Publikationsliste 1999
- Anis, A. N., I. Ostrovsky, U. Sommer and G. Schernewski (1999). The impact of internal seiche activity on benthic boundary layer formation and ecological processes in Lake Kinneret(Israel) and Lake Belau(Germany). Tiberias: Israel Oceanogr. & Limnol. Res. Ltd. 169 S. (Israel oceanographic and limnological research reports)
- Barkmann, W. (1999). Seasonal and interannual variations of primary productivity in the central Arabian Sea (Kurzfassung). In: Bericht über den 7. JGOFS-Workshop am 3. und 4.12.1998 in Bremen. Bremen: Univ. Bremen, Fachber. Geowissenschaften (Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen ; 131): 13
- Blanz, T., D. E. Schulz-Bull, K.-C. Emeis, G. Petrick and J. Duinker (1999). Chlorobiphenyls in suspension and sediment of the southern Baltic Sea: a mass balance calculation since the onset of PCB-production. Cont. shelf res. 19: 891-910
- Bobertz, B. and J. Harff (1999). Mapping the sedimentary facies of marginal seas using regionalized classification. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the International Association of Mathematical Geology, Trondheim, 6-11th August 1999. Ed. by S. J. Lippard. Trondheim: IAMG: 135-138
- Boetius, A., P. Schäfer and K. Lochte (1999). Kohlenstoffeintrag und mikrobielle Umsatzraten in der Arabischen Tiefsee während des NO-Monsuns (Kurzfassung). In: Bericht über den 7. JGOFS-Workshop am 3. und 4.12.1998 in Bremen. Bremen: Univ. Bremen, Fachber. Geowissenschaften (Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen ; 131): 18
- Breitenbach, E., R. Lampe and T. Leipe (1999). Investigations on mineralogical and chemical composition of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Odra Estuary. Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol. 27: 298-302
- Brügmann, L. and J. Kuss (1999). Analyses of marine particles. In: Methods of seawater analysis. Ed. by K. Grasshoff, K. Kremling and M. Ehrhardt. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH: 345-359
- Böhme, F., K. Welsch-Pausch and M. S. McLachlan (1999). Uptake of airborne SOCs in agriculture plants: field measurements of interspecies variability. Environ. sci. technol. 33: 1805-1813
- Cowie, G. L., S. E. Calvert, T. F. Pedersen, H. Schulz and U. v. Rad (1999). Organic content and preservational controls in surficial shelf and slope sediments from the Arabian Sea (Pakistan margin). Mar. geol. 161: 23-38
- Daunys, D., M. L. Zettler and S. Gollasch (1999). Marenzelleria cf. viridis (Verrill, 1873). In: Exotics across the ocean: case histories on introduced species. Ed. by S. Gollasch. Berlin: Logos-Verl.: 61-67
- Dippner, J. W. (1999). Predicting cod recruitment from sea surface temperature data. ICES Ann. Sc. Conf. 1999: ICES CM paper C:15
- Feistel, R. (1999). New shoreline map-drawing data available. 80: 22
- Fennel, K. (1999). Interannual and regional variability of biological variables in a coupled 3-D model of the western Baltic. 393: 25-33
- Fennel, K. and T. Neumann (1999). A coupled physical-chemical-biological model for the western Baltic. In: Computerized modeling of sedimentary systems. Ed. by J. Harff, W. Lemke and K. Stattegger. Berlin: Springer: 169-181
- Fennel, W. (1999). On the integration of zooplankton dynamics into circulation models. ICES Ann. Sc. Conf. 1999: ICES CM paper K :01
- Fennel, W. (1999). Theory of the Benguela upwelling system. J. phys. oceanogr. 29: 177-190
- Forster, S., R. N. Glud, J. K. Gundersen and M. Huettel (1999). In situ study of bromide tracer and oxygen flux in coastal sediments. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 49: 813-827
- Geusau, A., E. Tschachler, M. Meixner, S. Sandermann, O. Päpke, C. Wolf, E. Valic, G. Stingl and M. S. McLachlan (1999). Olestra increases faecal excretion of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. 345: 1266-1267
- Geusau, A., M. Meixner, S. Sandermann, E. Tschachler, G. Stingl, E. Valic, C. Wolf, H. Rüdiger, R. Webb, O. Päpke and M. S. McLachlan (1999). Faecal and percutaneous elimination of TCDD in two patients with chloracne and enhancement of faecal excretion with olestra, a fat substitute. 42: 139-140
- Gingele, F. X. and G. Schmiedl (1999). Comparison of independant proxies in the reconstruction of deep water circulation in the south-east Atlantic off Namibia. South Afr. j. mar. sc. 21: 181-190
- Gingele, F. X., F. Schmieder, R. Petschik, T. v. Dobeneck and C. Rühlemann (1999). Terrigenous flux in Rio Grande Rise area during the past 1500 ka: evidence of deep-water advection or rapid response to continental rainfall patterns? Paleoceanography 14: 84-95.
- Gingele, F. X., M. Zabel, S. Kasten, W. J. Bonn and C. Nürnberg (1999). Biogenic barium as a proxy for paleoproductivity: methods and limitations of application. In: Use of proxies in paleoceanography: examples from the South Atlantic. Ed. by G. Fischer and G. Wefer. Berlin: Springer: 345-364
- Harff, J., G. C. Bohling, R. Endler, J. C. Davis and R. A. Olea (1999). Gliederung holozäner Ostseesedimente nach physikalischen Eigenschaften. Petermanns Geogr. Mitt. 143, Pilotheft 2000: 50-55
- Harff, J., G. C. Bohling, R. Endler, J. C. Davis, R. A. Olea and W. Schwarzacher (1999). Holocene sediments from the Baltic Sea basins as indicators for the paleoenvironment. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the International Association of Mathematical Geology, Trondheim, 6-11th August 1999. Ed. by S. J. Lippard. Trondheim: IAMG: 195-200
- Harff, J., W. Lemke and K. Stattegger, Eds. (1999). Computerized modeling of sedimentary systems. Berlin: Springer. 452 S.
- Hartig, P., F. Gervais, S. Lippemeier, R. Forster, A. M. Müller, P. Feuerpfeil and H. Krumbeck (1999). Comparison of different PAM-fluorometers for phytoplankton research including photosynthesis measurements in relation to O2 -production and carbon assimilation. Ber. Forsch.-Technologiezent. Westküste Univ. Kiel 19: 63-76
- Haynes, D., J. F. Müller and M. S. McLachlan (1999). Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in Great Barrier Reef (Australia) dugongs (Dugon dugon). Chemosphere 38: 255-262
- Hernandez-Leon, S., L. Postel, J. Aristegui, M. Gomez, M. F. Montero, S. Torres, C. Almeida, E. Kühner, U. Brenning and E. Hagen (1999). Large-scale and mesoscale distribution of plankton biomass and metabolic activity in the Northeastern Central Atlantic. J. oceanogr. 55: 471-482
- Jensen, J. B., O. Bennike, J. Witkowski, W. Lemke and A. Kuijpers (1999). Early holocene history of the southwestern Baltic Sea: the Ancylus Lake stage. 28: 437-453
- Kaupp, H. and M. S. McLachlan (1999). Atmospheric particle size distributions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their implications for wet and dry deposition. Atmos. environ. 33: 85-95
- Kaupp, H. and M. S. McLachlan (1999). Distribution of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrcarbons (PAHs) within the full size range of atmospheric particles. Atmos. environ. 34: 73-83
- Kaupp, H. and M. S. McLachlan (1999). Gas/particle partitioning of PCDD/Fs, PCBs, PCNs and PAHs. 38: 3411-3421
- Klasmeier, J. and M. S. McLachlan (1999). Pentachlorophenol mediated contamination of leather and leather goods with polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans. 40: 169-172
- Knoppers, B., M. Meyerhöfer, E. Marone, J. Dutz, R. Lopes, T. Leipe and R. Camargo (1999). Compartments of the pelagic system and material exchange at the Abrolhos Bank coral reefs, Brazil. Arch. fish. mar. res. 47: 285-306
- Kowalczyk, K., U. Struck and A. Witkowski (1999). Environmental changes in the Gotland Deep during the late-glacial and holocene as inferred from siliceous microfossils (mainly diatoms). Quat. stud. Poland, spec. issue: 135-145
- Kremp, C., U. Berger, P. Hoffmann, D. Keuer and G. Sonnemann (1999). Seasonal variation of middle latitudes wind fields of the mesopause region - a comparison between observation and model calculation. Geophys. res. lett. 26: 1279-1282
- Kuss, J. and K. Kremling (1999). Particulate trace element fluxes in the deep northeast Atantic Ocean. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 46: 149-169
- Kuss, J. and K. Kremling (1999). Spatial variability of particle associated trace elements in near-surface waters of the North Atlantic (30oN/60oW to 60oN/2oW), derived by large volume sampling. Mar. chem. 68: 71-86
- Kähler, P. and F. Pollehne (1999). Zeitliche und räumliche Verteilung von gelöstem organischen Kohlenstoff im Arabischen Meer (Kurzfassung). In: Bericht über den 7. JGOFS-Workshop am 3. und 4.12.1998 in Bremen. Bremen: Univ. Bremen, Fachber. Geowissenschaften (Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen ; 131): 27
- Kähler, P., E. Bauerfeind, U. Lundgreen and D. E. Schulz-Bull (1999). DOC und DON in Sinkstoff-Fallen (Kurzfassung). In: Bericht über den 7. JGOFS-Workshop am 3. und 4.12.1998 in Bremen. Bremen: Univ. Bremen, Fachber. Geowissenschaften (Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen ; 131): 27
- Körtzinger, A., M. Rhein and L. Mintrop (1999). Anthropogenic CO2 and CFCs in the North Atlantic Ocean - a comparison of man-made tracers. Geophys. res. lett. 26: 2065-2068
- Laima, M. J. C., L. C. Lund-Hansen, K. Pazdro, C. Christiansen and K.-C. Emeis (1999). Near-bottom fluxes and composition of suspended matter in the Pomeranian Bight. 41: 335-353
- Leipe, T., A. Löffler, R. Bahlo and W. Zahn (1999). Automatisierte Partikelanalyse von Gewässerproben mittels Raster-Elektronenmikroskopie und Röntgen-Mikroanalytik. 93: 21-37
- Leipe, T., B. Knoppers, E. Marone and R. Camargo (1999). Suspended matter transport in coral reef waters of the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil. Geo-mar. lett. 19: 186-195
- Lemke, W., J. B. Jensen, O. Bennike, A. Witkowski and A. Kuijpers (1999). No indication of a deeply incised Dana River between Arkona Basin and Mecklenburg Bay. 12: 66-70
- Lochte, K., M. Schlüter and M. Zabel (1999). Vergleich der biogeochemischen Provinzen im Oberflächenwasser mit Prozessen am Meeresboden im Atlantik (Kurzfassung). In: Bericht über den 7. JGOFS-Workshop am 3. und 4.12.1998 in Bremen. Bremen: Univ. Bremen, Fachber. Geowissenschaften (Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen ; 131): 38
- Mamontova, E. A., A. A. Mamontov, E. N. Tarasova, S. I. Kolesnokov, P. Fürst, O. Päpke, J. J. Ryan and M. S. McLachlan (1999). PCDD/FS in human milk and blood samples from a contaminated region near Lake Baikal. 44: 37-40
- Matthäus, W. (1997). Entwicklungstendenzen für das Temperatur-, Salzgehalts- und Sauerstoffregime der Ostsee. In: Aktuelle Probleme der Verschmutzung der Ostsee. Ed. by V. Dethlefsen. Hamburg: Deutscher Fischerei-Verband (Arbeiten des Deutschen Fischerei-Verbandes; 68): 1-21
- Matthäus, W. (1999). Ozeanographie der Ostsee. 136, 12: 57-62
- Matthäus, W. (1999/2000). Die Ostsee - das Meer vor unserer Haustür. Tidingsbringer: ein Warnemünder Bäderjournal 4: 72-74
- Matthäus, W. and H. Schinke (1999). The influence of river runoff on deep water conditions of the Baltic Sea. 393: 1-10
- Matthäus, W., G. Nausch, H. U. Lass, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (1999). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 1998. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 69 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 35)
- McLachlan, M. S. (1999). A framework for the interpretation of measurements of SOCs in plants. Environ. sci. technol. 33: 1799-1804
- McLachlan, M. S., F. Böhme and K. Welsch-Pausch (1999). Interpreting the accumulation of dioxins and related compounds in plants. 41: 325-328
- Meyer-Harms, B., M. Reckermann, M. Voss, H. Siegmund and B. v. Bodungen (1999). Food selection by calanoid copepods in the euphotic layer of the Gotland Sea (Baltic Proper) during mass occurence of N2-fixing cyanobacteria. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 191: 243-250
- Miltner, A. and K.-C. Emeis (1999). Input of terrestrial organic matter to the Baltic Sea - the Pomeranian Bight as a case study. In: Geochemistry of the earth's surface. Ed. by H. Ármannsson. Rotterdam: Balkema: 327-330
- Mohrholz, V. and H. U. Lass (1998). Transports between Oderhaff and Pomeranian Bight - a simple barotropic box model. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 371-383
- Moser, G. A. and M. S. McLachlan (1999). A non-absorbable dietary fat substitute enhances elimination of persistent lipophilic contaminants in humans. 39: 1513-1521
- Müller, A. and M. Voss (1999). The palaeoenvironments of coastal lagoons in the southern Baltic Sea. 2. delta13 C and delta 15 N ratios of organic matter - sources and sediments. 145: 17-32
- Müller, A. M. (1999). Some remarks on the physiological background of flourescence measurements. Ber. Forsch. - Technologiezent. Westküste Univ. Kiel 19: 77-88
- Müller, J. F., D. Haynes, M. S. McLachlan, F. Böhme, S. Will, G. R. Shaw, M. Mortimer, R. Sadler and D. W. Connell (1999). PCDDs, PCDFs, PCBs and HCB in marine and estuarine sediments from Queensland, Australia. 39: 1707-1721
- Müller, J., M. S. McLachlan, D. W. Hawker and D. W. Connell (1999). Semivolatile organic chemicals (SOCs) in leaves collected in Brisbane, Australia. 41: 439-442
- Nausch, G. (1997). Die Eutrophierung der Ostsee - aktuelle Situation und Perspektiven. In: Aktuelle Probleme der Verschmutzung der Ostsee. Ed. by V. Dethlefsen. Hamburg: Deutscher Fischerei-Verband (Arbeiten des Deutschen Fischerei-Verbandes; 68): 23-35
- Nausch, G. and K. Lochte (1999). Der Stoffhaushalt der Ostsee - natürliche und anthropogene Einflüsse. Geogr. Schule 21, 120: 12-20
- Nausch, G., D. Nehring and G. Aertebjerg (1999). Anthropogenic nutrient load of the Baltic Sea. 29: 233-241
- Nees, S. and U. Struck (1999). Benthic foraminiferal response to major paleoceanographic changes: a view of the deep-sea restaurant menu. In: Reconstruction ocean history : proceedings of the VI International Conference on Paleoceanography, Lisbon, 1998. Ed. by F. Abrantes and A. Mix. New York: Plenum Publ.: 195-216
- Ohde, T. and H. Siegel (1999). Elimination of bottom effects in SeaWiFS data of shallow water areas in the Pomeranian Bight of the Baltic Sea. In: IGARSS '99 : proceedings IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 28.6. - 2 .7.1999, Hamburg. Piscataway: IEEE: 1300-1302
- Petry, C. and K. Lochte (1999). Experimente zum bakteriellen Abbau von partikulärem organischen Material im Indik und Atlantik und in der Ostsee (Kurzfassung). In: Bericht über den 7. JGOFS-Workshop am 3. und 4.12.1998 in Bremen. Bremen: Univ. Bremen, Fachber. Geowissenschaften (Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen ; 131): 45
- Pfannkuche, O., A. Boetius, K. Lochte, U. Lundgreen and H. Thiel (1999). Responses of deep-sea benthos to sedimentation patterns in the North-East Atlantic in 1992. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 46: 573-596
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- Pollehne, F., G. Jost, E. Kerstan, B. Meyer-Harms, M. Reckermann, M. Nausch and D. Wodarg (1999). Triazine herbicides and primary pelagic interactions in an estuarine summer situation. J. exp. mar. biol. ecol. 238: 243-257
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- Rohde, S., G. A. Moser, O. Päpke and M. S. McLachlan (1999). Clearance of PCDD/Fs via gastrointestinal tract in occupationally exposed persons. 38: 3397-3410
- Rudolph, K. and M. L. Zettler (1999). Gammarus varsoviensis in der oberen Havel, Brandenburg (Crustacea: Amphipoda). 36: 21-27
- Schernewski, G. (1999). Der Stoffhaushalt von Seen: Bedeutung zeitlicher Variabilität und räumlicher Heterogenität von Prozessen sowie des Betrachtungsmaßstabs. Eine Analyse am Beispiel eines eutrophen geschichteten Sees im Einzugsgebiet der Ostsee (Belauer See, Schleswig-Holstein). Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 275 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 36)
- Schernewski, G. and U. Schulz (1999). Zustandsentwicklung schleswig-holsteinischer Seen zwischen 1983 und 1993: eine Betrachtung unter Anwendung der Clusteranalyse. 29: 146-159
- Schiedek, D. (1999). Ecophysiological capability of Marenzelleria populations inhabiting North Sea estuaries: an overview. Helgoländer Meeresunters. 52: 373-382
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