Publikationsliste 2009
- Adornato, L., A. Cardenas-Valencia, E. Kaltenbacher, R. H. Byrne, K. Daly, K. Larkin, S. Hartman, M. Mowlem, R. D. Prien and V. Garcon (2009). In situ nutrient sensors for ocean observing systems. Ocean Obs'09, Venice, 21.-25. September 2009
- Al-Raei, A. M., K. Bosselmann, M. E. Böttcher, B. Hespenheide and F. Tauber (2009). Seasonal dynamics of microbial sulfate reduction in temperate intertidal surface sediments: controls by temperature and organic matter. Ocean dyn. 59: 351-370, doi:10.1007/s10236-009-0186-5
- Alheit, J. (2009). Consequences of regime shifts for marine food webs. Int. j. earth sci. 98: 261-268, doi:10.1007/s00531-007-0232-9
- Alheit, J. and A. Bakun (2009). History of international co-operation in research. In: Climate change and small pelagic fish. Ed. by D. M. Checkley, J. Alheit, Y. Oozeki and C. Roy. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press: 1-5
- Alheit, J., C. Roy and S. Kifani (2009). Decadal-scale variability in populations. In: Climate change and small pelagic fish. Ed. by D. M. Checkley, J. Alheit, Y. Oozeki and C. Roy. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press: 64-87
- Andersen, J. H., M. Laamanen, J. Aigars, P. Axe, M. Blomquist, J. Carstensen, U. Claussen, A. B. Josefson, V. Fleming-Lehtinen, M. Järvinen, H. Kaartokallio, S. Kaitala, G. Nausch, N. Wasmund, P. Kauppila, S. Knuuttila, L. Korovin, S. Korpinen, P. Kotilainen, A. Kubiliute, P. Kuuppo, E. Lysiak-Pastuszak, G. Martin, A. Norkko, H. Pitkänen, T. Ruoho-Airola, R. Sedin and A. Villnäs (2009). Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea : an integrated thematic assessment of the effects of nutrient enrichment in the Baltic Sea region. Helsinki: Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission. 148 S. (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 115 B) http://www.helcom.fi/stc/files/Publications/Proceedings/bsep115B.pdf
- Andrews, J. T., D. Darby, D. Eberle, A. E. Jennings, M. Moros and A. Ogilvie (2009). A robust, multisite Holocene history of drift ice off northern Iceland: implications for North Atlantic climate. Holocene 19: 71-77, doi:10.1177/0959683608098953
- Arvanitidis, C., P. J. Somerfield, H. Rumohr, S. Faulwetter, V. Valavanis, A. Vasileiadou, G. Chatzigeorgiou, E. Vanden Berghe, J. Vanaverbeke, C. Labrune, A. Grémare, M. L. Zettler, M. Kędra, M. Włodarska-Kowalczuk, I. F. Aleffi, J. M. Amouroux, N. Anisimova, G. Bachelet, M. Büntzow, S. J. Cochrane, M. J. Costello, J. Craeymeersch, S. Dahle, S. Degraer, S. Denisenko, C. Dounas, G. Duineveld, C. Emblow, V. Escavarage, M. C. Fabri, D. Fleischer, J. S. Gray, C. H. R. Heip, M. Herrmann, H. Hummel, U. Janas, I. Karakassis, M. A. Kendall, P. Kingston, L. Kotwicki, J. Laudien, A. S. Y. Mackie, E. L. Nevrova, A. Occhipinti-Ambrogi, P. G. Oliver, F. Olsgard, R. Palerud, A. Petrov, E. Rachor, N. K. Revkov, A. Rose, R. Sardá, W. C. H. Sistermans, J. Speybroeck, G. Van Hoey, M. Vincx, P. Whomersley, W. Willems and A. Zenetos (2009). Biological geography of the European seas: results from the MacroBen database. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 382: 265-278, doi:10.3354/meps07955
- Ayo, B., A. Latatu, I. Artolozaga, K. Jürgens and J. Iriberri (2009). Factors affecting preference responses of the freshwater ciliate Uronema nigricans to bacterial prey. J. euk. microbiol. 56: 188-193, doi:10.1111/j.1550-7408.2008.00387.x
- Bigalke, N. K., G. Rehder and G. Gust (2009). Methane hydrate dissolution rates in undersaturated seawater under controlled hydrodynamic forcing. Mar. chem. 115: 226-234, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2009.09.002
- Bobertz, B., J. Harff and B. Bohling (2009). Parameterisation of clastic sediments including benthic structures. J. mar. syst. 75: 371-381, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.06.010
- Bochert, R. and M. L. Zettler (2009). A new species of Heterospio (Polychaeta, Longosomatidae) from offshore Angola. Zool. sci. 26: 735-737, doi:10.2108/zsj.26.735
- Bourbonnais, A., M. F. Lehmann, J. J. Waniek and D. Schulz-Bull (2009). Nitrate isotope anomalies reflect N2 fixation in the Azores Front region (subtropical NE Atlantic). J. geophys. res. 114: C03003, doi:10.1029/2007JC004617
- Bruckner, C. G. and P. G. Kroth (2009). Protocols for the removal of bacteria from freshwater benthic diatom cultures. J. phycol. 45: 981-986, doi:10.1111/j.1529-8817.2009.00708.x
- Burchard, H. (2009). Combined effects of wind, tide, and horizontal density gradients on stratification in estuaries and coastal seas. J. phys. oceanogr. 39: 2117-2136, doi:10.1175/2009JPO4142.1
- Burchard, H. and J.-M. Beckers (2009). Marine turbulence re-revisited - selected papers from the jointly organised 39th Liège Colloquium and 3rd Warnemünde Turbulence Days : preface. J. mar. syst. 77: 367-368, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2009.02.001
- Burchard, H. and T. P. Rippeth (2009). Generation of bulk shear spikes in shallow stratified tidal seas. J. phys. oceanogr. 39: 969-985, doi:10.1175/2008JPO4074.1
- Burchard, H., F. Janssen, K. Bolding, L. Umlauf and H. Rennau (2009). Model simulations of dense bottom currents in the Western Baltic Sea. Cont. shelf res. 29: 205-220, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2007.09.010
- Checkley, D. M., J. Alheit, Y. Oozeki and C. Roy, Eds. (2009). Climate change and small pelagic fish. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. 372 S.
- Christiansen, C., T. Leipe, G. Witt, P. L. Christoffersen and L. C. Lund-Hansen (2009). Selected elements, PCBs, and PAHs in sediments of the North Sea - Baltic Sea transition zone: sources and transport as derived from the distribution pattern. Geograf. tidsskr. 109: 81-94
- Conley, D. J., E. Bonsdorff, J. Carstensen, G. Destouni, B. G. Gustafsson, L.-A. Hansson, N. N. Rabalais, M. Voss and L. Zillén (2009). Tackling hypoxia in the Baltic Sea: Is engineering a solution? Environ. sci. technol. 43: 3407-3411, doi:10.1021/es8027633
- Conley, D. J., S. Björck, E. Bonsdorff, J. Carstensen, G. Destouni, B. G. Gustafsson, S. Hietanen, M. Kortekaas, H. Kuosa, H. E. M. Meier, B. Müller-Karulis, K. Nordberg, A. Norkko, G. Nürnberg, H. Pitkänen, N. N. Rabalais, R. Rosenberg, O. P. Savchuk, C. P. Slomp, M. Voss, F. Wulff and L. Zillén (2009). Hypoxia-related processes in the Baltic Sea. Environ. sci. technol. 43: 3412-3420, doi:10.1021/es802762a
- Deines, P., C. Matz and K. Jürgens (2009). Toxicity of violacein-producing bacteria fed to bacterivorous freshwater plankton. Limnol. oceanogr. 54: 1343-1352
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- Endler, R. (2009). Sediment physical properties of the DYNAS study area. J. mar. syst. 75: 317-329, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.09.012
- Fehér, Z., M. L. Zettler, M. Bozsó and K. Szabó (2009). An attempt to reveal the systematic relationship between Theodoxus prevostianus (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) and Theodoxus danubialis (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Neritidae). Mollusca 27: 95-107
- Feistel, R. (2009). Revised Release on the Equation of State 2006 for H2O Ice Ih. The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, Doorwerth, The Netherlands, September 2009 http://www.iapws.org/
- Feistel, R. (2009). Supplementary release on a computationally efficient thermodynamic formulation for liquid water for oceanographic use. The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, Doorwerth, The Netherlands, September 2009 http://www.iapws.org/
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch and E. Hagen (2009). Wasseraustausch zwischen Nord- und Ostsee sowie Bedingungen in den Tiefenbecken der Ostsee. Meeresumwelt aktuell Nord- und Ostsee, 2: 1-8
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch and E. Hagen (2009). Water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, and conditions in the deep basins. HELCOM indicator fact sheets: http://www.helcom.fi/environment2/ifs/ifs2009/en_GB/WaterExchange/
- Fennel, W. (2009). Parameterizations of truncated food web models from the perspective of an end-to-end model approach. J. mar. syst. 76: 171-185, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.05.005
- Fischer, E., H. Burchard and R. D. Hetland (2009). Numerical investigations of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate in the Rhine region of freshwater influence. Ocean dyn. 59: 629-641, doi:10.1007/s10236-009-0187-4
- Fleischer, D. and M. L. Zettler (2009). An adjustment of benthic ecological quality assessment to effects of salinity. Mar. poll. bull. 58: 351-357, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2008.10.016
- Flinkman, J. and L. Postel (2009). Zooplankton communities. In: Biodiversity in the baltic Sea : an integrated thematic assessment on biodiversity and nature conservation in the Baltic Sea. Ed. by U. L. Zweifel and M. Laamanen. Helsinki: Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 116 B): 43-48
- Forster, S., R. Turnewitsch, M. Powilleit, S. Werk, F. Peine, K. Ziervogel and M. Kersten (2009). Thorium-234 derived information on particle residence times and sediment deposition in shallow waters of the south-western Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. 75: 360-370, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.04.004
- Friedrichs, M., T. Leipe, F. Peine and G. Graf (2009). Impact of macrozoobenthic structures on near-bed sediment fluxes. J. mar. syst. 75: 336-347, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.12.006
- Glaubitz, S., T. Lueders, W.-R. Abraham, G. Jost, K. Jürgens and M. Labrenz (2009). 13C-isotope analyses reveal that chemolithoautotrophic Gamma- and Epsilon-proteobacteria feed a microbial food web in a pelagic redoxcline of the central Baltic Sea. Environ. microbiol. 11: 326-337, doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2008.01770.x
- Glockzin, M., M. Gogina and M. L. Zettler (2009). Beyond salty reins – modeling benthic species’ spatial response to their physical environment in the Pomeranian Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). Baltic Coastal Zone 13, Pt. II: 79-95
- Glöer, P. and M. L. Zettler (2009). Redescription of Planorbis moquini Requien, 1848 (Gastropoda: Planorbidae). J. conchol. 39: 727-732
- Gosselck, F., A. Darr, J. H. Jungbluth and M. L. Zettler (2009). Trivialnamen für Mollusken des Meeres und Brackwassers in Deutschlands (Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Scaphopoda et Cephalopoda). Mollusca 27: 3-32
- Grunwald, M., O. Dellwig, M. Beck, J. W. Dippner, J. A. Freund, C. Kohlmeier, B. Schnetger and H.-J. Brumsack (2009). Methane in the southern North Sea: sources, spatial distribution and budgets. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 81: 445-456, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2008.11.021
- Grémare, A., C. Labrune, E. Vanden Berghe, J. M. Amouroux, B. G., M. L. Zettler, J. Vanaverbeke, D. Fleischer, L. Bigot, O. Maire, B. Deflandre, J. Craeymeersch, S. Degraer, C. Dounas, G. Duineveld, C. Heip, M. Herrmann, H. Hummel, I. Karakassis, M. Kędra, M. Kendall, P. Kingston, J. Laudien, A. Occhipinti-Ambrogi, E. Rachor, R. Sardá, J. Speybroeck, G. Van Hoey, M. Vincx, P. Whomersley, W. Willems, M. Włodarska-Kowalczuk and A. Zenetos (2009). Comparison of the performances of two biotic indices based on the MacroBen database. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 382: 297-311, doi:10.3354/meps08030
- Hagen, E. (2009). Atlantic exploration and climate. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung 588: 80-95
- Harff, J., G. Graf and B. Bobertz (2009). Dynamics of natural and anthropogenic sedimentation (DYNAS) : preface. J. mar. syst. 75: 315-316, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.04.008
- Harff, J., G. Graf and B. Bobertz, Eds. (2009). Dynamics of natural and anthropogenic sedimentation (DYNAS). Amsterdam: Elsevier. 451 S. (Journal of marine systems, vol. 75, special issue)
- Hense, I. and B. Quack (2009). Modelling the vertical distribution of bromoform in the upper water column of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Biogeosciences 6: 535-544
- Hetzel, A., M. E. Böttcher, U. G. Wortmann and H.-J. Brumsack (2009). Paleo-redox conditions during OAE 2 reflected in Demerara Rise sediment geochemistry (ODP Leg 207). Palaeogeogr., palaeoclimatol., palaeoecol. 273: 302-328, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2008.11.005
- Hirschfeld, J., H. Behrendt, J. Edler, H. Janßen, R. Knippschild and S. Czarnecka-Zawada (2009). Transformationsprozesse im Einzugsgebiet der Oder - Szenarien 2020. Berlin: 48 S. (IKZM-Oder Berichte ; 56) http://www.ikzm-oder.de/download.php?fileid=3409
- Hofmeister, R., H. Burchard and K. Bolding (2009). A three-dimensional model study on processes of stratification and de-stratification in the Limfjord. Cont. shelf res. 29: 1515-1524, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2009.04.004
- Holtermann, P., H. Burchard and T. Jennerjahn (2009). Hydrodynamics of the Segara Anakan lagoon. Reg. environ. change 9: 245-258, doi:10.1007/s10113-008-0075-3
- Jansen, S., E. Walpersdorf, U. Werner, M. Billerbeck, M. E. Böttcher and D. de Beer (2009). Functioning of intertidal flats inferred from temporal and spatial dynamics of O2, H2S and pH in their surface sediment. Ocean dyn. 59: 317-332, doi:10.1007/s10236-009-0179-4
- Janßen, H. (2009). Climate change at Baltic beaches - zones of interactions. Coastal & marine 18: 13
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- Kolditz, K., O. Dellwig, J. Barkowski, M. Beck, H. Freund and H.-J. Brumsack (2009). Effects of de-embankment on pore water geochemistry of salt marsh sediments. J. coast. res. 25: 1222-1235, doi:10.2112/08-1053.1
- Kowalski, N., O. Dellwig, M. Beck, M. Grunwald, S. Fischer, M. Piepho, T. Riedel, H. Freund, H.-J. Brumsack and M. E. Böttcher (2009). Trace metal dynamics in the water column and pore waters in a temperate tidal system: response to the fate of algae-derived organic matter. Ocean dyn. 59: 333-350, doi:10.1007/s10236-009-0192-7
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- Lavik, G., T. Stührmann, V. Brüchert, A. Van der Plas, V. Mohrholz, P. Lam, M. Mußmann, B. M. Fuchs, R. Amann, U. Lass and M. M. M. Kuypers (2009). Detoxification of sulphidic African shelf waters by blooming chemolithotrophs. Nature 457: 581-584, doi:10.1038/nature07588
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- Lohmann, R., R. Gioia, K. C. Jones, L. Nizzetto, C. Temme, Z. Xie, D. Schulz-Bull, I. Hand, E. Morgan and L. Jantunen (2009). Organochlorine pesticides and PAHs in the surface water and atmosphere of the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. Environ. sci. technol. 43: 5633-5639, doi:doi:10.1021/es901229k
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- Maack, S., P. Dehne, J. Edler, B. Glaeser, G. Janssen, H. Janßen, R. Knippschild, H. Schabelon, R. Scheibe, G. Schernewski, A. Sekscinska and N. Stybel (2009). Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen zur transdisziplinären Projektarbeit - Evaluation des Projektes IKZM-Oder. In: Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Ed. by G. Schernewski, H. Janßen and S. Schumacher. Rostock: EUCC (Coastline Reports ; 12): 123-142
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- Mossbauer, M. (2009). Lokale Küstenerosion in der Glowe-Bucht - eine Analyse. In: International approaches of coastal research in theory and practice. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union (Coastline reports ; 13): 65-77
- Mossbauer, M. and G. Schernewski (2009). Kooperation von Wissenschaft und Praxis in Forschungsprojekten: Erfahrungen am Beispiel der Odermündungsregion. In: Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Ed. by G. Schernewski, H. Janßen and S. Schumacher. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union (Coastline reports ; 12): 143-160
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- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, L. Umlauf, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (2009). Hydrographisch-chemische Bedingungen in der deutschen ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone (AWZ) im Jahr 2008. Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde, im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie Hamburg und Rostock. 61 S.
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, L. Umlauf, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (2009). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 2008. Meereswiss. Ber. 77: 3-99
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- Orlikowska, A. and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2009). Seasonal variations of volatile organic compounds in the coastal Baltic Sea. Environ. chem. 6: 495-507, doi:10.1071/EN09107
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- Postel, L., J. Arístegui, S. Hernández-Leon, M. Gómez, C. Almeida, A. Portillo-Hahnefeld, M. F. Montero and T. T. Packard (2009). Seasonal variability in plankton community structure, productivity and food web transfer along the salinity gradient of the Baltic Sea. ICES Annual Science Conference, Berlin, ICES: ICES CM 2009/A:11
- Rehder, G., I. Leifer, P. G. Brewer, G. Friederich and E. T. Peltzer (2009). Controls on methane bubble dissolution inside and outside the hydrate stability field from open ocean field experiments and numerical modeling. Mar. chem. 114: 19-30, doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2009.03.004
- Reissmann, J. H., H. Burchard, R. Feistel, E. Hagen, H. U. Lass, V. Mohrholz, G. Nausch, L. Umlauf and G. Wieczorek (2009). Vertical mixing in the Baltic Sea and consequences for eutrophication – a review. Prog. oceanogr. 82: 47-80, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2007.10.004
- Renaud, P. E., T. J. Webb, A. Bjørgesæter, I. Karakassis, M. Kędra, M. A. Kendall, C. Labrune, N. Lampadariou, P. J. Somerfield, M. Włodarska-Kowalczuk, E. Vanden Berghe, S. Claus, I. F. Aleffi, J. M. Amouroux, K. H. Bryne, S. J. Cochrane, S. Dahle, S. Degraer, S. G. Denisenko, T. Deprez, C. Dounas, D. Fleischer, J. Gil, A. Grémare, U. Janas, A. S. Y. Mackie, R. Palerud, H. Rumohr, R. Sardá, J. Speybroeck, S. Taboada, G. Van Hoey, J. M. Węsławski, P. Whomersley and M. L. Zettler (2009). Continental-scale patterns in benthic invertebrate diversity: insights from the MacroBen database. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 382: 239-252, doi:10.3354/meps07963
- Rennau, H. and H. Burchard (2009). Quantitative analysis of numerically induced mixing in a coastal model application. Ocean dyn. 59: 671-687, doi:10.1007/s10236-009-0201-x
- Rodríguez-Martínez, R., M. Labrenz, J. del Campo, I. Forn, K. Jürgens and R. Massana (2009). Distribution of the uncultured protist MAST-4 in the Indian Ocean, Drake Passage and Mediterranean Sea assessed by real-time quantitative PCR. Environ. microbiol. 11: 397-408, doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2008.01779.x
- Sabadini-Santos, E., B. A. Knoppers, E. P. Oliveira, T. Leipe and R. E. Santelli (2009). Regional geochemical baselines for sedimentary metals of the tropical Sao Francisco Estuary, NE-Brazil. Mar. poll. bull. 58: 601-634, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.01.011
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