Publikationen (der letzten 12 Jahre)
Czymzik, M., M. Christl, O. Dellwig, R. Muscheler, D. Müller, J. Kaiser, M. J. Schwab, C. K. M. Nantke, A. Brauer and H. W. Arz (2024). Synchronizing the Western Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea) and Lake Kälksjön (central Sweden) sediment records using common cosmogenic radionuclide production variations. Holocene 34: 1128-1137, doi: 10.1177/09596836241247311 BaltChron
Das, S. K., N. Mahanta, B. Sahoo, R. K. Singh, C. A. Alvarez Zarikian, M. Tiwari, N. Vats, Nihal, F. Lamy, G. Winckler, J. L. Middleton, H. W. Arz, J. Gottschalk, C. Basak, A. Brombacher, O. M. Esper, J. R. Farmer, L. C. Herbert, S. Iwasaki, L. Lembke-Jene, V. J. Lawson, L. Lo, E. Malinverno, E. Michel, S. Moretti, C. M. Moy, A. C. Ravelo, C. R. Riesselman, M. Saavedra-Pellitero, I. Seo, R. A. Smith, A. L. Souza, J. S. Stoner, I. V. M. P. de Oliveira, S. Wan and X. Zhao (2024). Late Miocene to Early Pliocene paleoceanographic evolution of the Central South Pacific: A deep-sea benthic foraminiferal perspective. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol. 647: 112252, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112252 SESPOD - Arz
Ehrmann, W., P. A. Wilson, H. W. Arz, H. Schulz and G. Schmiedl (2024). Monsoon-driven changes in aeolian and fluvial sediment input to the central Red Sea recorded throughout the last 200 000 years. Clim. Past 20: 37-52, doi: 10.5194/cp-20-37-2024 –open access–
Falfushynska, H., O. Dellwig, A. Köhler and I. M. Sokolova (2024). Adverse outcome pathways as a tool for optimization of the biomarker-based assessment of pollutant toxicity: A case study of cadmium in the blue mussels Mytilus edulis. Ecol. Indic. 158: 111431, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.111431 –open access–
Hagemann, J. R., F. Lamy, H. W. Arz, L. Lembke-Jene, A. Auderset, N. Harada, S. L. Ho, S. Iwasaki, J. Kaiser, C. B. Lange, M. Murayama, K. Nagashima, N. Nowaczyk, A. Martínez-García and R. Tiedemann (2024). A marine record of Patagonian ice sheet changes over the past 140,000 years. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121: e2302983121, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2302983121 –open access–
Hubert-Huard, R., N. Andersen, H. W. Arz, W. Ehrmann and G. Schmiedl (2024). Changes in the Red Sea overturning circulation during Marine Isotope Stage 3. Clim. Past 20: 267-280, doi: 10.5194/cp-20-267-2024 –open access–
Kaiser, J., E. Schefuß, J. Collins, R. Garreaud, J.-B. W. Stuut, N. Ruggieri, R. De Pol-Holz and F. Lamy (2024). Orbital modulation of subtropical versus subantarctic moisture sources in the southeast Pacific mid-latitudes. Nat. Commun. 15: 7512, doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-51985-4 –open access–
Kaiser, J., M. Tomczak, O. Dellwig and H. W. Arz (2024). Mediterranean-like “fall dump” events in the Baltic Sea. Holocene 34: 415-419, doi: 10.1177/09596836231219479
Lamy, F., G. Winckler, H. W. Arz, J. R. Farmer, J. Gottschalk, L. Lembke-Jene, J. L. Middleton, M. van der Does, R. Tiedemann, C. Alvarez Zarikian, C. Basak, A. Brombacher, L. Dumm, O. M. Esper, L. C. Herbert, S. Iwasaki, G. Kreps, V. J. Lawson, L. Lo, E. Malinverno, A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Michel, S. Moretti, C. M. Moy, A. C. Ravelo, C. R. Riesselman, M. Saavedra-Pellitero, H. Sadatzki, I. Seo, R. K. Singh, R. A. Smith, A. L. Souza, J. S. Stoner, M. Toyos, I. M. V. P. de Oliveira, S. Wan, S. Wu and X. Zhao (2024). Five million years of Antarctic Circumpolar Current strength variability. Nature 627: 789-796, doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07143-3 –open access–SESPOD - Arz
Moros, M., A. T. Kotilainen, I. Snowball, T. Neumann, K. Perner, H. E. M. Meier, S. Papenmeier, H. Kolling, T. Leipe, J. S. Sinninghe Damsté and R. Schneider (2024). Giant saltwater inflow in AD 1951 triggered Baltic Sea hypoxia. Boreas 53: 125-138, doi: 10.1111/bor.12643 –open access–
Ostrander, C. M., Y. Shu, S. G. Nielsen, O. Dellwig, J. Blusztajn, H. N. Schulz-Vogt, V. Hübner and C. M. Hansel (2024). Anthropogenic forcing of the Baltic Sea thallium cycle. Environ. Sci. Technol. 58: 8510-8517, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.4c01487 BaltRap
Piret, L., S. Bertrand, C. Moffat, P. Feldens, S. Papenmeier and H. Arz (2024). Recent ice-contact delta formation in front of Pio XI glacier controls sedimentary processes in Eyre Fjord, Patagonia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: 1-15, doi: 10.1002/esp.6012 –open access–MAPUCHE
Romahn, J., D. Baranski, A. Schmidt, J. Kaiser, H. Arz, L. S. Epp, A. Kremp and M. Bálint (2024). Glimpse of past dynamics: A new set of phytoplankton primers for sedaDNA. Environ. DNA 6: e577, doi: 10.1002/edn3.577 –open access–PHYTOARK
Schmidt, A., J. Romahn, E. Andren, A. Kremp, J. Kaiser, H. W. Arz, O. Dellwig, M. Balint and L. S. Epp (2024). Decoding the Baltic Sea’s past and present: A simple molecular index for ecosystem assessment. Ecol. Indic. 166: 112494, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112494 –open access–PHYTOARK
Speidel, L. G., R. Carvalho da Silva, M. Beck, O. Dellwig, J. Wollschläger, T. Dittmar and M. Seidel (2024). Rivers and tidal flats as sources of dissolved organic matter and trace metals in the German Bight (North Sea). Biogeochemistry 167: 225-250, doi: 10.1007/s10533-024-01117-3 –open access–
Chen, P., M. Czymzik, Z. Yu, A. Aldahan, J. Wang, P. Yi, X. Hou, S. Guo and M. Zheng (2023). Tendency of soil erosion dynamics by coupling radioisotopes and RUSLE model on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau in response to climate warming and human activity. Catena 223: 106954, doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2023.106954
Choisnard, N., E. Burtscher, S. Forster, C. Frey, M. Moros and M. Voss (2023). The Amazon shelf sediments, a reactor that fuels intense nitrogen cycling at the seabed. Limnol. Oceanogr. 68: 2211-2226, doi: 10.1002/lno.12416 –open access–MeN-ARP Voss
Czymzik, M., R. Tjallingii, B. Plessen, P. Feldens, M. Theuerkauf, M. Moros, M. J. Schwab, C. K. M. Nantke, S. Pinkerneil, A. Brauer and H. W. Arz (2023). Mid-Holocene reinforcement of North Atlantic atmospheric circulation variability from a western Baltic lake sediment record. Clim. Past 19: 233-248, doi: 10.5194/cp-19-233-2023 –open access–SyncBalt; BaltChron
Dellwig, O., A. Köhler, F. Kurzweil, M. Schönke, A. Wegwerth, S. Krüger, R. Mars, S. Plewe, I. Schuffenhauer, R. Zhang, H. C. Frazão, J. J. Waniek and H. W. Arz (2023). Behaviors of redox-sensitive tungsten and molybdenum in the northern South China Sea: From the Pearl River to the continental slope. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 292: 108485, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108485 MEGAPOL; SOCLIS
Hagemann, J. R., L. Lembke-Jene, F. Lamy, M.-E. Vorrath, J. Kaiser, J. Müller, H. W. Arz, J. Hefter, A. Jaeschke, N. Ruggieri and R. Tiedemann (2023). Upper-ocean temperature characteristics in the subantarctic southeastern Pacific based on biomarker reconstructions. Clim. Past 19: 1825-1845, doi: 10.5194/cp-19-1825-2023 –open access–
Kaiser, J., S. Abel, H. W. Arz, A. B. Cundy, O. Dellwig, P. Gaca, G. Gerdts, I. Hajdas, M. Labrenz, J. A. Milton, M. Moros, S. Primpke, S. L. Roberts, N. L. Rose, S. D. Turner, M. Voss and J. A. Ivar do Sul (2023). The East Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea) as a candidate Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the Anthropocene series. Anthr. Rev. 10: 25-48, doi: 10.1177/20530196221132709 –open access–
Klaes, B., S. Thiele-Bruhn, G. Wörner, C. Höschen, C. W. Mueller, P. Marx, H. W. Arz, S. Breuer and R. Kilian (2023). Iron (hydr)oxide formation in Andosols under extreme climate conditions. Sci. Rep. 13: 2818, doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-29727-1 –open access–
Lenz, N., S. Lindhorst and H. W. Arz (2023). Determination and quantification of sedimentary processes in salt marshes using end-member modelling of grain-size data. Depos. Rec. 9: 4-29, doi: 10.1002/dep2.213 –open access–
Nwosu, E. C., A. Brauer, M.-E. Monchamp, S. Pinkerneil, A. Bartholomäus, M. Theuerkauf, J.-P. Schmidt, K. R. Stoof-Leichsenring, T. Wietelmann, J. Kaiser, D. Wagner and S. Liebner (2023). Early human impact on lake cyanobacteria revealed by a Holocene record of sedimentary ancient DNA. Commun. Biol. 6: 72, doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-04430-z –open access–
Papenmeier, S. and H. W. Arz (2023). Geological and Sedimentary Conditions. In: Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis. Ed. by H. Schubert and F. Müller. Cham: Springer International Publishing (Ecological Studies, Analysis and Synthesis ; 246): 41-48, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-13682-5
Pham, D. N., J. A. Kopplin, O. Dellwig, E. P. Sokolov and I. M. Sokolova (2023). Hot and heavy: Responses of ragworms (Hediste diversicolor) to copper-spiked sediments and elevated temperature. Environ. Poll. 332: 121964, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121964
Pinho, T. M. L., C. M. Chiessi, M. C. Campos, R. C. Portilho-Ramos, G. Martínez-Méndez, I. M. Venancio, R. A. Nascimento, S. Crivellari, A. L. S. Albuquerque, H. W. Arz, R. Tiedemann, A. Bahr and S. Mulitza (2023). Thermodynamic air-sea equilibration controls carbon isotopic composition of the South Atlantic thermocline during the last glacial period. Glob. Planet. Change 229: 104223, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104223
Wittenborn, A. K., T. Bauersachs, C. Hassenrück, K. Käding, J. Wäge-Recchioni, K. Jürgens, H. W. Arz and J. Kaiser (2023). Nitrosopumilus as main source of isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids in the central Baltic Sea. Front. Microbiol. 14: 1216130, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1216130 –open access–TETRABAL
Wogau, K. H., B. Keenan, H. W. Arz and H. N. Böhnel (2023). Paleoenvironmental study of the Late Preclassic period in the Northern Mesoamerican Frontier. Holocene 33: 1291-1303, doi: 10.1177/09596836231185828
Wu, S., G. Kuhn, H. W. Arz, L. Lembke-Jene, R. Tiedemann, F. Lamy and B. Diekmann (2023). Late Quaternary terrigenous sediment supply in the Drake Passage in response to Patagonian and Antarctic ice dynamics. Glob. Planet. Change 221: 104024, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.104024 –open access–
Choo, S., O. Dellwig, J. Wäge-Recchioni and H. N. Schulz-Vogt (2022). Microbial-driven impact on aquatic phosphate fluxes in a coastal peatland. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 702: 19-38, doi: 10.3354/meps14210 –open access–Baltic Transcoast
Henkel, J. V., H. N. Schulz-Vogt, O. Dellwig, F. Pollehne, T. Schott, C. Meeske, S. Beier and K. Jurgens (2022). Biological manganese-dependent sulfide oxidation impacts elemental gradients in redox-stratified systems: indications from the Black Sea water column. ISME J. 16, 6: 1523-1533, doi: 10.1038/s41396-022-01200-3 –open access–
Iwasaki, S., L. Lembke-Jene, K. Nagashima, H. W. Arz, N. Harada, K. Kimoto and F. Lamy (2022). Evidence for late-glacial oceanic carbon redistribution and discharge from the Pacific Southern Ocean. Nat. Commun. 13: 6250, doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33753-4 –open access–
Janssen, D. J., J. Rickli, M. Wille, O. Sepúlveda Steiner, H. Vogel, O. Dellwig, J. S. Berg, D. Bouffard, M. A. Lever, C. S. Hassler and S. L. Jaccard (2022). Chromium cycling in redox-stratified basins challenges δ53Cr paleoredox proxy applications. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49: e2022GL099154, doi: 10.1029/2022GL099154 –open access–BaltRap
Kaiser, J. and M. Lerch (2022). Sedimentary faecal lipids as indicators of Baltic Sea sewage pollution and population growth since 1860 AD. Environ. Res. 204: 112305, doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112305 TETRABAL; BaltRap
Klaes, B., G. Wörner, S. Thiele-Bruhn, H. W. Arz, J. Struck, O. Dellwig, N. Groschopf, M. Lorenz, J.-F. Wagner, O. B. Urrea, F. Lamy and R. Kilian (2022). Element mobility related to rock weathering and soil formation at the westward side of the southernmost Patagonian Andes. Sci. Total Environ. 817: 152977, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.152977
Krijgsman, W., I. Vasiliev, A. Beniest, T. Lyons, J. Lofi, G. Tari, C. P. Slomp, N. Cagatay, M. Triantaphyllou, R. Flecker, D. Palcu, C. McHugh, H. Arz, P. Henry, K. Lloyd, G. Cifci, Ö. Sipahioglu, D. Sakellariou and the BLACKGate workshop participants (2022). Mediterranean-Black Sea gateway exchange: scientific drilling workshop on the BlackGate project. Sci. Drill. 31: 93-110, doi: 10.5194/sd-31-93-2022 –open access–
Kurzweil, F., O. Dellwig, M. Wille, R. Schoenberg, H. W. Arz and C. Münker (2022). The stable tungsten isotope composition of sapropels and manganese-rich sediments from the Baltic Sea. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 578: 117303, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117303 BaltRap
Lin, M., J. Qiao, X. Hou, P. Steier, R. Golser, M. Schmidt, O. Dellwig, M. Hansson, Ö. Bäck, V.-P. Vartti, C. Stedmon, J. She, J. Murawski, A. Aldahan and S. A. K. Schmied (2022). Anthropogenic 236U and 233U in the Baltic Sea: Distributions, source terms, and budgets. Water Res. 210: 117987, doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117987
Liu, J., N. R. Nowaczyk, X. Jiang, Y. Zhong, R. Wirth, Q. Liu and H. W. Arz (2022). Holocene paleosecular variations recorded by relict magnetic minerals in the anoxic Black Sea sediments. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 127: e2022JB024179, doi: 10.1029/2022JB024179 –open access–
Sinninghe Damsté, J. S., L. A. Warden, C. Berg, K. Jürgens and M. Moros (2022). Evaluation of the distributions of hydroxylated glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in Holocene Baltic Sea sediments for reconstruction of sea surface temperature: the effect of changing salinity. Clim. Past 18: 2271-2288, doi: 10.5194/cp-18-2271-2022 –open access–
Troch, M., S. Bertrand, C. B. Lange, P. Cárdenas, H. Arz, S. Pantoja-Gutiérrez, R. De Pol-Holz and R. Kilian (2022). Glacial isostatic adjustment near the center of the former Patagonian Ice Sheet (48°S) during the last 16.5 kyr. Quat. Sci. Rev. 277: 107346, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.107346
Wilhelm, B., W. Rapuc, B. Amann, F. S. Anselmetti, F. Arnaud, J. Blanchet, A. Brauer, M. Czymzik, C. Giguet-Covex, A. Gilli, L. Glur, M. Grosjean, R. Irmler, M. Nicolle, P. Sabatier, T. Swierczynski and S. B. Wirth (2022). Impact of warmer climate periods on flood hazard in the European Alps. Nat. Geosci. 15: 118-123, doi: 10.1038/s41561-021-00878-y
Williams, M., R. Leinfelder, A. D. Barnosky, M. J. Head, F. M. G. McCarthy, A. Cearreta, S. Himson, R. Holmes, C. N. Waters, J. Zalasiewicz, S. Turner, M. McGann, E. A. Hadly, M. A. Stegner, P. M. Pilkington, J. Kaiser, J. C. Berrio, I. P. Wilkinson, J. Zinke and K. L. Delong (2022). Planetary-scale change to the biosphere signalled by global species translocations can be used to identify the Anthropocene. Palaeontology 65: e12618, doi: 10.1111/pala.12618
Wittenborn, A. K., H. Radtke, C. Dutheil, H. W. Arz and J. Kaiser (2022). A downcore calibration of the TEX86L temperature proxy for the Baltic Sea. Cont. Shelf Res. 251: 104875, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2022.104875
Yang, R., T. Li, D. Stubbs, T. Chen, S. Liu, D. B. Kemp, W. Li, S. Yang, J. Chen, T. Elliott, O. Dellwig, J. Chen and G. Li (2022). Stable tungsten isotope systematics on the Earth’s surface. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 322: 227-243, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2022.01.006 BaltRap
Bunzel, D., Y. Milker, K. Müller-Navarra, H. W. Arz and G. Schmiedl (2021). North Sea salt-marsh archives trace past storminess and climate variability. Glob. Planet. Change 198: 103403, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103403 –open access–
Chen, P., Z. Yu, M. Czymzik, A. Aldahan, J. Wang, P. Yi, G. Possnert, X. Chen, M. Zheng, H. Jin, D. Luo and Q. Wu (2021). Holocene monsoon dynamics at kunlun pass on the northeastern qinghai-tibet plateau. Sci. Total Environ. 771: 145369, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145369
Dellwig, O., A. Wegwerth and H. W. Arz (2021). Anatomy of the Major Baltic Inflow in 2014: Impact of manganese and iron shuttling on phosphorus and trace metals in the Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea. Cont. Shelf Res. 223: 104449, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2021.104449 BaltRap
Janßen, R., A. J. Beck, J. Werner, O. Dellwig, J. Alneberg, B. Kreikemeyer, E. Maser, C. Böttcher, E. P. Achterberg, A. F. Andersson and M. Labrenz (2021). Machine learning predicts the presence of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in sediments of a Baltic Sea munitions dumpsite using microbial community compositions. Front. Microbiol. 12: 626048, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.626048 –open access–BLUEPRINT
Kurzweil, F., C. Archer, M. Wille, R. Schoenberg, C. Münker and O. Dellwig (2021). Redox control on the tungsten isotope composition of seawater. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118: e2023544118, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2023544118 BaltRap
Lin, M., J. Qiao, X. Hou, O. Dellwig, P. Steier, K. Hain, R. Golser and L. Zhu (2021). 70-year anthropogenic uranium imprints of nuclear activities in Baltic Sea sediments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 55: 8918-8927, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.1c02136 BaltRap
Nantke, C. K. M., A. Brauer, P. J. Frings, M. Czymzik, T. Hübener, J. Stadmark, O. Dellwig, P. Roeser and D. J. Conley (2021). Human influence on the continental Si budget during the last 4300 years: δ30Sidiatom in varved lake sediments (Tiefer See, NE Germany). Quat. Sci. Rev. 258: 106869, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106869 –open access–BaltRap
Nowaczyk, N. R., J. Liu and H. W. Arz (2021). Records of the Laschamps geomagnetic polarity excursion from Black Sea sediments: magnetite versus greigite, discrete sample versus U-channel data. Geophys. J. Int. 224: 1079-1095, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggaa506 –open access–
Nowaczyk, N. R., J. Liu, B. Plessen, A. Wegwerth and H. W. Arz (2021). A high-resolution paleosecular variation record for marine isotope stage 6 from Southeastern Black Sea sediments. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 126: e2020JB021350, doi: 10.1029/2020JB021350 –open access–BlackPearl
Nwosu, E. C., A. Brauer, J. Kaiser, F. Horn, D. Wagner and S. Liebner (2021). Evaluating sedimentary DNA for tracing changes in cyanobacteria dynamics from sediments spanning the last 350 years of Lake Tiefer See, NE Germany. J. Paleolimnol. 66: 279-296, doi: 10.1007/s10933-021-00206-9 –open access–BaltRap; TETRABAL
Nwosu, E. C., P. Roeser, S. Yang, L. Ganzert, O. Dellwig, S. Pinkerneil, A. Brauer, E. Dittmann, D. Wagner and S. Liebner (2021). From water into sediment - tracing freshwater cyanobacteria via DNA analyses. Microorganisms 9: 1778, doi: doi:10.3390/microorganisms9081778 –open access–BaltRap
Rimbu, N., G. Lohmann, M. Ionita, M. Czymzik and A. Brauer (2021). Interannual to millennial-scale variability of River Ammer floods and its relationship with solar forcing. Int. J. Climatol. 41: E644-E655, doi: 10.1002/joc.6715 –open access–
Roué, L., F. Kurzweil, M. Wille, A. Wegwerth, O. Dellwig, C. Münker and R. Schoenberg (2021). Stable w and mo isotopic evidence for increasing redox-potentials from the paleoarchean towards the paleoproterozoic deep ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 309: 366-387, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.05.013
Toyos, M. H., G. Winckler, H. W. Arz, L. Lembke-Jene, C. B. Lange, G. Kuhn and F. Lamy (2021). Variations in export production, lithogenic sediment transport and iron fertilization in the Pacific sector of the Drake Passage over the past 400 ka. Clim. Past Discuss. 2021, preprint: 1-37, doi: 10.5194/cp-2021-85 –open access–
Wegwerth, A., B. Plessen, I. C. Kleinhanns and H. W. Arz (2021). Black Sea hydroclimate and coupled hydrology was strongly controlled by high-latitude glacial climate dynamics. Commun. Earth Environ. 2: 63, doi: 10.1038/s43247-021-00129-3 –open access–BlackPearl
Wils, K., M. Wermersche, D. Van Rooij, G. Lastras, F. Lamy, H. W. Arz, G. Siani, S. Bertrand and M. Van Daele (2021). Late Holocene current patterns in the northern Patagonian fjords recorded by sediment drifts in Aysén Fjord. Mar. Geol. 441: 106604, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106604
Wogau, K. H., N. R. Nowaczyk, H. N. Böhnel, H. W. Arz and R. Molina-Garza (2021). Environmental magnetism study during the Mid-Late Holocene transition and its cultural implications in Mesoamerica. Quat. Int. 577: 112-130, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.12.042
Wu, F., E. P. Sokolov, O. Dellwig and I. M. Sokolova (2021). Season-dependent effects of ZnO nanoparticles and elevated temperature on bioenergetics of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Chemosphere 263: 127780, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127780
Wu, S., L. Lembke-Jene, F. Lamy, H. W. Arz, N. Nowaczyk, W. Xiao, X. Zhang, H. C. Hass, J. Titschack, X. Zheng, J. Liu, L. Dumm, B. Diekmann, D. Nürnberg, R. Tiedemann and G. Kuhn (2021). Orbital- and millennial-scale Antarctic Circumpolar Current variability in Drake Passage over the past 140,000 years. Nat. Commun. 12: 3948, doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24264-9 –open access–
Balci, N., Y. Gunes, J. Kaiser, S. A. On, K. Eris, B. Garczynski and B. H. N. Horgan (2020). Biotic and abiotic imprints on Mg-rich stromatolites: Lessons from Lake Salda, SW Turkey. Geomicrobiol. J. 37: 401-425, doi: 10.1080/01490451.2019.1710784
Beck, M., O. Dellwig, B. Schnetger, T. Riedel and H.-J. Brumsack (2020). Manganese dynamics in tidal basins of the Wadden Sea: Spatial/seasonal patterns and budget estimates. Mar. Chem. 225: 103847, doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2020.103847
Brüske, A., S. Weyer, M. Y. Zhao, N. J. Planavsky, A. Wegwerth, N. Neubert, O. Dellwig, K. V. Lau and T. W. Lyons (2020). Correlated molybdenum and uranium isotope signatures in modern anoxic sediments: Implications for their use as paleo-redox proxy. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 270: 449-474, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.11.031
Bunzel, D., Y. Milker, K. Mueller-Navarra, H. W. Arz, J. Friedrich, N. Lahajnar and G. Schmiedl (2020). Integrated stratigraphy of foreland salt-marsh sediments of the south-eastern North Sea region. Newsl. Stratigr. 53: 415-442, doi: 10.1127/nos/2020/0540 –open access–
Chen, P., P. Yi, M. Czymzik, A. Aldahan, K. Ljung, Z. Yu, X. Hou, M. Zheng, X. Chen and G. Possnert (2020). Relationship between precipitation and 10Be and impacts on soil dynamics. Catena 195: 104748, doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2020.104748
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Ríos, F., R. Kilian, C. B. Lange, O. Baeza-Urrea, H. W. Arz, M. Zindorf, R. De Pol-Holz and F. Lamy (2020). Environmental and coastline changes controlling Holocene carbon accumulation rates in fjords of the western Strait of Magellan region. Cont. Shelf Res. 199: 104101, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2020.104101 Holo Parc; Kohsak
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Scholtysik, G., O. Dellwig, P. Roeser, H. W. Arz, P. Casper, C. Herzog, T. Goldhammer and M. Hupfer (2020). Geochemical focusing and sequestration of manganese during eutrophication of Lake Stechlin (NE Germany). Biogeochemistry 151: 313-334, doi: 10.1007/s10533-020-00729-9 –open access–BaltRap
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Henkel, J. V., O. Dellwig, F. Pollehne, D. P. R. Herlemann, T. Leipe and H. N. Schulz-Vogt (2019). A bacterial isolate from the Black Sea oxidizes sulfide with manganese(IV) oxide. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116: 12153-12155, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1906000116 –open access–ANAMARE
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Schulz-Vogt, H. N., F. Pollehne, K. Jürgens, H. W. Arz, S. Beier, R. Bahlo, O. Dellwig, J. V. Henkel, D. P. R. Herlemann, S. Krüger, T. Leipe and T. Schott (2019). Effect of large magnetotactic bacteria with polyphosphate inclusions on the phosphate profile of the suboxic zone in the Black Sea. ISME J. 13: 1198-1208, doi: 10.1038/s41396-018-0315-6 Black Sea Redoxcline
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Kaiser, J., M. Moros, M. Tomczak, O. Dellwig, D. Schulz-Bull and H. W. Arz (2018). The invasive diatom Pseudosolenia calcar-avis and specific C25 isoprenoid lipids as a sedimentary time marker in the Black Sea. Geology 46: 507-510, doi: 10.1130/g40294.1
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Warden, L., M. Moros, Y. Weber and J. S. Sinninghe Damsté (2018). Change in provenance of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers over the Holocene in the Baltic Sea and its impact on continental climate reconstruction. Org. Geochem. 121: 138-154, doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2018.03.007 –open access–
Wegwerth, A., S. Eckert, O. Dellwig, B. Schnetger, S. Severmann, S. Weyer, A. Brüske, J. Kaiser, J. Köster, H. W. Arz and H.-J. Brumsack (2018). Redox evolution during Eemian and Holocene sapropel formation in the Black Sea. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol. 489: 249-260, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.10.014 Dyn NAP
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