Publikationsliste 1996
- Alheit, J. and E. Hagen, Eds. (1996). The Bohuslän herring periods: are they controlled by climate variations or local phenomena? paper O:6, 21 S. S. (ICES Council Meeting, Reykjavik, 1996)
- Alheit, J. and J. Hunter (1996). Small pelagic fishes and climate change (SPACC) programme of GLOBEC. 10: 4-13
- Andrulewicz, E., G. Dahlmann, B. Hägerhäll and G. Witt (1996). Contaminants : Petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs). In: Third periodic assessment of the state of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93 : background document. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 64B): 139-144
- Bergström, S. and W. Matthäus (1996). Meteorology, hydrology and hydrography. In: Third periodic assessment of the state of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93 : background document. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 64B): 9-18
- Bignert, A., M. Cleeman, D. Dannenberger, H. Gaul and O. Roots (1996). Contaminants : Halogenated hydrocarbons. In: Third periodic assessment of the state of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93 : background document. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 64B): 130-138
- Boetius, A. and K. Lochte (1996). Effect of organic enrichments on hydrolytic potentials and growth of bacteria in deep-sea sediments. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 140: 239-250
- Boetius, A. and K. Lochte (1996). High proteolytic activities of deep-sea bacteria from oligotrophic polar sediments. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. issues Advanc. limnol. 48: 269-276
- Brosin, H. J. (1996). Zur Geschichte der Meeresforschung in der DDR. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 212 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 17)
- Cociasu, A., L. Dorogan, C. Humborg and L. Popa (1996). Long-term ecological changes in Romanian coastal waters of the Black Sea. Mar. poll. bull. 32: 32-38
- Dannenberger, D. (1996). Chlorinated microcontaminants in surface sediments of the Baltic Sea - investigations in the Belt Sea, the Arkona Sea and the Pomeranian Bight. Mar. poll. bull. 32: 772-781
- Dannenberger, D. (1996). Ostseewasser - Analytik im Subspurenbereich: T. 2. Chem. Labor Biotech. 47: 16-19
- Dannenberger, D. and A. Lerz (1996). Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and organochlorine pesticides in sediments of the Baltic and coastal waters of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 48: 5-26
- Davis, J. C., J. Harff, W. Lemke, R. A. Olea, F. Tauber and G. C. Bohling (1996). Analysis of Baltic sedimentary facies by regionalized classification. Geowissenschaften 14: 67-72
- Doerffer, R., W. Rosenthal and H. Siegel (1996). Können Fernerkundungsverfahren bei der Berechnung der Primärproduktion der Boddengewässer helfen? Bodden 3: 99-115
- Elken, J., A. Trzosinska, E. Lysiak-Pastuszak, A. Omstedt and H. U. Lass (1996). Baltic proper : Hydrography. In: Third periodic assessment of the state of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93 : background document. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 64B): 75-40
- Emeis, K.-C. (1996). Paleoceanography and sapropel introduction. Proc. ODP: init. repts. 160: 21-28
- Emeis, K.-C., A. H. F. Robertson, C. Richter and e. al. (1996). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: Initial Reports. Vol. 160. College Station: Ocean Drilling Program. 972 S.
- Emeis, K.-C., H.-J. Brumsack, A. Kopf and J. Rullkötter (1996). Kontinentkollisionen und Klimawechsel im Mittelmeer: Ergebnisse von Leg 160 des Internationalen Tiefseebohrprogramms (ODP). Geowissenschaften 14: 18-22
- Feistel, R. and E. Hagen (1996). Gotland waters at position BY15A, 1970 -1993. In: GOBEX-Summary Report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 19): 24-29
- Fennel, W. (1996). Wind forced oceanic responses near ice edges. paper C:4, 19 S.
- Fennel, W. and T. Neumann (1996). The mesoscale variability of nutrients and plankton as seen in a coupled model. paper C+J:1, 9 S.
- Fischer, H. and W. Matthäus (1996). The importance of the Drodgen Sill in the Sound for major Baltic inflows. J. mar. syst. 9: 137-157
- Grossmann, S., K. Lochte and R. Scharek (1996). Algal and bacterial processes in platelet ice during late austral summer. Polar biol. 16: 623-633
- Hagen, E. and R. Feistel (1996). Lenses of relative saline deep water in the eastern Gotland Basin? In: GOBEX-Summary Report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 19): 34-37
- Hagen, E., C. Zülicke and R. Feistel (1996). Near surface structures in the Cape Ghir filament off Morocco. Oceanol. acta 19: 577-598
- Hansen, H.-P., W. Matthäus, G. Nausch and D. Nehring (1996). Overall assessment : Hydrochemistry. In: Third periodic assessment of the state of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93 : background document. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 64B): 212-214
- Harff, J., R. A. Olea, J. C. Davis and G. C. Bohling (1996). Geostatistical solution of the classification problem with an application to oil prospecting. In: Geological Modelling and Mapping. Ed. by A. Förster and D. F. Merriam. New York: Plenum: 263-280
- Harms, A. (1996). Die bodennahe Trübezone der Mecklenburger Bucht unter besonderer Betrachtung der Stoffdynamik bei Schwermetallen. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 128 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 20)
- Helbig, A. and J. Kube (1996). Die Ostsee als Brut- und Überwinterungsgebiet für Meeres- und Küstenvögel. In: Warnsignale aus der Ostsee: wissenschaftliche Fakten. Ed. by J. L. Lozán, R. Lampe, W. Matthäus, E. Rachor, H. Rumohr and H. v. Westernhagen. Berlin: Parey: 222-231
- Hoell, C. and E. Hagen (1996). On the skin effect at low wind speeds (Abstract). An. geophys. 14 suppl.: 445
- Jensen, J. B., A. Kuijpers and W. Lemke (1996). Fehmarn Belt - Arkonabecken - Spätquartäre Sedimente. Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark. S. (DGU Map Series; 5)
- Kerstan, E. (1996). Untersuchung der Verteilungsmuster von Kohlenhydraten in der Ostsee unter Berücksichtigung produktionsbiologischer Meßgrößen. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 119 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 15)
- Kersten, M. (1996). Aqueous solubility diagrams for cementitious waste stabilization systems. Environ. sci. technol. 30: 2286-2293
- Kersten, M. (1996). Emissionspotential einer Schlackenmonodeponie : Schwermetalle im Sickerwasser von Müllverbrennungsschlacken - ein langfristiges Umweltgefährdungspotential? Geowissenschaften 14: 180-185
- Kononen, K., H. Kuosa, J.-M. Leppänen, R. Olsonen, ., J. Kuparinen, L. Postel and G. Behrends (1996). Overall assessment : Pelagic biology. In: Third periodic assessment of the state of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93 : background document. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 64B): 215-222
- Kube, J. (1996). Spatial and temporal variations in the population structure of the soft-shell clam, Mya arenia, in the Pomeranian Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). J. sea res. 35: 335-344
- Kube, J. (1996). The ecology of macrozoobenthos and sea ducks in the Pomeranian Bay. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 128 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 18)
- Kube, J., C. Peters and M. Powilleit (1996). Spatial variation in growth of Macoma baltica(Mollusca, Bivalvia) in relation to environmental gradients in the Pomeranian Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). Arch. fish. mar. res. 44: 81-93
- Kube, J., M. L. Zettler, F. Gosselck, S. Ossig and M. Powilleit (1996). Distribution of Marenzelleria viridis (Polychaeta: Spionidae) in the southwestern Baltic Sea in 1993/94 - ten years after introduction. Sarsia 81: 131-142
- Kube, J., M. Powilleit and J. Warzocha (1996). The importance of hydrodynamic processes and food availability for the structure of macrofauna assemblages in the Pomeranian Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). Arch. Hydrobiol. 138: 213-228
- Kuparinen, J., P. Bjoernsen, L. Daksha, H. Giesenhagen, A. Hagström, G. Jost, H. Kaas, K. Künnis, M. Maciejowska, A. Tsiban and J. Wikner (1996). Overall assessment : Microbial food web. In: Third periodic assessment of the state of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93 : background document. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 64B): 222-228
- Lackschewitz, K. S., R. Endler, B. Gehrke, H.-J. Wallrabe-Adams and J. Thiede (1996). Evidence for topography - and current-controlled deposition on the Reykjanes Ridge between 59o N and 60o N. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 43: 1683-1711
- Lass, H. U. and W. Matthäus (1996). On temporal wind variations forcing salt water inflows into the Baltic Sea. Tellus 48A: 663-671
- Leipe, T., A. Löffler and R. Bahlo (1996). Untersuchungen an Schwebstoffen mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie und automatisierter Röntgen-Mikroanalyse (EDX): Beispiele aus der Ostsee. Zbl. Geol. Paläont. 1996: 485-501
- Lochte, K. (1996). Benthic exchange and transformation in the deep sea - the need for high resolution four-dimensional studies. In: The oceans and the poles. Ed. by G. Hempel. Jena: G. Fischer: 157-169
- Lochte, K., P. Halbach and B.-W. Flemming, Eds. (1996). Biogeochemical fluxes in the deep sea and investigations of geological structures in the Indian Ocean, cruise no. 33, 22 September - 30 October 1995. Hamburg: Universität Hamburg. 160 S. (METEOR-Berichte; 96-5)
- Lozán, J. L., R. Lampe, W. Matthäus, E. Rachor, H. Rumohr and H. v. Westernhagen, Eds. (1996). Warnsignale aus der Ostsee: wissenschaftliche Fakten. Berlin: Parey. 385 S.
- Matthäus, W. (1996). Ozeanographische Besonderheiten. In: Warnsignale aus der Ostsee: wissenschaftliche Fakten. Ed. by J. L. Lozán, R. Lampe, W. Matthäus, E. Rachor, H. Rumohr and H. v. Westernhagen. Berlin: Parey: 17-24
- Matthäus, W. and H. Fischer (1996). The significance of the entrance sills to the Baltic Sea for salt water inflows. paper C:6, 15 S.
- Matthäus, W., D. Nehring and S. Schulz (1996). Trends in der zentralen Ostsee (Arkona-, Bornholm- und Gotlandsee). In: Warnsignale aus der Ostsee: wissenschaftliche Fakten. Ed. by J. L. Lozán, R. Lampe, W. Matthäus, E. Rachor, H. Rumohr and H. v. Westernhagen. Berlin: Parey: 266-273
- Matthäus, W., D. Nehring, H. U. Lass, G. Nausch, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (1996). The Baltic Sea in 1996 - continuation of stagnation and decreasing phosphate concentrations. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 48: 161-174
- Meyer-Harms, B. (1996). Ernährungsstrategie calanoider Copepoden in zwei unterschiedlich trophierten Seegebieten der Ostsee (Pommernbucht, Gotlandsee). Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 140 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 13)
- Montoya, J. P., M. Voss, P. Kähler and D. G. Capone (1996). A simple, high precision tracer assay for dinitrogen fixation. Appl. environ. microbiol. 62: 986-993
- Nausch, G. and D. Nehring (1996). Baltic proper : Hydrochemistry. In: Third periodic assessment of the state of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93 : background document. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 64B): 80-84
- Nausch, G. and W. Matthäus (1996). Present changes of the hydrographical and hydrochemical situation in the Gotland Deep. In: GOBEX-Summary Report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 19): 30-33
- Nausch, M. (1996). Microbial activities on Trichodesmium colonies. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 141: 173-181
- Nehring, D. (1996). Gefährdung und Schutz der Ostsee vor Umweltbelastungen. Chemie in unserer Zeit 30: 300-307
- Nehring, D. and G. Aertebjerg (1996). Verteilungsmuster und Bilanzen anorganischer Nährstoffe sowie Eutrophierung. In: Warnsignale aus der Ostsee: wissenschaftliche Fakten. Ed. by J. L. Lozán, R. Lampe, W. Matthäus, E. Rachor, H. Rumohr and H. v. Westernhagen. Berlin: Parey: 61-69
- Nehring, D., W. Matthäus, H. U. Lass, G. Nausch and K. Nagel (1996). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 1995. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 43 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 16)
- Neumann, T. and W. Fennel (1996). Ein gekoppeltes physikalisch-biologisches Modell der Ostsee. DGM-Mitt., 1: 19-21
- Neumann, T., T. Leipe, T. Brand and G. Shimmield (1996). Accumulation of heavy metals in the Oder estuary and it´s off-shore basins. Chem. Erde 56: 207-222
- Pastuszak, M., K. Nagel and G. Nausch (1996). Variability in nutrient distribution in the Pomeranian Bay in September 1993. Oceanologia 38: 195-225
- Powilleit, M. (1996). Kattegat and Belt Sea : Alien species. In: Third periodic assessment of the state of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93 : background document. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 64B): 127
- Powilleit, M. and G. Graf (1996). The contribution of the mud shrimp Callianassa subterranea (Decapoda: Thallassinidea) to sediment metabolism during oxygen deficiency in southern North Sea sediments. J. sea res. 36: 193-202
- Reckermann, M. (1996). Ultraphytoplankton and protozoan communities and their interactions in different marine pelagic ecosystems (Arabian Sea and Baltic Sea). Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 139 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 14)
- Schiedek, D., C. Arndt and R. Schmidt (1996). The effect of hydrogen sulphide on the ecophysiological adaptability of polychaetes. In: Processes and structures in marine methane and sulfide biotopes. Ed. by U. Fischer and M. Grieshaber. Aachen: Shaker: 49-51
- Schinke, H. (1996). Zu den Ursachen von Salzwassereinbrüchen in die Ostsee. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 137 S. S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 12)
- Schneider, B. (1996). Heavy metals : Water. In: Third periodic assessment of the state of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, 1989-93 : background document. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings; 64B): 144-149
- Schneider, B. and C. Pohl (1996). Time series for dissolved cadmium at a coastal station in the Western Baltic. J. mar. syst. 9: 159-170
- Schneider, B. and H. Thomas (1996). Seasonality of pCO2 and CO2 fluxes in the high lati-tude northeast Atlantic. Caribb. j. sci. 32: 277-278
- Schneider, B., H. Thomas and A. Stamer (1996). The carbon budget in Gotland Sea surface waters: October to February. In: GOBEX-Summary Report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 19): 105-113
- Schulz, M., B. Schneider, E. Broström-Lunden and J. Munthe (1996). Atmosphärische Einträge. In: Warnsignale aus der Ostsee: wissenschaftliche Fakten. Ed. by J. L. Lozán, R. Lampe, W. Matthäus, E. Rachor, H. Rumohr and H. v. Westernhagen. Berlin: Parey: 124-128
- Siegel, H., M. Gerth and T. Schmidt (1996). Water exchange in the Pomeranian Bight investigated by satellite data and shipborne measurements. Cont. shelf res. 16: 1793-1817
- Torres, M. E., H.-J. Brumsack, G. Bohrmann and K.-C. Emeis (1996). Barite fronts in continental margin sediments: a new look at barium remobilization in the zone of sulfate reduction and formation of heavy barites in diagenetic fronts. Chem. geol. 127: 125-139
- Voss, M., M. Altabet and B. v. Bodungen (1996). d15N in sedimenting particles as indicator of euphotic-zone processes. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 43: 33-47
- Weiss, D. and W. Matthäus (1996). Küstenschutz und Großbaumaßnahmen im Seeraum. In: Warnsignale aus der Ostsee: wissenschaftliche Fakten. Ed. by J. L. Lozán, R. Lampe, W. Matthäus, E. Rachor, H. Rumohr and H. v. Westernhagen. Berlin: Parey: 92-98
- Witt, G., K. W. Schramm and B. Henkelmann (1996). Occurrence and distribution of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) in sediments of the western Baltic Sea and German coastal waters. Organohalogen compounds 29: 132-134
- Witt, G., K. W. Schramm and B. Henkelmann (1996). Occurrence and distribution of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDF) in sediments of the western Baltic Sea. paper R:12, 10 S.
- Zebe, E. and D. Schiedek (1996). The lugworm Arenicola marina: a model of physiological adaption to life in intertidal sediments. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 50: 37-68
- Zülicke, C. and O. Hennig (1996). Surface energy fluxes and mixed layer depth. In: GOBEX-Summary Report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 19): 92-104
- Zülicke, C., I. Schuffenhauer and A. Stips (1996). Baltic measurements of turbulence in the surface mixed layer. In: GOBEX-Summary Report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 19): 76-91