Publication List 1997
- Alheit, J. and E. Hagen (1997). Long-term climate forcing of European herring and sardine populations. Fish. oceanogr. 6: 130-139
- Arndt, C. and D. Schiedek (1997). Nephtys hombergii, a free-living predator in marine sediments: energy production under environmental stress. Mar. biol. 129: 643-650
- Auerswald, L., K. Jürss, D. Schiedek and R. Bastrop (1997). The influence of salinity acclimation on free amino acids and enzyme activities in the intestinal mucosa of rainbow trout , Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Comp. biochem. physiol. A 116, 2: 149-155
- Bauerfeind, E., C. Garrity, M. Krumbholz, R. O. Ramseier and M. Voss (1997). Seasaonal variability of sediment trap collections in the Northeast Water Polynya. Part 2. Biochemical and microscopic composition of sediment matter. J. mar. syst. 10: 371-389
- Bennike, O., J. B. Jensen and W. Lemke (1997). Macrofossil and geochronological studies of submarine deposits from the south-western Baltic. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Marine Geological Conference : "The Baltic" 24-27 Oct. 1995, Uppsala, Sweden. Ed. by I. Cato and F. Klingberg. Uppsala: Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU series Ca 86): 117-122
- Berthon, J. F., M. Dowell, N. Hoepffner and S. Grossi (1997). Retrieving chlorophyll and non chlorophyllous matter from ocean colour satellite data in Baltic "Case 2Y" waters. Ocean optics 13: 353-357
- Bick, A. and M. L. Zettler (1997). On the identity and distribution of two species of Marenzelleria (Polychaeta, Spioidae) in Europe and North America. Aquat. ecol. 31: 137-148
- Blanz, T., K.-C. Emeis, G. Petrick and D. E. Schulz-Bull (1997). Bilanzierung und Quantifizierung des Chlorbiphenyl-Eintrages in das Oderhaff. 49: 47-58
- Bodungen, B. v. (1997). Das Institut für Ostseeforschung und sein Forschungsprogramm im nationalen und internationalen Verbund. In: Neue Forschungslandschaften und Perspektiven der Meeresforschung : Reden und Vorträge zum Festakt und Symposium am 3. März 1997. Ed. by B. v. Bodungen and B. Hentzsch. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 25): 24-27
- Bodungen, B. v. and B. Hentzsch, Eds. (1997). Neue Forschungslandschaften und Perspektiven der Meeresforschung : Reden und Vorträge zum Festakt und Symposium am 3. März 1997. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 53 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 25)
- Bodungen, B. v. and C. Zülicke (1997). BASYS - Baltic Sea System Study. DGM-Mitt. 1997, 1/2: 8-11
- Brockmann, U. H., T. Raabe, K. Nagel and K. Haarich (1997). Measurement strategy of PRISMA: design and realisation. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 156: 245-254
- Dannenberger, D., G. Witt, A. Lerz and E. Trost (1997). Organische Schadstoffbelastung in Sedimenten des westlichen Oderästuars und dessen vorpommerschen Zuflüssen. Wasser Boden 49, 8: 22-28
- Dannenberger, D., R. Anderson and C. Rappe (1997). Levels and patterns of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and biphenyls in surface sediments from the Western Baltic Sea (Arkona Basin) and the Oder River estuarine system. Mar. poll. bull. 34: 1016-1024
- Davis, J. C., J. Harff, R. A. Olea and G. C. Bohling (1997). Regionalized classification of the Darss Sill sediments. In: Proceedings of IAMG '97 : the third annual conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. Ed. by V. Pawlowsky -Glahn. Barcelona: CIMNE: 145-150
- Dowell, M., J. F. Berthon, N. Hoepffner and S. Grossi (1997). Absorption modelling in Case II waters: the need to distinguish coloured dissolved organic matter from non-chlorophyllous particulates. Ocean optics 13: 402-408
- Emeis, K.-C., H.-M. Schulz, U. Struck, T. Sakamoto, H. Erlenkeuser, M. Howell, D. Kroon, H. Doose and M. Paterne (1997). Alkenone temperature and oxygen isotope records in sapropels: constraining the physical environment of sapropel formation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (Abstract). In: EUG 9. Strasbourg: European Union of Geosciences (Terra Nova 9(1997) suppl. 1): 412
- Fennel, W. and A. Mutzke (1997). The initial evolution of a buoyant plume. J. mar. syst. 12: 53-68
- Gingele, F. X. and T. Leipe (1997). Clay mineral assemblages in the western Baltic Sea: recent distribution and relation to sedimentary units. Mar. geol. 140: 97-115
- Glasby, G. P., E. M. Emelyanov, V. A. Zhamoid, G. N. Baturin, T. Leipe, R. Bahlo and P. Bonacker (1997). Environments of formation of ferromanganese concretions in the Baltic Sea. In: Manganese mineralization: geochemistry and mineralogy of terrestrial and marine deposits. Ed. by K. Nicholson. London: Geological Society of London (Special publication /Geological Society of London ; 119): 213-237
- Harff, J. (1997). Das Sediment als Umweltindikator: Beispiele aus der Ostsee. In: Neue Forschungslandschaften und Perspektiven der Meeresforschung : Reden und Vorträge zum Festakt und Symposium am 3. März 1997. Ed. by B. v. Bodungen and B. Hentzsch. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 25): 37-44
- Harff, J., A. Bliesener and C. Reimer (1997). Verarbeitung mariner geowissenschaftlicher Daten am Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde. DGM-Mitt. 1997, 1/2: 75-78
- Harff, J., Eds. (1997). Computergestützte Modellierung sedimentärer Systeme. S. (Geowissenschaften 15(1997)H. 1)
- Harff, J., W. Lemke, F. Tauber and B. Bobertz (1997). Digital mapping of western Baltic sediments (Abstract). In: The Fifth Marine Geological Conference "The Baltic" , October 6-11, 1997, Vilnius : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by A. Grigelis. Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of Geology: 37
- Healy, T. R., A. L. Wilkins and T. Leipe (1997). Extractives from a coniferous bark dump in coastal estuarine sediments. J. coast. res. 13: 293-296
- Hempel, G. (1997). Leben im Meereis. Naturwiss. Rundsch. 50: 43-49
- Hempel, G. (1997). Wanderung durch die deutsche Forschungslandschaft. In: Neue Forschungslandschaften und Perspektiven der Meeresforschung : Reden und Vorträge zum Festakt und Symposium am 3. März 1997. Ed. by B. v. Bodungen and B. Hentzsch. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 25): 28-33
- Humborg, C. (1997). Primary productivity regime and nutrient removal in the Danube estuary. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 45: 579-590
- Humborg, C., S. Mahlburg and C. Müller (1997). Leben am Wasser - Integratives Wassermanagement am Beispiel der Oder und angrenzender Küstengewässer. 2, 2: 17-20
- Humborg, C., V. Ittekkot, A. Cociasu and B. v. Bodungen (1997). Effect of Danube River dam on Black Sea biogeochemistry and ecosystem structure. 386: 385-388
- Jensen, J. B., A. Kuijpers and W. Lemke (1997). Seabed sediments and current-induced bedforms in the Fehmarn Belt - Arkona Basin, south-western Baltic Sea (Abstract). In: The Fifth Marine Geological Conference "The Baltic" , October 6-11, 1997, Vilnius : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by A. Grigelis. Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of Geology: 40
- Jensen, J. B., A. Kuijpers and W. Lemke (1997). Stratigraphic surface sediment map of south-western Baltic Sea: Fehmarn Belt - Arkona Basin (Abstract). In: The Fifth Marine Geological Conference "The Baltic" , October 6-11, 1997, Vilnius : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by A. Grigelis. Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of Geology: 41
- Jensen, J. B., O. Bennike, A. Witkowski, W. Lemke and A. Kuijpers (1997). The Baltic Ice Lake in the southwestern Baltic: sequence-, chrono- and biostratigraphy. Boreas 26: 217-236
- Jung, M., J. Ilmberger, A. Mangini and K.-C. Emeis (1997). Why some Mediterranean sapropels survived burn-down (and others did not). Mar. geol. 141: 51-60
- Kersten, M. (1997). Sediments. In: Harmonization of leaching : extraction tests. Ed. by H. A. van der Sloot, L. Heasman and P. Quevauviller. Amsterdam: Elsevier (Studies in environmental science ; 70): 75-99
- Kersten, M. and M. E. Böttcher (1997). Geochemische Modellierung von Partikel/Wasser-Wechselwirkungen. Geowissenschaften 15: 34-39
- Kersten, M., C.-D. Garbe-Schönberg, C. Anagnostou and A. Sioulas (1997). Source apportionment of Pb pollution i the coastal waters of Elefsis Bay, Greece. Environ. sci. technol. 31: 1295-1301
- Krawczyk, H., A. Neumann, T. Walzel and H. Siegel (1997). Application of a multispectral interpretation algorithm to remote sensing data over the Baltic Sea. Ocean optics 13: 234-239
- Krüger, S. (1997). Meeresmeßtechnik im Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde. DGM-Mitt. 1997, 3: 23-29
- Kube, J. and M. Powilleit (1997). Factors controlling the distribution of Marenzelleria cf. Viridis, Pygospio elegans and Streblospio shrubsoli (Polychaeta: Spionidae) in the southern Baltic Sea, with special attention for the response to an event of hypoxia. Aquat. ecol. 31: 187-198
- Kube, J., F. Gosselck, M. Powilleit and J. Warzocha (1997). Long-term changes in the benthic communities of the Pommeranian Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). Helgoländer Meeresunters. 51: 399-416
- Kunzendorf, H., K.-C. Emeis and C. Christiansen (1997). Sedimentation in the central Baltic Sea as viewed by non-destructive Pb-210 dating (Abstract). J. Czech Geol. Soc. 42: 22
- Kähler, P., P. K. Bjoernsen, K. Lochte and A. N. Antia (1997). Dissolved organic matter and its utilization by bacteria during spring in the Southern Ocean. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2. 44: 341-353
- Lakaschus, S. (1997). Konzentrationen und Depositionen atmosphärischer Spurenmetalle an der Küstenstation Arkona. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 109 S. S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 26)
- Lass, H. U., T. Neumann and K.-P. Wlost (1997). Haltung hydrographischer Daten am IOW. DGM-Mitt. 1997, 1/2: 54-58
- Leipe, T. (1997). Geochemische Untersuchungen an Sedimentkernen aus dem Oderhaff zur Rekonstruktion der Eutrophierung und anthropogenen Beeinflussung. Bodden 5: 97-108
- Lemke, W. (1997). The Darss Sill in the southwestern Baltic Sea hydrographic and geological setting. In: Proceedings of IAMG '97 : the third annual conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. Ed. by V. Pawlowsky -Glahn. Barcelona: CIMNE: 135-138
- Lemke, W., J. B. Jensen, O. Bennike and A. Witkowski (1997). Sequence stratigraphy of Late pleistocene and Holocene deposits in the Mecklenburg Bay, south-western Baltic Sea. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Marine Geological Conference : "The Baltic" 24-27 Oct. 1995, Uppsala, Sweden. Ed. by I. Cato and F. Klingberg. Uppsala: Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU series; Ca 86): 117-122
- Lemke, W., J. B. Jensen, O. Bennike, A. Witkowski and A. Kuijpers (1997). Ancylus Lake overflow: the Dana River - speculations and facts (Abstract). In: The Fifth Marine Geological Conference "The Baltic" , October 6-11, 1997, Vilnius : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by A. Grigelis. Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of Geology: 59
- Lindow, H. (1997). Experimentelle Simulationen windangeregter dynamischer Muster in hochauflösenden numerischen Modellen. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 131 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 22)
- Lochte, K., P. K. Bjoernsen, H. Giesenhagen and A. Weber (1997). Bacterial standing stock and production and their relation to phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2. 44, 1/2: 321-340
- Matthäus, W., D. Nehring, H. U. Lass, G. Nausch, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (1997). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 1996. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 49 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 24)
- Meyer-Harms, B. and B. v. Bodungen (1997). Taxon-specific ingestion rates of natural phytoplankton by calanoid copepods in an estuarine environment (Pomeranian Bight, Baltic Sea) determined by cell counts and HPLC analyses of marker pigments. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 153: 181-190
- Moros, M., R. Endler, K. S. Lackschewitz, H.-J. Wallrabe-Adams, J. Mienert and W. Lemke (1997). Physical properties of Reykjanes Ridge sediments and their linkage to high-resolution Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 ice core data. 12: 687-695
- Nausch, G. (1997). Die Sedimente in der Pommerschen Bucht - ein Speicher für organische Substanzen und Nährstoff. Rostocker meeresbiol. Beitr. 5: 129-137
- Nausch, G. (1997). Nutrient analysis: manual methods and autoanalyser and vice versa. Mar. poll. bull. 35: 171-173
- Nausch, M. (1997). Bakterielle Prozesse auf Trichodesmium-Kolonien im Vergleich mit anderen Aggregaten. Rostocker meeresbiol. Beitr. 5: 119-128
- Nehring, D. (1997). Aspects of the restoration of the ecological balance in the Baltic Sea. UTA, 1: 32-37
- Nehring, D. (1997). Aspekte der Ostsee-Sanierung. In: Die Ostsee und ihr Einzugsgebiet - Wandel des Natur- und Kulturraumes .(Vorträge...25. Deutscher Schulgeographentag, Greifswald, 7.-11.10.1997). Ed. by K. D. Aurada and J. Newig. Greifswald: Univ. Greifswald (Greifswalder Geographische Arbeiten; 15): 21-35
- Nehring, D. (1997). Die Ostsee auf dem Wege der Genesung. Wasser Boden 49: 18-25
- Nehring, D. (1997). Ostsee zwischen Bangen und Hoffen - Ostseeforscher mit positiver Zustandsbewertung. Meer und Museum 13: 113-115
- Neumann, T., C. Christiansen, S. Clasen, K.-C. Emeis and H. Kunzendorf (1997). Geochemical records of salt-water inflows into the deep basins of the Baltic Sea. Cont. shelf res. 17: 95-115
- Noji, T. T., U. V. Bathmann, B. v. Bodungen, M. Voss and e. al. (1997). Clearance of picoplankton-sized particles and formation of rapidly sinking aggregates by the pteropod, Limacina retroversa. J. plankton res. 19: 863-875
- Petersen, G. I., J. Gerup, L. Nilsson, J. R. Larsen and R. Schneider (1997). Body burdens of liliophilic xenobiotics and reproductive success in Baltic cod (Gadus morhua L.). paper U:10, 22 S.
- Pohl, C. (1997). Trace metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Al, Li, Fe, Mn, Ni, Co) in marine suspended particulate matter: an international ICES intercomparison exercise. Accred. qual. assur., 2: 2-10
- Rossignol-Strick, M., M. Paterne, F. C. Bassinot and K.-C. Emeis (1997). Beyond Milankovich: the massive odd monsoon at 528 kyr (Abstract). In: EUG 9. Strasbourg: European Union of Geosciences (Terra Nova 9(1997) suppl. 1): 411
- Saborowski, R., R. Schneider, K. Lum and e. al (1997). Antioxidants in dab (Limanda limanda). In: Proceedings of the German Zoological Society 90th Meeting in Mainz, May 19 to 24, 1997. Ed. by D. Zissler. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer (Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft : Kurzpublikationen ; 90.1): 143
- Sakamoto, T. (1997). The Eastern Mediterranean composite sections from ODP leg 160 (Abstract). In: EUG 9. Strasbourg: European Union of Geosciences (Terra Nova 9(1997) suppl. 1): 400
- Schiedek, D. (1997). Marenzelleria cf. viridis (Polychaeta: Spionidae) - ecophysiological adaptions to a life in the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. Aquat. ecol. 31: 199-210
- Schiedek, D. (1997). Marenzelleria viridis (Verrill, 1873) (Polychaeta), a new benthic species within European coastal waters: some metabolic features. J. exp. mar. biol. ecol. 211: 85-101
- Schiedek, D., C. Vogan, J. Hardege and M. Bentley (1997). Marenzellaria cf. wireni (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from the Tay estuary. Metabolic response to severe hypoxia and hydrogen sulphide. Aquat. ecol. 31: 211-222
- Schmidt, K. and S. H. Jónasdóttir (1997). Nutritional quality of two cyanobacteria: how rich is poor food? Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 151: 1-10
- Schulz, H.-M., H. W. Hagemann, M. Wolf, A. Brammertz and H.-J. Einbrodt (1997). Coal mine worker's pneumoconiosis: application of coal petrographical and organic geochemical methods carried out on coals, coal mine dust and isolated lung dust. Environ. geol. 30: 72-80
- Schulz, H.-M., K.-C. Emeis and N. Volkmann (1997). Organic carbon provenance and maturity in the mud breccia from the Napoli mud volcano: indicators of origin and burial depth. Earth planet. sci. lett. 147: 141-151
- Siegel, H. (1997/98). Der Warnemünder Weststrand und seine Badewasserqualität. Tidingsbringer: ein Warnemünder Bäderjournal 2: 83-86
- Siegel, H., M. Gerth and M. Beckert (1997). Variation of specific optical properties and their influence on measured and modelled spectral reflectances in the Baltic Sea. Ocean optics 13: 526-531
- Siegel, H., M. Gerth, M. Beckert, H. Krawczyk and B. Gerasch (1997). Distribution of water constituents derived from MOS-IRS-data in the southern Baltic. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on MOS-IRS and Ocean Colour. Berlin: Institute of Space Sensor Technology: session 3-9
- Smetacek, V., H. J. W. De Baar, U. V. Bathmann, K. Lochte and M. M. Rutgers van der Loeff (1997). Ecology and biogeochemistry of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current during austral spring: asummary of Southern Ocean JGOFS cruise ANT X/6 of R.V. Polarstern. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2 44: 1-21
- Struck, U. (1997). Paleoecology of benthic foraminifera in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea during the past ka. In: Contributions to the micropaleontology and paleoceanography of the Northern North Atlantic. Ed. by H. C. Hass and M. A. Kaminski. Kraków: The Grzybowski Foundation (Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication; 5): 51-82
- Struck, U., M. Voss, K.-C. Emeis, C. Christiansen and H. Kunzendorf (1997). An environmental history of the Baltic Sea from d13C and d15N of organic matter (Abstract). In: EUG 9. Strasbourg: European Union of Geosciences (Terra Nova 9(1997) suppl. 1): 273
- Stöhr, S., E. Hagen, H. C. John, E. Mittelstaedt, K. Schulz, M. Vanicek and H. Weikert (1997). Poleward plankton transport along the Moroccan and Iberian continentla slope. Hamburg: Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. 53 S. S. (Berichte der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland ; 12)
- Tauber, F. (1997). A numerical and practical test of ternary diagrams for grain-size data. In: Proceedings of IAMG '97 : the third annual conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. Ed. by V. Pawlowsky -Glahn. Barcelona: CIMNE: 186-191
- Tauber, F. (1997). Processing of sidescan sonar data from the Baltic Sea bottom (Abstract). In: The Fifth Marine Geological Conference "The Baltic" , October 6-11, 1997, Vilnius : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by A. Grigelis. Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of Geology: 92
- Tauber, F. (1997). Treating grain-size data as continuous functions. In: Proceedings of IAMG '97 : the third annual conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology. Ed. by V. Pawlowsky-Glahn. Barcelona: CIMNE: 169-174
- Tauber, F. and R. Endler (1997). Sidescan sonar mapping of a dumping area off Rostock (Abstract). In: The Fifth Marine Geological Conference "The Baltic" , October 6-11, 1997, Vilnius : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by A. Grigelis. Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of Geology: 93
- Tauber, F. and T. Leipe (1997). Heavy metal distribution in surface sediments of the western Baltic Sea (Arkona Basin, Mecklenburg/Lübeck Bay, Kiel Bay) (Abstract). In: The Fifth Marine Geological Conference "The Baltic" , October 6-11, 1997, Vilnius : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by A. Grigelis. Vilnius: Lithuanian Institute of Geology: 94
- Thomas, H. (1997). Anorganischer Kohlenstoff im Oberflächenwasser der Ostsee. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 109 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 23)
- Voss, M. and U. Struck (1997). Stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes as indicators of eutrophication of the Oder river (Baltic Sea). Mar. chem. 59: 35-49
- Voss, M., G. Nausch and J. P. Montoya (1997). Nitrogen stable isotope dynamics in the central Baltic Sea: influence of deep-water renewal on the N-cycle changes. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 158: 11-21
- Wasmund, N. (1997). Occurence of cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea in relation to environmental conditions. Int. Rev. gesamten Hydrobiol. 82: 169-184
- Wasmund, N. (1997). Periodicity and trends in the phytoplankton of a shallow coastal water. In: Proceedings of the 13th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium, Jurmala, Latvia, 31.8.-4.9.1993. Ed. by A. Andrushaitis. Riga: Institute of Aquatic Ecology: 63-66
- Watney, W. L., J. C. Davis, R. A. Olea, J. Harff and G. C. Bohling (1997). Modeling of sediment accomodation realms by regionalized classification : an application to Upper Pennsylvanian genetic stratigraphic units and genetic sets in Kansas. Geowissenschaften 15: 28-33
- Wilkins, A. L., T. R. Healy and T. Leipe (1997). Pulp mill-sourced substances in sediments from a coastal wetland. J. coast. res. 13: 341-348
- Witt, G., K. W. Schramm and B. Henkelmann (1997). Occurence and distribution of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in sediments of the Western Baltic Sea. Chemosphere 35: 1465-1473
- Zettler, M. L. (1997). Bibliography on the genus Marenzelleria and its geographical distribution, principal topics and nomenclature. Aquat. ecol. 31: 233-258
- Zettler, M. L. (1997). Population dynamics, growth and production of the neozoon Marenzelleria cf. viridis (Verrill, 1873)(Polychaeta: Spionidae) in a coastal water of the southern Baltic Sea. Aquat. ecol. 31: 177-186
- Zülicke, C. and E. Hagen (1997). GOBEX Report : Hydrographic Data at IOW. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 73 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 21)