Publication List 2003
- Alheit, J. (2003). Der verschwundene Hering : bedrohen Klimaänderungen unsere Fischbestände? In: Der verschwundene Hering und das Geheimnis des Regenmachers : Umweltforschung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft ; Qualität und Vielfalt. Bonn: Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: 53-55
- Balk, L., B. Liewenborg, M. Linderoth, H. Sundberg, E. Noaksson, T. Hansson, U. Tjärnlund, D. Schiedek and G. Åkerman (2003). Biomarker studies of female perch (Perca fluviatilis) in a chronically polluted gradient through the Stockholm archipelago. paper M02, 1- 7
- Bruhn, R., S. Lakaschus and M. S. McLachlan (2003). Air/sea gas exchange of PCBs in the southern Baltic Sea. Atmos. environ. 37: 3445-3454
- Brückner, S., T. Blanz and A. Mackensen (2003). Holocene sea surface and bottom water temperature records from western Skagerrak. In: German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006) : Status Seminar, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel. Bonn: DLR Projektträger Umwelt: 159-160
- Burchard, H., E. Deleersnijder and A. Meister (2003). A high-order conservative Patankar-type discretisation for stiff systems of production-destruction equations. Appl. numer. math. 47: 1-30
- Burchard, H., I. Grabemann and J. Kappenberg, Eds. (2003). First PECS'02 special issue: papers presented at the 11th Biennial Conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas, September 17-20, 2002 in Hamburg, Germany. Berlin: Springer. 321 S. (Ocean Dynamics. 53(2003)3 = special issue)
- Christiansen, C., H. Kunzendorf, K.-C. Emeis, R. Endler, U. Struck, D. Benesch, T. Neumann and V. Sivkov (2003). Sedimentation rate variabilities in the eastern Gotland Basin. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 126-133
- Dannenberger, D. and A. Lerz (2003). Organochlorines in surface sediments and cores of the Western Baltic and inner coastal waters of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 90-95
- Deleersnijder, E. and H. Burchard (2003). Reply to Mellor's comments on "Stability of algebraic non-equilibrium second-order closure models" (Ocean Modelling 3 (2001) 33–50). Ocean model. 5: 291-293
- Dippner, J. W. (2003). Der Ostsee klimatisch auf den Zahn gefühlt. In: Der verschwundene Hering und das Geheimnis des Regenmachers : Umweltforschung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft ; Qualität und Vielfalt. Bonn: Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: 22-23
- Dippner, J. W. and I. Kröncke (2003). Forecast of climate-induced change in macrozoobenthos in the southern North Sea in spring. Clim. res. 25: 179-182
- Dippner, J. W. and T. Neumann (2003). Inter-annual variability of phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea - a comparison of model simulation and monitoring data. In: German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006) : Status Seminar, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel. Bonn: DLR Projektträger Umwelt: 161-162
- Dippner, J. W., T. Blanz, S. Brückner, K.-C. Emeis, W. Fennel, F. Janssen, A. Mackensen, T. Neumann, A. Pfizenmayer, M. Schmidt, T. Seifert and E. Zorita (2003). Integrated Baltic Sea Environmental Study (IBSEN) : analysis and simulation of hydrological and ecological variability in the last 1000 years (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 2
- Dippner, J. W., T. Blanz, S. Brückner, K.-C. Emeis, W. Fennel, F. Janssen, A. Mackensen, T. Neumann, A. Pfizenmayer, M. Schmidt, T. Seifert, H. v. Storch and E. Zorita (2003). Integrated Baltic Sea Environmental Study (IBSEN) : analysis and simulation of hydrological and ecological variability in the last 1000 years. In: German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006) : Status Seminar, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel. Bonn: DLR Projektträger Umwelt: 151-154
- Dolch, T. and G. Schernewski (2003). Hat Wasserqualität eine Bedeutung für Touristen? Eine Studie am Beispiel des Oderästuars. In: Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Küstenforschung, 20. AMK-Tagung Kiel, 30.5.-1.6.2002. Ed. by A. Daschkeit and H. Sterr. Büsum: Forschungs- u. Technologiezentrum Westküste der Univ. Kiel (Berichte aus dem Forschungs- u. Technologiezentrum Westküste der Univ. Kiel; 28): 197-205
- Emeis, K.-C. and A. G. Dawson (2003). Holocene palaeoclimate records over Europe and the North Atlantic. Holocene 13: 305-309
- Emeis, K.-C., H. Schulz, U. Struck, M. Rossignol-Strick, H. Erlenkeuser, M. W. Howell, D. Kroon, H. Mackensen, S. Ishizuka, T. Oba, T. Sakamoto and I. Koizumi (2003). Eastern Mediterranean surface water temperatures and d18 O composition during deposition of sapropels in the late Quaternary. Paleoceanography 18, 1: 1005, 5,1 -18
- Emeis, K.-C., U. Struck, T. Blanz, A. Kohly and M. Voss (2003). Salinity changes in the central Baltic Sea (NW Europe) over the last 10 000 years. Holocene 13: 411-421
- Endler, R., K.-C. Emeis and T. Förster (2003). Acoustic images of Gotland sediments. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 134-137
- Feistel, R. (2003). A new extended Gibbs thermodynamic potential of seawater. Prog. oceanogr. 58: 43-114
- Feistel, R. and G. Nausch (2003). Water exchange and conditions in the deep basins. http://www.helcom.fi/environment/indicators2003/inflow/en_GB/inflow/
- Feistel, R., E. Hagen and K. Grant (2003). Climatic changes in the subtropical Southeast Atlantic: the St. Helena Island Climate Index (1893–1999). Prog. oceanogr. 59: 321-337
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch and E. Hagen (2003). Temporal and spatial evolution of the Baltic deep water renewal in spring 2003 (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 16
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch and E. Hagen (2003). The Baltic inflow of autumn 2001. In: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Wolfgang Matthäus. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 54): 55-68
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch, V. Mohrholz, E. Lysiak-Pastuszak, T. Seifert, W. Matthäus, S. Krüger and I. Sehested Hansen (2003). Warm waters of summer 2002 in the deep Baltic Proper. Oceanologia 45: 571-592
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch, V. Mohrholz, T. Seifert, E. Lysiak-Pastuszak and W. Matthäus (2003). Summer waters in the deep Baltic in winter 2002/3 (poster abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 124
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch, W. Matthäus and E. Hagen (2003). Temporal and spatial evolution of the Baltic deep water renewal in spring 2003. Oceanologia 45: 623-642
- Fellerhoff, C., M. Voss and K. M. Wantzen (2003). Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures of decomposing tropical macrophytes. Aquat. ecol. 37: 361-375
- Fennel, W. (2003). Einleitende Bemerkungen. In: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Wolfgang Matthäus. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 54): 5-6
- Fennel, W. (2003). Theory of marine ecosystems. paper P:02
- Fennel, W. (2003). Three dimensional ecosystem modelling with stage resolving description of zooplankton. In: Workshop on ecosystem modelling of Faroese waters, Tórshavn 24 - 26 September 2002. Tórshavn: Faroese Fisheries Laboratory: 61-63
- Fennel, W. (2003). Waves in the ocean. In: Encyclopedia of life support systems (EOLSS) : http://www.eolss.net/. Oxford: EOLSS Publ.: Article
- Fennel, W. and B. Hentzsch, Eds. (2003). Festschrift zum 65.Geburtstag von Wolfgang Matthäus. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 80 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 54)
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2003). Variability of copepods as seen in a coupled physical-biological model of the Baltic Sea. ICES mar. sc. symp. 219: 208-219
- Forster, S., A. Khalili and J. Kitlar (2003). Variation of nonlocal irrigation in a subtidal benthic community. J. mar. res. 61: 335-357
- Gerofke, A., P. Kömp and M. S. McLachlan (2003). Bioaccumulation of PCBs in different phytoplankton species (abstract). In: Abstracts of 13th Annual Meeting SETAC Europe, Hamburg, 24.4.-1.5.2003. Brussels: SETAC: 176
- Giunta, S., A. Negri, C. Morigi, L. Capotondi, N. Combourieu-Nebout, K.-C. Emeis, F. Sangiorgi and L. Vigliotti (2003). Coccolithophorid ecostratigraphy and multi-proxy paleoceanographic reconstruction in the Southern Adriatic Sea during the last deglacial time. Palaeogeogr., palaeoclimatol., palaeoecol. 190: 39-59
- Graeve, M. and D. Wodarg (2003). Seasonal and spatial variability of major organic contaminants in solution and suspension of the Pomeranian Bight. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 168-173
- Hagen, E. (2003). Baroclinic Rossby waves in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. In: Beiträge zur Klima- und Meeresforschung : aus Anlass des 70. Geburtstages von Peter Hupfer. Ed. by F.-M. Chmielewski and T. Foken. Berlin; Bayreuth: Eigenverl. Chmielewski u. Foken: 149-158
- Hagen, E. (2003). Klimavariabilität und Fischbestandsschwankungen. Traditio et innovatio 8, 1: 12-16
- Hagen, E., K.-C. Emeis and C. Zülicke (2003). GOBEX : Gotland Basin Experiment - a European research initiative. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 174-178
- Hardman-Mountford, N. J., A. J. Richardson, J. J. Agenbag, E. Hagen, L. Nykjaer, F. A. Shillington and C. Villacastin (2003). Ocean climate of the South East Atlantic observed from satellite data and wind models. Prog. oceanogr. 59: 181-241
- Harff, J. (2003). Der Weg des Sandes : Dynamik natürlicher und anthropogener Sedimentation. In: Der verschwundene Hering und das Geheimnis des Regenmachers : Umweltforschung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft ; Qualität und Vielfalt. Bonn: Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: 132-133
- Harff, J. (2003). Küstenveränderungen in der südwestlichen Ostsee. In: Der verschwundene Hering und das Geheimnis des Regenmachers : Umweltforschung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft ; Qualität und Vielfalt. Bonn: Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: 35-36
- Harff, J. and W. W. Hay (2003). Zum Zeitproblem in der Geologie. In: Alexander Dettmar : Zeitspuren. Güstrow: Kunst- u. Altertumsverein: 17-23
- Harff, J., M. Meyer, R. Lampe and W. Lemke (2003). Wasserstandsentwicklung in der südlichen Ostsee während des Holozäns. In: Die Wasserstände an der Ostseeküste. Ed. by P. Hupfer, J. Harff, H. Sterr and H.-J. Stigge. Heide: Boyens (Die Küste; 66): 4-21
- Harff, J., W. Lemke, R. Lampe, F. Lüth, H. Lübke, M. Meyer and F. Tauber (2003). Interrelation of geosphere, ecosphere and anthroposphere at sinking coasts : an example from the southern Baltic Sea (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 21
- Harff, J., W. Lemke, R. Lampe, F. Lüth, H. Lübke, M. Meyer and F. Tauber (2003). Sinking coasts : geosphere, ecosphere and anthroposphere of the holocene southern Baltic Sea (abstract). In: Rapid transgressions into semi-enclosed basins, 8-10 May 2003, Gdansk : abstracts and excursion guide-book. Ed. by S. Uscinowicz and J. Zachowicz. Gdansk: Pol. Geol. Inst.: 29
- Heinrich, H. and G. Nausch (2003). Natürliche Bedingungen und Schadstoffbelastungen in Nord- und Ostsee. In: Nationalatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akad. Verl.: 122-123
- Hupfer, P., J. Harff, H. Sterr and H.-J. Stigge, Eds. (2003). Die Wasserstände an der Ostseeküste. Heide: Boyens. S. (Die Küste; 66)
- Jacob, D. and J. W. Dippner (2003). Regional process studies in the Baltic Sea area. In: German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006) : Status Seminar, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel. Bonn: DLR Projektträger Umwelt: 147
- Jakobsen, F., N. H. Petersen, H. M. Petersen, J. S. Moeller, T. Schmidt and T. Seifert (2003). Hydrographic investigations in the Fehmarn Belt in connection with the planning of the Fehmarn Belt link. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 179-189
- Jansen, D., D. Lundquist, C. Christiansen, L. C. Lund-Hansen, T. Balstroem and T. Leipe (2003). Deposition of organic matter and particulate nitrogen and phosphorus at the North Sea -Baltic Sea transition. Oceanologia 45: 283-303
- Janssen, F., T. Neumann and M. Schmidt (2003). Influence of wintertime hydrographic conditions on cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic. paper P:05
- Janssen, F., T. Neumann and M. Schmidt (2003). Influence of wintertime hydrographic conditions on late summer cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic. In: German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006) : Status Seminar, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel. Bonn: DLR Projektträger Umwelt: 157-158
- Janssen, F., T. Neumann and M. Schmidt (2003). Interannual variability of cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic Sea (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 60
- Jensen, B. T., A. Kuijpers and W. Lemke (2003). Seabed sediments and current-induced bedforms in the Fehmarn Belt-Arkona Basin. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 78-84
- Jensen, J. B., W. Lemke, O. Bennike, A. Witkowski and A. Kuijpers (2003). The late glacial and holocene pathway to the Baltic : a sequence-stratigraphical approach (abstract). In: Rapid transgressions into semi-enclosed basins, 8-10 May 2003, Gdansk : abstracts and excursion guide-book. Ed. by S. Uscinowicz and J. Zachowicz. Gdansk: Pol. Geol. Inst.: 31
- Krauß, W., R. Dietrich, J. Karstensen and H. U. Lass et. al. (2003). Influence of the Baltic Sea and its annual ice coverage on the water and energy budget of the Baltic area (BASEWECS). In: German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006) : Status Seminar, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel. Bonn: DLR Projektträger Umwelt: 189-191
- Kremp, C., T. Neumann and W. Fennel (2003). Modelling of zooplankton as prey field for fish larvae (poster abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 168
- Krüger, S., W. Roeder and K.-P. Wlost (2003). Baltic stations Darss Sill and Oder Bank. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 198-203
- Kuhrts, C., W. Fennel and T. Seifert (2003). Modelling transport and sedimentation of fine material (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 73
- Kuss, J. and B. Schneider (2003). The control of the air-sea flux of greenhouse gases by wind speed (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 85
- Kuss, J., B. Schneider, A. Weiss and G. Peters (2003). Determination of the CO2 transfer velocity air-sea by turbulent flux and CO2 partial pressure measurements on a platform in the central Arkona Sea : instrumental setup and preliminary results (poster abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 174
- Kömp, P. and M. S. McLachlan (2003). The variability of PCB concentrations in the Baltic Proper with depth (abstract). In: Abstracts of 13th Annual Meeting SETAC Europe, Hamburg, 24.4.-1.5.2003. Brussels: SETAC: 176
- Lass, H. U. (2003). Über mögliche Auswirkungen von Windparks auf den Wasseraustausch zwischen Nord- und Ostsee. In: Meeresumweltsymposium 2002 : 12. Symposium, 5.-6.6.2002, Hamburg. Hamburg, Rostock: BSH: 121-130
- Lass, H. U. and H. Prandke (2003). A study in the turbulent mixed layer in the Baltic. In: Beiträge zur Klima- und Meeresforschung : aus Anlass des 70. Geburtstages von Peter Hupfer. Ed. by F.-M. Chmielewski and T. Foken. Berlin; Bayreuth: Eigenverl. Chmielewski u. Foken: 159-168
- Lass, H. U. and H. Prandke (2003). Energy balance of the turbulent surface mixed layer. In: German Climate Research Programme (2001-2006) : Status Seminar, Oct. 6-8, 2003, Bad Münstereifel. Bonn: DLR Projektträger Umwelt: 192
- Lass, H. U. and V. Mohrholz (2003). On the dynamics and mixing of inflowing salt-water in the Arkona Sea. J. Geophys. Res. 108, C2: 3042, doi: 10.1029/2002JC001465
- Lass, H. U., H. Prandke and B. Liljebladh (2003). Dissipation in the Baltic proper during winter stratification. J. geophys. res. 108, C6: No.3187; doi:10.1029/2002JC001401 (18, 1-20)
- Lass, H. U., T. Schmidt and T. Seifert (2003). Hiddensee upwelling field measurements and modelling results. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 204-208
- Lass, H. U., V. Mohrholz and T. Seifert (2003). On the pathways and mixing of saltwater plumes in the Arkona Sea. In: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Wolfgang Matthäus. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 54): 38-54
- Lehtonen, K. K., S. Leiniö, R. Schneider and M. Leivuori (2003). Biomarkers of pollution effects the bivalves Mytilus edulis and Macoma balthica collected from two areas in the southern coast of Finland (Baltic Sea). paper M08, 1-17
- Lehtonen, K., M. Voss, T. Laakkonen, A.-B. Andersin and K. Lukkari (2003). Nutritional response of benthos along a coastal-open sea gradient in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) : a stable isotope approach (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 12
- Leipe, T. and F. X. Gingele (2003). The kaolinite/chlorite clay mineral ratio in surface sediments of the southern Baltic Sea as an indicator for long distance transport of fine-grained material. Baltica 16: 31-37
- Lemke, W. (2003). Standard Baugrunderkundung : Mindestanforderungen für die Gründung von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen (WEA) und die Verlegung der stromführenden Kabel. Hrsg. v. BSH unter Mitw. von ...W. Lemke u.a. Hamburg: BSH. 33 S.
- Lemke, W., J. B. Jensen, O. Bennike, A. Witkowski, J. Harff, R. Endler, A. Kuijpers and H. Lübke (2003). Towards the reconstruction on the Littorina transgression within the southwestern Baltic Sea (abstract). In: Rapid transgressions into semi-enclosed basins, 8-10 May 2003, Gdansk : abstracts and excursion guide-book. Ed. by S. Uscinowicz and J. Zachowicz. Gdansk: Pol. Geol. Inst.: 37
- Massana, R. and K. Jürgens (2003). Composition and population dynamics of planktonic bacteria and bacterivorous flagellates in seawater chemostat cultures. Aquat. microb. ecol. 32: 11-22
- Matthäus, W. and G. Nausch (2003). Hydrographic-hydrochemical variability in the Baltic Sea during the 1990s in relation to changes during the 20th century. ICES mar. sc. symp. 219: 132-143
- Matthäus, W. and H. Schinke (2003). Beeinflussen Fernwirkungen das Auftreten von Salzwassereinbrüchen in die Ostsee? In: Beiträge zur Klima- und Meeresforschung : aus Anlass des 70. Geburtstages von Peter Hupfer. Ed. by F.-M. Chmielewski and T. Foken. Berlin; Bayreuth: Eigenverl. Chmielewski u. Foken: 189-198
- Matz, C. and K. Jürgens (2003). Interaction of nutrient limitation and protozoan grazing determines the phenotypic structure of a bacterial community. Microb. ecol. 45: 384-398
- McDougall, T. J. and R. Feistel (2003). What causes the adiabatic lapse rate? Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 50: 1523-1535
- McDougall, T. J., D. R. Jackett, D. G. Wright and R. Feistel (2003). Accurate and computationally efficient algorithms for potential temperature and density of seawater. J atmos. ocean. technol. 20: 730-741
- Meyer, M. (2003). Modelling prognostic coast line scenarios for the southern Baltic Sea. Baltica 16: 21-30
- Minning, M., T. Leipe and G. Schernewski (2003). Auswirkungen der regelmäßigen Kanal-Ausbaggerungen auf die Trophie des Stettiner (Oder) Haffs. In: Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL)..., Braunschweig, 30.9.-4.10.2002. Werder: Eigenverlag der DLG: 555-559
- Minning, M., T. Leipe and G. Schernewski (2003). Der Schifffahrtskanal im Oderhaff - eine Senke für Sediment und Nährstoffe? In: Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Küstenforschung, 20. AMK-Tagung Kiel, 30.5.-1.6.2002. Ed. by A. Daschkeit and H. Sterr. Büsum: (Berichte aus dem Forschungs- u. Technologiezentrum Westküste der Univ. Kiel; 28): 207-213
- Mohrholz, V. and D. Rüß (2003). Shallow water current measurements: application of a towed ADP system. Hydro int. 7, 1: 24-27
- Müller, A. M. and N. Wasmund (2003). Photophysiology of surface phytoplankton communities in a transect from the mouth of the Peene-Strom to the Arkona Sea (Baltic). Int. rev. hydrobiol. 88: 482-497
- Nagel, K. (2003). Distribution patterns of nutrients discharged by the river Odra into the Pomeranian Bight. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 214-219
- Nausch, G. (2003). Fruchtbringende Wechselwirkung : Umweltüberwachung und Forschung-zwei Seiten einer Medaille. In: Der verschwundene Hering und das Geheimnis des Regenmachers : Umweltforschung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft ; Qualität und Vielfalt. Bonn: Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: 134-135
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, H. U. Lass, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (2003). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 2002. Meereswiss. Ber. 55: 1-71
- Nausch, G., W. Matthäus and R. Feistel (2003). Hydrographic and hydrochemical conditions in the Gotland Deep area between 1992 and 2003 (poster abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 197
- Nausch, G., W. Matthäus and R. Feistel (2003). Hydrographic and hydrochemical conditions in the Gotland Deep area between 1992 and 2003. Oceanologia 45: 557-569
- Nausch, M. and E. Kerstan (2003). Chemical and biological interactions in mixing gradients in the Pomeranian Bight. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 13-20
- Nausch, M. and E. Kerstan (2003). The relationship between dissolved carbohydrates and carbohydrate-degrading enzymes in the salinity gradient of the Pomeranian Bight (southern Baltic). Oceanologia 45, 3: 437-452
- Nehring, D. and G. Nausch (2003). Fertiliser consumption in the catchment area and eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. In: Proceedings of the Baltic Marine Science Conference : Roenne, Denmark, 22-26 Oct. 1996. Ed. by H. Dahlin , B. Dybern and S. Petersson. Copenhagen: Int. Council Explor. Sea (ICES coop. res. rep. ; 257): 8-12
- Neretin, L. N., C. Pohl, G. Jost, T. Leipe and F. Pollehne (2003). Manganese cycling in the Gotland Deep, Baltic Sea. Mar. chem. 82: 125-143
- Neumann, T. (2003). Virtuelle Ostsee : gekoppelte Modelle -das Ökosystem im Rechner. In: Der verschwundene Hering und das Geheimnis des Regenmachers : Umweltforschung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft ; Qualität und Vielfalt. Bonn: Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: 56-58
- Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2003). Managing Baltic Sea eutrophication via river basins (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 15
- Niemi, H., H. Jonsson, R. Schneider and D. Schiedek (2003). Muscular AChE and hepatitic EROD as biomarkers of exposure in male Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) (abstract). In: Pollutant responses in marine organisms (PRIMO 11). Ed. by J. Widdows and S. N. Luoma. Amsterdam: Elsevier (Marine environmental research; 54): 841-842
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