Schmidt and T. Seifert (2006). A trace metal (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) balance for surface waters in the eastern Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. 60: 381-395
- Pohl, C., U. Hennings and T. Leipe (2006). Die Schwermetall-Situation in der Ostsee im Jahre 2005. Meereswiss. Ber. 66: 85-118
- Postel, L. and C. Zimmermann (2006). Über eine mögliche Bedrohung der Fischbestände der Ostsee durch die eingewanderte Rippenqualle der Art Mnemiopsis leidyi. DGM-Mitt. 2006, 4: 9-10
- Raab, A., B. Wagner, M. Melles and G. Stoof (2006). Pedological and related geomorphological studies. In: Field evidence for the Late Quaternary climatic and environmental history of the southern Taymyr Peninsula, Central Siberia. (Leipziger Geowissenschaften 15/16). Leipzig: Univ. , Inst. f. Geophys. u. Geol.: 33-43
- Reissmann, J. H. (2006). On the representation of regional characteristics by hydrographic measurements at central stations in four deep basins of the Baltic Sea. Ocean sc. 2: 71-86
- Rößler, D. (2006). Reconstruction of the Littorina transgression in the western Baltic Sea. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 102 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 67)
- Schernewski, G. (2006). Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement im Ostseeraum: Hintergrund und Praxis. 8, 9: 20-26
- Schernewski, G. (2006). Vereine, Verbände und Netzwerke im Küstenzonenmanagement und Perspektiven der GIS-Nutzung. In: GIS im Küstenzonenmanagement : Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Ed. by K.-P. Traub. Heidelberg: Wichmann: 116-125
- Schernewski, G. and N. Loeser (2006). Forschung in der Odermündungsregion : ein Überblick. In: Forschung in der Odermündungsregion : Ergebnisse und Perspektiven 2005 http://www.ikzm-oder.de/ergebnisse.php?dokid=282. Ed. by G. Schernewski and N. Loeser. Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung (IKZM-Oder Berichte; 22): 1-8
- Schernewski, G. and N. Loeser, Eds. (2006). Forschung in der Odermündungsregion : Ergebnisse und Perspektiven 2005 http://www.ikzm-oder.de/ergebnisse.php?dokid=282. Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung. 77 S. (IKZM-Oder Berichte; 22)
- Schernewski, G., J. Hoffmann, N. Loeser, M. Dreisewerd, P. Stavenhagen and B. Grunow (2006). Measuring the progress and outcomes of Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management: The German Oder Estuary case study. Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung. 41 S. (IKZM-Oder Berichte ; 21) http://www.ikzm-oder.de/download.php?fileid=2385
- Schernewski, G., T. Neumann and M. Wielgat (2006). Referenzwerte für Hydrochemie und Chlorophyll-a in deutschen Küstengewässern der Ostsee. Rostocker meeresbiol. Beitr. 15: 7-23
- Schiedek, D. (2006). Bioinvasoren - ein Zuwanderungsproblem. In: Faszination Meeresforschung : ein ökologisches Lesebuch. Ed. by G. Hempel et.al. Bremen: Hauschild: 369-374
- Schiedek, D., K. Broeg, J. Barsiene, K. K. Lehtonen, J. Gercken, S. Pfeifer, H. Vuontisjärvi, P. J. Vuorinen, V. Dedonyte, A. Koehler, L. Balk and R. Schneider (2006). Biomarker responses as indication of contaminant effects in blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and female eelpout (Zoarces viviparus) from the southwestern Baltic Sea. Mar. poll. bull. 53: 387-405
- Schmidt, K., A. Atkinson, K.-J. Petzke, M. Voss and D. W. Pond (2006). Protozoans as a food source for Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba : complementary insights from stomach content, fatty acids and stable isotopes. Limnol. oceanogr. 51: 2409-2427
- Schmölcke, U., E. Endtmann, S. Klooss, M. Meyer, D. Michaelis, B. Rickert and D. Rößler (2006). Changes of sea level, landscape and culture : a review of the south-western Baltic area between 8800 and 4000 BC. Palaeogeogr., palaeoclimatol., palaeoecol. 240: 423-438
- Schneider, B., S. Kaitala and P. Maunula (2006). Identification and quantification of plankton bloom events in the Baltic Sea by continuous CO2 partial pressure and chlorophyll a measurements on a cargo ship. J. mar. syst. 59: 238 - 248
- Sekscinska, A. and N. Loeser (2006). ZZOP w regionie ujscia Odry. In: Brzeg morski - zrownowazony. Ed. by K. Furmanczyk. Szczecin: Univ. Szczecinski, Inst. Nauk o Morzu (Zintegrowanego Zarzadzania Obszarami Przybrzeznymi w Polsce - stan obecny i perspektywy czesc ; 2): 370-378
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