Publication List 2002
- Atkinson, A., H. Meyer, D. Stübing, W. Hagen, K. Schmidt and U. V. Bathmann (2002). Feeding and energy budget of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba at the onset winter.2. Juveniles and adults. Limnol. oceanogr. 47: 953-966
- Bachor, A., T. Petenati, C. Schröter-Kermani, C. Pohl, U. Harms, K. Grünewald and M. v. Weber (2002). Ostsee: Anorganische Schadstoffe. In: Messprogramm Meeresumwelt: Zustandsbericht 1997 - 1998 für Nord- und Ostsee. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt f. Seeschifffahrt u. Hydrographie (Bund-Länder-Messprogramm Meeresumwelt; 3): 110-126
- Badewien, T. (2002). Horizontaler und vertikaler Sauerstoffaustausch in der Ostsee. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 106 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 53)
- Bangel, H., G. Schernewski and M. Wielgat (2002). Spatial, seasonal and long-term changes of phosphorus concentrations in the Oder estuary. In: Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL)..., Kiel 2001. Tutzing: Eigenverlag der DLG: 466-470
- Bobertz, B., J. Harff, W. Lemke and F. Tauber (2002). Concept for the parametrization of sediment properties for the sediment transport module of the Warnemünde Baltic Sea Ocean Model (abstract). In: The Seventh Marine Geological Conference "Baltic-7", April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by E. M. Emelyanov. Kaliningrad: P. P. Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, RAS, Atlantic Branch: 22
- Bohling, B. (2002). Sedimentological parameters as a basis for investigations on natural and anthropogenic sediment dynamics in the Mecklenburg Bay (abstract). In: The Seventh Marine Geological Conference "Baltic-7", April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by E. M. Emelyanov. Kaliningrad: P. P. Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, RAS, Atlantic Branch: 23
- Bolding, K., H. Burchard, T. Pohlmann and A. Stips (2002). Turbulent mixing in the Northern North Sea : a numerical model study. Cont. shelf res. 22: 2707-2724
- Bruhn, R. and M. S. McLachlan (2002). Seasonal variation of polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations in the southern part of the Baltic Sea. Mar. poll. bull. 44: 156-163
- Burchard, H. (2002). Applied turbulence modelling in marine waters. Berlin: Springer. 215 S. (Lecture notes in earth sciences; 100), 3-540-43795-9
- Burchard, H. (2002). Energy-conserving discretisation of turbulent shear and buoyancy production. Ocean model. 4: 347-361
- Burchard, H. and K. Bolding (2002). GETM: a General Estuarine Transport Model ; scientific documentation. Ispra: Inst. f. Environment and Sustainability. 157 S. (Report European Comm.; EUR 20253 EN)
- Burchard, H., K. Bolding, T. P. Rippeth, A. Stips, J. H. Simpson and J. Sündermann (2002). Microstructure of turbulence in the northern North Sea: a comparative study of observations and model simulations. J. sea res. 47: 223-238
- Cederwall, H., V. Diziulis, A. Laine, A. Osowiecki and M. L. Zettler (2002). Eutrophication and related fields: Baltic Proper: benthic conditions. In: Environment of the Baltic Sea area 1994-1998. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 82B): 50-55
- Christiansen, C., H. Kunzendorf, K.-C. Emeis, R. Endler, U. Struck, T. Neumann and V. Sivkov (2002). Temporal and spatial sedimentation rate variabilities in the eastern Gotland Basin, the Baltic Sea. Boreas 31: 65-74
- Christiansen, C., K. Edelvang, K.-C. Emeis, G. Graf, S. Jähmlich, J. Kozuch, M. J. C. Laima, T. Leipe, A. Löffler, L. C. Lund-Hansen, A. Miltner, K. Pazdro, J. Pempkowiak, G. Shimmield, T. Shimmield, J. Smith, M. Voss and G. Witt (2002). Material transport from the near shore to the basinal environment in the southern Baltic Sea. 1. Processses and mass estimates. J. mar. syst. 35: 133-150
- Christiansen, C., T. Balstroem, D. Jansen, D. Lundquist, T. Leipe and L. C. Lund-Hansen (2002). Recent deposition in the North Sea - Baltic Sea transition : a GIS study (abstract). In: The Seventh Marine Geological Conference "Baltic-7", April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by E. M. Emelyanov. Kaliningrad: P. P. Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, RAS, Atlantic Branch: 26
- Daunys, D., S. Forster, S. Olenin, D. Schiedek and M. L. Zettler (2002). Bioturbation shifts in the coastal areas of the south-eastern Baltic Sea caused by Marenzelleria cf. viridis (abstract). In: The Seventh Marine Geological Conference "Baltic-7", April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by E. M. Emelyanov. Kaliningrad: P. P. Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, RAS, Atlantic Branch: 28
- Dippner, J. W., R. Heerkloss and J. P. Zbilut (2002). Recurrence quantification analysis as a tool for characterization of non-linear mesocosm dynamics. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 242: 29-37
- Dolch, T. and G. Schernewski (2002). Eutrophication by the Odra River : implications for tourism and sustainable development of the coastal zone. In: Sustainable management of transboundary waters in Europe : 2nd International Conference, 21.-24. 4. 2002, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Szczecin: 301-304
- Edler, L., N. Sahlsten, N. Wasmund and B. Karlson (2002). Eutrophication and related fields: Baltic proper: structure and function of the pelagic ecosystem: phytoplankton. In: Environment of the Baltic Sea area 1994-1998. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 82B): 45-48
- Elken, J., W. Matthäus, W. Krzyminski and J. J. Dubra (2002). Eutrophication and related fields: Baltic Proper: meteorological, hydrological and hydrographic forcing. In: Environment of the Baltic Sea area 1994-1998. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 82B): 39-42
- Emeis, K.-C., C. Christiansen, K. Edelvang, S. Jähmlich, J. Kozuch, M. J. C. Laima, T. Leipe, A. Löffler, L. C. Lund-Hansen, A. Miltner, K. Pazdro, J. Pempkowiak, F. Pollehne, T. Shimmield, M. Voss and G. Witt (2002). Material transport from the near shore to the basinal environment in the southern Baltic Sea. 2. Synthesis of data on origin and properties of material. J. mar. syst. 35: 151-168
- Emeis, K.-C., R. Endler, U. Struck and A. Kohly (2002). The post-glacial evolution of the Baltic Sea. In: Climate development and history of the North Atlantic realm. Ed. by G. Wefer (u.a.). Berlin: Springer: 205-221
- Emeis, K.-C., T. Blanz, R. Endler, T. Leipe, A. Miltner, M. Moros and U. Struck (2002). Records of climate change and human impact in sediment cores from the Baltic Sea region (abstract). In: The Seventh Marine Geological Conference "Baltic-7", April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by E. M. Emelyanov. Kaliningrad: P. P. Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, RAS, Atlantic Branch: 34
- Engström-Öst, J., M. Koski, K. Schmidt, M. Viitasalo, S. H. Jònasdòttir, M. Kokkonen, S. Repka and K. Sivonen (2002). Effects of toxic cyanobacteria on a plankton assemblage: community development during decay of Nodularia spumigena. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 232: 1-14
- Fellerhoff, C. (2002). Feeding and growth of apple snail Pomacea lineata in the Pantanal wetland, Brazil, a stable isotope approach. Isot. environ. health stud. 38: 227-243
- Fennel, W. (2002). Modellierung mariner Ökosysteme am Beispiel der Ostsee. In: Simulationstechnik : 16. Symposium ; Tagungsband / ASIM 2002, Rostock, 10.09. bis 13.09.2002. Ed. by D. Tavangarian. Erlangen [u.a.]: SCS Publ. House, (Frontiers in simulation ; FS 12): 14-31
- Flodén, T., W. Lemke and M. Bjerkéus (2002). The erosional channel system of the Mecklenburg Bay, southern Baltic (abstract). In: The Seventh Marine Geological Conference "Baltic-7", April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by E. M. Emelyanov. Kaliningrad: P. P. Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, RAS, Atlantic Branch: 44
- Gingele, F. X. and T. Leipe (2002). Origin of fine-grained terrigenous matter in the Baltic Sea (abstract). In: The Seventh Marine Geological Conference "Baltic-7", April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by E. M. Emelyanov. Kaliningrad: P. P. Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, RAS, Atlantic Branch: 48
- Gingele, F. X., P. De Dekker, A. Girault and F. Guichard (2002). History of the South Java Current over the past 80 ka. Palaeogeogr., palaeoclimatol., palaeoecol. 183: 247-260
- Goudsmit, G.-H., H. Burchard, F. Peeters and A. Wüest (2002). Application of k-e turbulence models to enclosed basins : the role of internal seiches. J. geophys. res. 107, C12: No.3230; doi:10.1029/2001JC000954 (18, 1-20)
- Harff, J. (2002). GIS for TIME/Space modeling of sediment distribution as a function of changing environment in the Baltic Sea - GESIB -: bilateral research project in the frame of the German Russian Agreement about scientific collaboration. In: Maritime safety in the Baltic Sea area : documentation of the work of the Land Parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern from December 2001 on the topic of "maritime safety" within the framework of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference. Schwerin: Landtag Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 310-339
- Harff, J., B. Bobertz, K. Granitzki, W. Lemke and K. Wehner (2002). Sand and gravel deposits in the south-western Baltic Sea, their utilization and sustainable development (abstract). In: The Seventh Marine Geological Conference "Baltic-7", April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by E. M. Emelyanov. Kaliningrad: P. P. Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, RAS, Atlantic Branch: 55
- Harff, J., M. Meyer, U. Cubasch, R. Lampe, W. Lemke, H. Lübke and F. Tauber (2002). Trends in changing coastlines of the Baltic Sea : historical record and modeling (abstract). In: The Seventh Marine Geological Conference "Baltic-7", April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by E. M. Emelyanov. Kaliningrad: P. P. Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, RAS, Atlantic Branch: 56
- Hendiarti, N., H. Siegel and T. Ohde (2002). Distinction of different water masses in and around the Sundra Strait: satellite observations and in-situ measurements. In: Proceedings / The Sixth Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC): Bali, 3-6 Sept. 2002. Ed. by B. P. Pasaribu. Bogor: PORSEC: 674-679
- Hlawatsch, S., T. Neumann, C. M. G. van den Berg, M. Kersten, J. Harff and E. Suess (2002). Fast-growing, shallow-water ferro-manganese nodules from the western Baltic Sea: origin and models of trace element incorporation. Mar. geol. 182: 373-389
- Jensen, J. B., A. Kuipers, O. Bennike and W. Lemke (2002). BALKAT: Oesterson uden graenser. Geologi : nyt fra GEUS 2002, 4: 2-17
- Jensen, J. B., A. Kuipers, O. Bennike and W. Lemke (2002). BALKAT: The Baltic Sea without frontiers. Geologi : nyt fra GEUS 2002, 4: 2-18
- Jensen, J. B., K. S. Petersen, P. Konradi, A. Kuijpers, O. Bennike, W. Lemke and R. Endler (2002). Neotectonics, sea-level changes and biological evolution in the Fennoscandian Border Zone of southern Kattegat Sea. Boreas 31: 133-150
- Jueg, U., H. Menzel-Harloff, R. Seemann and M. L. Zettler (2002). Rote Liste der gefährdeten Schnecken und Muscheln des Binnenlandes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. 2.Fassung. Stand: April 2002. Schwerin: Umweltministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 32 S.
- Jähmlich, S., L. C. Lund-Hansen and T. Leipe (2002). Enhanced settling velocities and vertical transport of particulate matter by aggregation in the benthic boundary layer. Geograf. tidsskr. 102: 37-49
- Knutz, P., I. Hall, R. Zahn, T. Rasmussen, A. Kuijpers, M. Moros and N. Shackleton (2002). Interdecadal ocean variability and NW European ice sheet surges during the last deglaciation. Geochem., geophys., geosyst. 3, 12 GC000351.:
- Koeve, W., F. Pollehne, A. Oschlies and B. Zeitzschel (2002). Storm-induced convective export of organic matter during spring in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 49: 1431-1444
- Koski, M., K. Schmidt, J. Engström-Öst, M. Viitasalo, S. H. Jònasdòttir, S. Repka and K. Sivonen (2002). Calanoid copepods feed and produce eggs in the presence of toxic cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena. Limnol. oceanogr. 47: 878-885
- Lakaschus, S., K. Weber, F. Wania, R. Bruhn and O. Schrems (2002). The air-sea equilibrium and time trend of hexachlorocyclohexanes in the Atlantic Ocean between the Arctic and Antarctica. Environ. sci. technol. 36: 138-145
- Laudien, J., D. Schiedek, T. Brey, H.-O. Pörtner and W. E. Arntz (2002). Survivorship of juvenile surf clams Donax serra (Bivalvia, Donacidae) exposed to severe hypoxia and hydrogen sulphide. J. exp. mar. biol. ecol. 271: 9-23
- Lemke, W., J. B. Jensen, O. Bennike, A. Witkowski, R. Endler and A. Kuijpers (2002). Joint Danish, German and Polish investigations in the Late Quaternary palaeogeography of the western Baltic Sea - a review (abstract). In: The Seventh Marine Geological Conference "Baltic-7", April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by E. M. Emelyanov. Kaliningrad: P. P. Shirshov Inst. of Oceanology, RAS, Atlantic Branch: 73
- Lemke, W., J. B. Jensen, O. Bennike, R. Endler, A. Witkowski and A. Kuijpers (2002). Spät- und postglaziale Flüsse und Seen in der heutigen westlichen Ostsee : Beiträge zur Tagung in Hohenzieritz (Meckl.) v. 26.-28. Febr. 2002. In: Die jungquartäre Fluß- und Seegenese in Nordostdeutschland. Ed. by K. Kaiser. Greifswald: Geograph. Inst. der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Univ. (Greifswalder geographische Arbeiten ; 26): 73-76
- Lemke, W., J. B. Jensen, O. Bennike, R. Endler, A. Witkowski and A. Kuijpers (2002). The Darss Sill and the Ancylus Lake drainage. In: Holocene evolution of the south-western Baltic coast - geological, archaeological and palaeo-environmental aspects : field meeting of INQUA subcommission V Sea-level Changes and Coastal Evolution ; Western Europe, Greifswald, September 22-27,2002. I. Ed. by R. Lampe. Greifswald: Geograph. Inst. der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Univ. (Greifswalder geographische Arbeiten ; 27): 175-182
- Lemke, W., K. Schwarzer and M. Diesing (2002). Quaternary development of Tromper Wiek, Rügen Island. In: Holocene evolution of the south-western Baltic coast - geological, archaeological and palaeo-environmental aspects : field meeting of INQUA subcommission V Sea-level Changes and Coastal Evolution ; Western Europe, Greifswald, September 22-27,2002. Ed. by R. Lampe. Greifswald: Geograph. Inst. der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Univ. (Greifswalder geographische Arbeiten ; 27): 61-67
- Liebetrau, V., A. Eisenhauer , N. Gussone, G. Wörner, B. T. Hansen and T. Leipe (2002). 226 Ra excess / Ba- growth rates and U-Th-Ra-Ba systematic of Baltic Mn-Fe crusts. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 66: 73-78
- MacKenzie, B. R., J. Alheit, D. J. Conley, P. Holm and C. C. Kinze (2002). Ecological hypotheses for a historical reconstruction of upper trophic level biomass in the Baltic Sea and Skagerrak. 59: 173-190
- Manasreh, R. (2002). The general circulation and water masses characteristics in the Gulf of Aqaba and northern Red Sea. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 120 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 50)
- Matthäus, W., G. Nausch, M. v. Weber and T. Petenati (2002). Ostsee: Nährstoffe. In: Messprogramm Meeresumwelt: Zustandsbericht 1997 - 1998 für Nord- und Ostsee. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt f. Seeschifffahrt u. Hydrographie (Bund-Länder-Messprogramm Meeresumwelt; 3): 105-110
- Matthäus, W., G. Nausch, M. v. Weber and T. Petenati (2002). Ostsee: Sauerstoff. In: Messprogramm Meeresumwelt: Zustandsbericht 1997 - 1998 für Nord- und Ostsee. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt f. Seeschifffahrt u. Hydrographie (Bund-Länder-Messprogramm Meeresumwelt; 3): 102-104
- Matthäus, W., S. Bergström, B. Carlsson, L. P. Graham and L. Andersson (2002). General meteorology, hydrology and hydrography. In: Environment of the Baltic Sea area 1994-1998. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 82B): 21-28
- McLachlan, M. S., G. Czub and F. Wania (2002). The influence of vertical sorbed phase transport on the fate of organic chemicals in surface soils. Environ. sci. technol. 36: 4860-4867
- Meyer, M., J. Harff and R. Lampe (2002). Modelling coast line changes of the Baltic Sea - past and future. Terra nostra 2002, 4: 419-424
- Moros, M., A. Kuijpers, I. Snowball, S. Lassen, D. Bäckström, F. X. Gingele and J. McManus (2002). Were glacial iceberg surges in the North Atlantic triggered by climatic warming?,. Mar. geol. 192: 393-417
- Moros, M., W. Lemke, A. Kuijpers, R. Endler, J. B. Jensen, O. Bennike and F. X. Gingele (2002). Regressions and transgressions of the Baltic basin reflected by a new high-resolution deglacial and postglacial lithostratigraphy for Arkona Basin sediments (western Baltic Sea). Boreas 31: 151-162
- Moser, G. A. and M. S. McLachlan (2002). Modeling digestive tract absorption and desorption of lipophilic organic contaminants in humans. Environ. sci. technol. 36: 3318-3325
- Nausch, G. and E. Lysiak-Pastuszak (2002). Eutrophication and related fields: Baltic Proper: hydrochemistry. In: Environment of the Baltic Sea area 1994-1998. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 82B): 42-45
- Nausch, G., R. Bruhn, U. Hennings, W. Matthäus, C. Pohl, N. Wasmund, J. Voss and M. v. Weber (2002). Ostsee: das Oderhochwasser Juli - August 1997. In: Messprogramm Meeresumwelt: Zustandsbericht 1997 - 1998 für Nord- und Ostsee. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt f. Seeschifffahrt u. Hydrographie (Bund-Länder-Messprogramm Meeresumwelt; 3): 162-167
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, H. U. Lass, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (2002). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 2001. Meereswiss. Ber. 49: 2-77
- Nausch, M., D. Setzkorn, I. Glockzin and A. Grüttmüller (2002). Bakterielle Aktivitäten als Parameter für die Modifikation des organischen Materials zwischen Swina-Mündung und Arkona-Becken (Pommernbucht, südliche Ostsee). Rostocker meeresbiol. Beitr. 10: 113-133
- Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2002). Will algal blooms in the Baltic Sea increase in future? Model simulations with different eutrophication combat strategies. In: Low-laying coastal areas - hydrology and integrated coastal zone management: International Symposium, Bremerhaven, 9.-12.9.2002. Koblenz: IHP-OHP-Sekretariat (IHP-OHP-Berichte: Sonderheft; 13): 139-145
- Neumann, T., W. Fennel and C. Kremp (2002). Experimental simulations with an ecosystem model of the Baltic Sea: a nutrient load reduction experiment. Glob. biogeochem. cycles 16, 3: DOI 10.1029/2001GB001450 (7,1-19)
- Ohde, T., B. Sturm and H. Siegel (2002). Derivation of SeaWiFS vicarious calibration coefficients using in situ measurements in case 2 water of the Baltic Sea. Remote sens. environ. 80: 248-255
- Ojaveer, H. and D. Schiedek (2002). Temperature and salinity: two essential structuring factors of biodiversity in the Baltic Sea. BIOMARE newsl. 3: 2-3
- Pempkowiak, J., J. Beldowski, K. Pazdro, A. Staniszewski, T. Leipe and K.-C. Emeis (2002). The contribution of the fine sediment fraction to the Fluffy Layer Suspended Matter (FLSM). Oceanologia 44: 513-527
- Pesant, S., L. Legendre, M. Gosselin, E. Bauerfeind and G. Budéus (2002). Wind-triggered events of phytoplankton downward flux in the Northeast Water Polynya. J. mar. syst. 31: 261-278
- Pietrzak, J. D., J. B. Jacobson, H. Burchard, H.-J. Vested and O. Petersen (2002). A three-dimensional hydrostatic model for coastal and ocean modelling using a generalised topography following co-ordinate system. Ocean model. 4: 173-205
- Plähn, O., B. Baschek, T. Badewien and M. Walter (2002). Importance of the Gulf of Aqaba for the formation of bottom water in the Red Sea. J. Geophys. Res. 107, C8: C000342, doi: 10.1029/2000JC000342
- Pohl, C. and U. Hennings (2002). Die Schwermetall-Situation in der Ostsee im Jahre 2001. Meereswiss. Ber. 49: 78-102
- Pohl, C., U. Hennings, H. Siegel and A. Bachor (2002). Trace metal impact to the Baltic Sea during the exceptional Oder flood in summer 1997. 79: 101-111
- Postel, L. (2002). Ostsee: marine Lebensgemeinschaften: Zooplankton. In: Messprogramm Meeresumwelt: Zustandsbericht 1997 - 1998 für Nord- und Ostsee. Hamburg, Rostock: Bundesamt f. Seeschifffahrt u. Hydrographie (Bund-Länder-Messprogramm Meeresumwelt; 3): 148-151
- Reissmann, J. H. (2002). Integrale Eigenschaften von mesoskaligen Wirbelstrukturen in den tiefen Becken der Ostsee. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 149 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 52)
- Rohling, E. J., T. R. Cane, S. Cooke, M. Sprovieri, I. Bouloubassi, K.-C. Emeis, R. Schiebel, D. Kroon, F. J. Jorissen, A. Lorre and A. E. S. Kemp (2002). African monsoon variability during the previous interglacial maximum. Earth planet. sci. lett. 202: 61-75
- Schernewski, G. (2002). Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) : from European strategy to practise in Germany. In: First German-Chinese Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, April 1-12, 2002, Univ. of Rostock, Germany. Ed. by C. Dede. Rostock: Univ.: 149-159
- Schernewski, G. and H. Sterr (2002). Tourism and environmental quality of the German Baltic coast : conflict or chance? In: Baltic coastal ecosystems : structure, function and coastal zone management. Ed. by G. Schernewski and U. Schiewer. Berlin: Springer: 215-229
- Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2002). Impact of river basin management on the Baltic Sea : ecological and economical implications of different nutrient load reduction strategies. In: Sustainable management of transboundary waters in Europe : 2nd International Conference, 21-24. 4. 2002, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Szczecin: 43-51
- Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2002). Perspectives on eutrophication abatement in the Baltic Sea. In: Littoral 2002: 6th International Symposium, proceedings...Porto, 22-26.9.2002. Ed. by E.-P. Ass. Porto: Univ. Porto: 503-511
- Schernewski, G. and U. Schiewer (2002). Baltic coastal ecosystems : structure, function and coastal zone management. Berlin: Springer. 397 S. (Central and Eastern European development studies), 3-540-42937-9
- Schernewski, G. and U. Schiewer (2002). Status, problems and integrated management of Baltic coastal ecosystems. In: Baltic coastal ecosystems : structure, function and coastal zone management. Ed. by G. Schernewski and U. Schiewer. Berlin: Springer: 1-16
- Schernewski, G., T. Huttula, W.-D. Jülich, V. Podsetchine and I. Tejakusuma (2002). Water quality problems in Baltic coastal waters : the Odra River as a source of human pathogenic viruses. In: Sustainable management of transboundary waters in Europe : 2nd International Conference, 21.-24. 4. 2002, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Szczecin: 341-345
- Schiedek, D. (2002). Oil pollution and the Baltic sea ecosystem. In: Maritime safety in the Baltic Sea area : documentation of the work of the Land Parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern from December 2001 on the topic of "maritime safety" within the framework of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference. Schwerin: Landtag Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 304-309
- Schiewer, U. and G. Schernewski (2002). Baltic coastal ecosystem dynamics and integrated coastal zone management. In: Littoral 2002: 6th International Symposium, proceedings...Porto, 22-26.9.2002. Ed. by E.-P. Ass. Porto: Univ. Porto: 115-123
- Schmidt, K., M. Koski, J. Engström-Öst and A. Atkinson (2002). Development of Baltic Sea zooplankton in the presence of a toxic cyanobacterium: a mesocosm approach. J. plankton res. 24: 979-992
- Schneider, B., C. Pohl and N. Theobald (2002). Contaminants: surface seawater. In: Environment of the Baltic Sea area 1994-1998. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 82B): 117-122
- Schneider, B., G. Nausch, H. Kubsch and I. Petersohn (2002). Accumulation of total CO2 during stagnation in the Baltic Sea deep water and its relationship to nutrient and oxygen concentrations. Mar. chem. 77: 277-291
- Schulz, H., K.-C. Emeis, H. Erlenkeuser, U. v. Rad and C. Rolf (2002). The Toba volcanic event and interstadial/stadial climates at the marine isoptopic stage 5 to 4 transition in the northern Indian Ocean. Quat. res. 57: 22-31
- Schulz, H., U. v. Rad and V. Ittekkot (2002). Planktic foraminifera, particle flux and oceanic productivity off Pakistan, NE Arabian Sea: modern analogues and application to the paleorecord. In: The tectonic and climatic evolution of the Arabian Sea region. Ed. by P. D. Clift. London: Geological Society (Geological Society special publications; 195): 499-516
- Schwamborn, R., W. Ekau, M. Voss and U. Saint-Paul (2002). How important are mangroves as carbon and nitrogen sources for decapod crustacean larvae in a tropical estuary? Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 229: 195-205
- Selig, U., T. Hübener, A. Schwarz and T. Leipe (2002). The environmental history of a postglacial dimictic lake in North Germany. Verh. Intern. Verein. Limnol. 28: 1-5
- Sharp, J. H., K. R. Rinker, ..., K. Nagel and ... (2002). A preliminary methods comparison for measurement of dissolved organic nitrogen in seawater. Mar. chem. 78: 171-184
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