Publikationsliste 2004
- Alheit, J. (2004). The german GLOBEC project. GLOBEC int. newsl. 10, 1: 9
- Alheit, J. and M. Niquen (2004). Regime shifts in the Humboldt Current ecosystem. Prog. oceanogr. 60: 201-222
- Bangel, H., G. Schernewski, A. Bachor and M. Landsberg-Uczciwek (2004). Spatial pattern and long-term development of water quality in the Oder estuary. In: The Oder Estuary - against the background of the European Water Framework Directive. Ed. by G. Schernewski and T. Dolch. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 57): 17-65
- Bauerfeind, E. (2004). North East water polynya. In: The organic carbon cycle in the Arctic Ocean. Ed. by R. Stein and R. Macdonald. Berlin: Springer: 106-109
- Baumgartner, T. R., U. Struck and J. Alheit (2004). Globec investigation of interdecadal to multi-centennial variability in marine fish populations. 12, 1: 19-21
- Bennike, O., J. B. Jensen, W. Lemke, A. Kuijpers and S. Lomholt (2004). Late-and postglacial history of the Great Belt, Denmark. Boreas 33: 18-33
- Bill, J., J. Harff, D. Heinrich, W. Lemke, H. Lübke, U. Schmölcke and T. Terberger (2004). Tauchgang in die Vergangenheit : Unterwasserarchäologie in der Nord- und Ostsee. Hrsg. v. F. Lüth u.a. Stuttgart: Theiss. 112 S.
- Blank, M., R. Bastrop, M. Roehner and K. Jürss (2004). Effect of salinity on spatial distribution and cell volume regulation in two sibling species of Marenzelleria (Polychaeta: Spionidae). Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 271: 193 - 205
- Bobertz, B. and J. Harff (2004). How to supply a regional sediment transport model with sediment parameters measured locally? (abstract). In: The Baltic: The Eight Marine Geological Conference , September 23-28, 2004, Tartu, Estonia : abstracts, excursion guide. Ed. by I. Puura. Taru: Inst. of Geology, Univ. Tartu: 9
- Bobertz, B. and J. Harff (2004). Sediment facies and hydrodynamic setting : a study in the south western Baltic Sea. Ocean dyn. 54: 39-48
- Bochert, R. and M. L. Zettler (2004). Long-term exposure of several marine benthic animals to static magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics 25: 498-502
- Bohling, B. (2004). Variations in grain size analysis with a time-of-transition laser sizer (Galai CIS 50) using a gravitational flow system. Part. and part. syst. charact. 21: 455-462
- Brüchert, V., R. Endler, T. Vogt and K.-C. Emeis (2004). Dynamics of methane and hydrogene sulfide in Namibian shelf sediments. Geophys. res. abstr. 6: EGU04-A-05666
- Burchard, H. and J.-M. Beckers (2004). Non-uniform adaptive vertical grids in one-dimensional numerical ocean models. Ocean model. 6: 51-81
- Burchard, H., I. Grabemann and J. Kappenberg, Eds. (2004). (Second) PECS'02 special issue: papers presented at the 11th Biennial Conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas, September 17-20, 2002 in Hamburg, Germany. Berlin: Springer. 299-473 S. (Ocean Dynamics. 54(2004)3/4 = special issue)
- Burchard, H., K. Bolding and M. R. Villarreal (2004). Three-dimensional modelling of estuarine turbidity maxima in a tidal estuary. Ocean dyn. 54: 250-265
- Clemmesen, C. R., M. Dickmann, R. Voss and M. Peck (2004). Variation in nutritional condition of larval sprat (Sprattus sprattus) caught during the 2002 spawning season in the Bornholm Basi, Baltic Sea. GLOBEC int. newsl. 10, 1: 9-10
- Czub, G. and M. S. McLachlan (2004). A food chain model to predict the levels of lipophilic organic contaminants in humans. Environ. toxicol. chem. 23: 2356-2366
- Czub, G. and M. S. McLachlan (2004). Bioaccumulation potential of persistent organic chemicals in humans. Environ. sci. technol. 2004: 2406-2412
- deYoung, B., R. Harris, J. Alheit, G. Beaugrand, N. Mantua and L. Shannon (2004). Detecting regime shifts in the ocean: data considerations. Prog. oceanogr. 60: 143-164
- Dickow, A., C. Droste, F. Liebrenz and G. Schernewski (2004). Coastal Practice Network (CoPraNet) - The German Partner. In: Littoral 2004 : 7th International Symposium: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 20th - 22nd September 2004; [proceedings]. Ed. by D. R. Green. Cambridge: Cambridge Publications, 2004: 790-791
- Dippner, J. W. (2004). Integrated Baltic Sea Environmental Study (IBSEN) : analysis and simulation of hydrological and ecological variability in the last 1000 years. BALTEX newsl., 6: 13-15
- Dippner, J. W. and C. Pohl (2004). Trends in heavy metal concentrations in the Western and Central Baltic Sea waters detected by using empirical orthogonal functions analysis. J. mar. syst. 46: 69-83
- Dippner, J. W. and M. Voss (2004). Climate reconstruction of the MWP in the Baltic Sea area based on biogeochemical proxies from a sediment record. Baltica 17: 5-16
- Dutz, J., V. Mohrholz, J. Peters and J. Alheit (2004). A strong impact of winter temperature on spring recruitment of a key copepod species in the Bornholm Sea: potential linkages to climate variability. GLOBEC int. newsl. 10, 1: 13-14
- Emeis, K.-C., V. Brüchert, B. Currie, R. Endler, T. Ferdelman, A. Kiessling, T. Leipe, K. Noli-Peard, U. Struck and T. Voigt (2004). Shallow gas in shelf sediments of the Namibian coastal upwelling ecosystem. Cont. shelf res. 24: 627-642
- Fagel, N., F. Dehairs, R. Peinert, A. Antia and L. André (2004). Reconstructing export production at the NE Atlantic margin : potential and limits of the Ba proxy. Mar. geol. 204: 11-25
- Feistel, R. and G. Nausch (2004). Water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea and conditions in the deep basins. http://helcom.navigo.fi/environment/indicators2004/inflow/en_GB/inflow/
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch, T. Heene, J. Piechura and E. Hagen (2004). Evidence for a warm water inflow into the Baltic Proper in summer 2003. Oceanologia 46: 581-598
- Feistel, R., G. Nausch, W. Matthäus, E. Lysiak-Pastuszak, T. Seifert, I. Sehested Hansen, V. Mohrholz, S. Krüger, E. Buch and E. Hagen (2004). Background data to the exceptionally warm inflow into the Baltic Sea in late summer of 2002. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 58 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 58)
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (2004). Introduction to the modelling of marine ecosystems. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 297 S. (Elsevier Oceanography Series ; 72), 0-444-51702-2
- Forster, S. and M. L. Zettler (2004). The capacity of the filter-feeding bivalve Mya arenaria L. to affect water transport in sandy beds. Mar. biol. 144: 1183-1189
- Forster, S., B. Bobertz and B. Bohling (2004). Permeability of sands in the coastal areas of the southern Baltic Sea : mapping a grain-size related sediment property. Aquat. geochem. 9: 171-190
- Gerofke, A., P. Kömp and M. S. McLachlan (2004). Stir bar contamination: a method to establish and maintain constant water concentrations of poorly water-soluble chemicals in bioconcentration experiments. Water res. 38: 3411-3419
- Göllnitz, U. and M. L. Zettler (2004). 18. und 19. Kartierungstreffen der AG Malakologie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Richtenberg. Arch. Freunde der Nat.gesch. Mecklenburg 43: 61-67
- Hagen, E. and R. Feistel (2004). Observations of low-frequency current fluctuations in deep water of the Eastern Gotland Basin / Baltic Sea. J. geophys. res. 109, C 3: C03044; doi:10.1029/2003JC002017, (1-15)
- Hansen, F. C., C. Möllmann, U. Schütz and H.-H. Hinrichsen (2004). Spatio-temporal distribution of Oithona similis in the Bornholm Basin (Central Baltic Sea). J. plankton res. 26: 659-668
- Harff, J., B. Bobertz, W. Granitzki, W. Lemke and K. Wehner (2004). Sand and gravel deposits in the south-western Baltic Sea, their utilization and sustainable development. In: Mineral resources of the Baltic Sea : exploration, exploitation and sustainable development. Ed. by J. Harff, E. M. Emelyanov, M. Schmidt-Thomé and M. Spriridonov. Hannover: Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie, SH 2): 111-123
- Harff, J., E. M. Emelyanov, M. Schmidt-Thomé and M. Spriridonov (2004). Preface. In: Mineral resources of the Baltic Sea : exploration, exploitation and sustainable development. Ed. by J. Harff, E. M. Emelyanov, M. Schmidt-Thomé and M. Spriridonov. Hannover: Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie, SH 2): 11-13
- Harff, J., E. M. Emelyanov, M. Schmidt-Thomé and M. Spriridonov, Eds. (2004). Mineral resources of the Baltic Sea : exploration, exploitation and sustainable development. Hannover: Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe. 227 S. (Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie, SH 2)
- Harff, J., H. Jöns and F. Lüth (2004). Die DFG-Forschergruppe Sinking Coasts (SINCOS). In: Neue Forschungen zur Steinzeit im südlichen Ostseegebiet. Ed. by H. Lübke, F. Lüth and T. Terberger. Lübstorf: Landesamt f. Bodendenkmalpflege Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Bodendenkmalpflege in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern : Jahrbuch ; 52): 35-42
- Heise, B., B. Bobertz and J. Harff (2004). A method to correlate granulometrical sediment parameters and hydographical data. Küste 68: 165-186
- Hendiarti, N., H. Siegel and T. Ohde (2004). Investigation of different coastal processes in Indonesian waters using SeaWiFS data. Deep-sea res. Pt. 2. 51: 85-97
- Janssen, F., T. Neumann and M. Schmidt (2004). Interannual variability of cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea controlled by wintertime hydrographic conditions. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 275: 59-68
- Jiménez-Montaño, M. A., R. Feistel and O. Diez-Martínez (2004). On the information hidden in signals and macromolecules. I. Symbolic time-series analysis. Nonlinear dyn., psychol., life sci. 8: 445-478
- John, H. C., V. Mohrholz, J. R. E. Lutjeharms, S. Weeks, R. Cloete, A. Kreiner and D. Da Silva Neto (2004). Oceanographic and faunistic structures across an Angola Current intrusion into northern Namibian waters,. J. mar. syst. 46: 1-22
- Jonsson, H., K. V. Sandnes, D. Schiedek, R. Schneider, B. E. Grøsvik and A. Goksøyr (2004). Development of two novel CYP-antibodies and their use in a PCB exposure experiment with Mytilus edulis. Mar. environ. res. 58: 655-658
- Jueg, U. and M. L. Zettler (2004). Die Molluskenfauna der Elbe in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mit Erstnachweis der Grobgerippten Körbchenmuschel Corbicula fluminea (O.F. Müller 1756). Mitt. Naturforsch. Ges. West-Mecklenburg 4, 1: 83-87
- Kammler, M. and G. Schernewski (2004). Spatial and temporal analysis of beach tourism using webcam and aerial photographs. In: Managing the Baltic Sea : BaltCoast 2004 - conference proceedings, Warnemünde, Germany, 26.-28. April 2004. Ed. by G. Schernewski and N. Löser. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 2): 121-128
- Kuhrts, C., W. Fennel and T. Seifert (2004). Model studies of transport of sedimentary material in the western Baltic. J. mar. syst. 52: 167-190
- Kuss, J. and B. Schneider (2004). Chemical enhancement of the CO2 gas exchange at a smooth seawater surface. Mar. chem. 91: 165-174
- Kuss, J., K. Nagel and B. Schneider (2004). Evidence from the Baltic Sea for an enhancend CO2 air-sea transfer velocity. Tellus 56B: 175-182, doi: 10.3402/tellusb.v56i2.16407
- Labrenz, M. (2004). Living science: Peter Hirsch celebrates his 75th birthday. Microb. ecol. 47: 197-199
- Labrenz, M. and J. F. Banfield (2004). Sulfate-reducing bacteria-dominated biofilms that precipitate ZnS in a subsurface circumneutral-pH mine drainage system. Microb. ecol. 47: 205-217
- Labrenz, M., I. Brettar, R. Christen, S. Flavier, J. Bötel and M. G. Höfle (2004). Development and application of a real-time PCR approach for quantification of uncultured bacteria in the Central Baltic Sea. Appl. environ. microbiol. 70, 8: 4971-4979
- Lass, H. U. (2004). Extreme Wasserstände in der Ostsee - physikalisch-ozeanographisch betrachtet. 2004, 5:
- Lemke, W. (2004). Die kurze und wechselvolle Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ostsee : aktuelle meeresgeologische Untersuchungen zum Verlauf der Litorina-Transgression. In: Neue Forschungen zur Steinzeit im südlichen Ostseegebiet. Ed. by H. Lübke, F. Lüth and T. Terberger. Lübstorf: Landesamt f. Bodendenkmalpflege Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Bodendenkmalpflege in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern : Jahrbuch ; 52): 43-54
- Lemke, W. and R.-O. Niedermeyer (2004). Sedimente der Ostsee und der Bodden. In: Geologie von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Ed. by G. Katzung. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller): 347-362
- Liebetrau, V., A. Eisenhauer, R. Frei, A. Kronz, B. Bock, B. T. Hansen and T. Leipe (2004). Radiometric growth rate and Pb isotope evolution of Mn/Fe precipitates from the SW Baltic Sea. In: Mineral resources of the Baltic Sea : exploration, exploitation and sustainable development. Ed. by J. Harff, E. M. Emelyanov, M. Schmidt-Thomé and M. Spriridonov. Hannover: Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie, SH 2): 177-198
- Liehr, G., S. Heise and G. Witt (2004). Ecotoxicity of PAHs in the Lübeck Bight and Mecklenburg Bight (abstract). In: Abstract book : SETAC Europe,14th Annual Meeting, Prague, 18-22.April 2004. Brussels: Soc. Environm. Toxic. and Chemistry: 193 /TUPO7/004
- Manasreh, R., M. Badran, H. U. Lass and W. Fennel (2004). Circulation and winter deep-water formation in the Red Sea. Oceanologia 46: 5-23
- Matz, C., P. Deines, J. Boenigk, H. Arndt, L. Eberl, S. Kjelleberg and K. Jürgens (2004). Impact of violacein-producing bacteria on survival and feeding of bacterivorous nanoflagellates. Appl. environ. microbiol. 70: 1593-1599
- Mohrholz, V., M. Schmidt, J. R. E. Lutjeharms and H. C. John (2004). Space-time behaviour of the Angola-Benguela Frontal Zone during the Benguela Nino of April 1999. Int. j. remote sensing 25: 1337-1340
- Munshi, A. B., D. E. Schulz-Bull, R. Schneider and R. Zuberi (2004). Organochlorine concentrations in various fish from different locations at Karachi Coast. 49: 597-601
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel and W. Matthäus (2004). Hydrographic and hydrochemical implications of stagnation and water renewing in the central Baltic Sea - the period 1992-2004. ICES Ann. Sc. Conf. 2004: ICES CM paper L 03
- Nausch, G., R. Feistel, H. U. Lass, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (2004). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 2003. Meereswiss. Ber. 59: 3-80
- Nausch, M. and G. Nausch (2004). Bacterial utilization of phosphorus pools after nitrogen and carbon supply, and the relationship to the stimulation of alkaline phosphatase activity. Aquat. microb. ecol. 37: 237-245
- Nausch, M. and K. Neddermann (2004). The seasonality of stimulation of alkaline phosphatase activity by organic and anorganic nitrogen. Aquat. ecol. 38: 475-484
- Nausch, M., G. Nausch and N. Wasmund (2004). Phosphorus dynamics during the transition from nitrogen to phosphate limitation in the central Baltic Sea. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 266: 15-25
- Ohde, T., B. Sturm and H. Siegel (2004). Preliminary results for SeaWiFS vicarious calibration coefficient in the Baltic Sea. Int. j. remote sensing 25: 1495-1499
- Ottersen, G., J. Alheit, K. Drinkwater, K. Friedland, E. Hagen and N. C. Stenseth (2004). The response of fish populations to ocean climate fluctuations. In: Marine ecosystems and climate variation. Ed. by N. C. Stenseth. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Pr.: 73-94
- Peinert, R. and T. T. Noji (2004). Greenland Sea. In: The organic carbon cycle in the Arctic Ocean. Ed. by R. Stein and R. Macdonald. Berlin: Springer: 109-112
- Peinert, R., H. Bayrhuber and K. Lochte (2004). Ozean und globaler Kohlenstoffkreislauf. Prax. Naturwiss. - Biol. Schule 53, 3: 23-28
- Pernthaler, J., E. Zöllner, F. Warnecke and K. Jürgens (2004). Bloom of filamentous bacteria in a mesotrophic lake: identity and potential controlling mechanism. Appl. environ. microbiol. 70: 6272-6281
- Petry, C. (2004). Mikrobieller Abbau von partikulärem organischen Material in der tiefen Wassersäule. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 137 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 61)
- Podsetchine, V., G. Schernewski and I. Tejakusuma (2004). Simulations of water flow, transport and temperature in the Oder (Szczecin) Lagoon. In: The Oder Estuary - against the background of the European Water Framework Directive. Ed. by G. Schernewski and T. Dolch. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 57): 85-97
- Pohl, C. and U. Hennings (2004). Die Schwermetall-Situation in der Ostsee im Jahre 2003. Meereswiss. Ber. 59: 81-113
- Pohl, C., A. Löffler and U. Hennings (2004). A sediment trap flux study for trace metals under seasonal aspects in the stratified Baltic Sea (Gotland Basin; 57o19.20'N; 20o03.00'E). Mar. chem. 84: 143-160
- Reissmann, J.-H. (2004). Integral properties of meso-scale eddies in four deep basins of the Baltic Sea. Geophys. res. abstr. 6: EGU04-A-03688
- Rohling, E. J., M. Sprovieri, T. Cane, J. S. L. Casford, S. Cooke, I. Bouloubassi, K.-C. Emeis, R. Schiebel, A. Hayes, F. J. Jorissen and D. Kroon (2004). Reconstructing past planktic foraminiferal habitats using stable isotope data: a case history for Mediterranean sapropel S5. Mar. micropaleontol. 50: 89-123
- Rosell-Melé, A., E. Bard, K.-C. Emeis, B. Grieger, C. Hewitt, P. J. Müller and R. R. Schneider (2004). Sea surface temperature anomalies in the oceans at the LGM estimated from the alkenone-U 37 K' index: comparison with GCMs. Geophys. res. lett. 31: L03208, doi:10.1029/2003GL018151
- Sala, M. M. and K. Jürgens (2004). Bacterial growth on macrophyte leachate in the presence and absence of bacterivorous protists. Arch. Hydrobiol. 161: 371-389
- Schernewski, G. (2004). Baltic Region. In: Encyclopedia of world environmental history. Ed. by S. Krech, J. R. McNeill and C. Merchant. New York (u.a.): Routledge: 115-116
- Schernewski, G. (2004). Baltic Sea. In: Encyclopedia of world environmental history. Ed. by S. Krech, J. R. McNeill and C. Merchant. New York (u.a.): Routledge: 116-118
- Schernewski, G. (2004). Von der Agenda 21 im Ostseeraum zum regionalen integrierten Küstenzonenmanagement (IKZM). 54: 132-136
- Schernewski, G. and M. Wielgat (2004). A Baltic Sea typology according to the EC-Water Framework Directive: integration of national typologies and the water body concept. In: Baltic Sea typology. Ed. by G. Schernewski and M. Wielgat. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 4): 1-26
- Schernewski, G. and M. Wielgat (2004). Towards a topology for the Baltic Sea. In: Managing the Baltic Sea : BaltCoast 2004 - conference proceedings, Warnemünde, Germany, 26.-28. April 2004. Ed. by G. Schernewski and N. Löser. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 2): 35-52
- Schernewski, G. and M. Wielgat, Eds. (2004). Baltic Sea typology. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. 109 S. (Coastline reports ; 4)
- Schernewski, G. and S. Bock (2004). Online-Lernmodule zum Küstenmanagement. In: Geographie der Meere und Küsten : Ergebnisse der 22. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Geographie der Meere und Küsten" in Warnemünde. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 1): 163-168
- Schernewski, G. and S. Bock (2004). Web-based training on coastal management in Germany. In: Littoral 2004 : 7th International Symposium: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 20th - 22nd September 2004; [proceedings]. Ed. by D. R. Green. Cambridge: Cambridge Publications, 2004: 758-759
- Schernewski, G. and T. Dolch, Eds. (2004). Geographie der Meere und Küsten : Ergebnisse der 22. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Geographie der Meere und Küsten" in Warnemünde. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. 271 S. (Coastline reports ; 1)
- Schernewski, G. and T. Dolch, Eds. (2004). The Oder Estuary - against the background of the European Water Framework Directive. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 288 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 57)
- Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2004). Baltic Sea ecosystem management and European policy. In: International co-operation for the Baltic Sea environment: past, present and future: International Conference to commemorate 30 years of the Helsinki Convention, March 22-24, 2004, Riga, Latvia. Jurmala: Latvian Environment Agency: 56-59
- Schernewski, G., H. Behrens, S. Bock, P. Dehne, W. Erbguth, ..., T. Neumann, ... and K. Wirtz (2004). Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement in der Odermündungsregion (IKZM Oder). In: Geographie der Meere und Küsten : Ergebnisse der 22. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Geographie der Meere und Küsten" in Warnemünde. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 1): 183-193
- Schernewski, G., P. Dehne and T. Permien et al. (2004). ICZM in the Regional Seas. 13, 3: 13-15
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- Schneider, B. and J. Kuss (2004). Past and present productivity of the Baltic Sea as inferred from pCO2 data. Cont. Shelf Res. 24: 1611-1622., doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2004.06.023
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- Siegel, H. and M. Gerth (2004). Development of sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea in 2003. http://helcom.navigo.fi/environment/indicators2004/sst/en_GB/temperature/
- Siegel, H., M. Gerth and T. Ohde (2004). Dynamic features along the German Baltic Sea coastal monitoring. Int. j. remote sensing 25: 1403-1408
- Siegel, H., M. Gerth and T. Ohde (2004). Optical in situ measurements of a coccolithophoride bloom in the SE Atlantic Ocean off Namibia identified and followed by satellite ocean colour data. In: Proceedings of Ocean Optics Conference, Fremantle, Oct 2004. (CD). Bellingham, Wash.: SPIE: paper 013
- Siegel, H., T. Seifert, M. Gerth, T. Ohde, J. H. Reissmann and G. Schernewski (2004). Dynamical processes along the German Baltic Sea coast systematized to support coastal monitoring. In: Managing the Baltic Sea : BaltCoast 2004 - conference proceedings, Warnemünde, Germany, 26.-28. April 2004. Ed. by G. Schernewski and N. Löser. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 2): 219-226
- Stips, A., K. Bolding, T. Pohlmann and H. Burchard (2004). Simulating the temporal and spatial dynamics of the North Sea using the new model GETM (general estuarine transport model). Ocean dyn. 54: 266-283
- Struck, U., F. Pollehne, E. Bauerfeind and B. v. Bodungen (2004). Sources of nitrogen for the vertival particle flux in the Gotland Sea (Baltic Proper) - results from sediment trap studies. J. mar. syst. 45: 91-101
- Struck, U., T. Heyn, A. Altenbach and J. Alheit (2004). Distribution and nitrogen isotope ratios of fish scales in surface sediments from the upwelling area off Namibia. Zitteliana A 44: 125-132
- Tejakusuma, I. (2004). Investigations into the hydrography and dynamics of suspended particulate matter and sediments in the Oder Lagoon, southern Baltic Sea. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 153 S. (IKZM-Oder Berichte; 1 http://www.ikzm-oder.de/ergebnisse_ikzm-oder_berichte.php)
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