Biogeochemical Modelling

The working group "Biogeochemical Modelling" deals with the modeling and analysis of marine ecosystems based on numerical simulations. The focus is on marginal seas and particularly the Baltic Sea. For this purpose, we use three-dimensional hydrodynamic models that are coupled with biogeochemical models in an appropriate manner. Another focus is the development of marine biogeochemical models. Our models consider both the pelagic and the benthic and sedimentary areas of the sea.
Our research foci:
1) Response of marine ecosystems to external influences and internal interventions
2) Contributions to the assessment of marine ecosystem status
3) Further development of the biogeochemical model ERGOM (https://www.ergom.net)
Dr. Thomas NeumannWorking group leader,
Biogeochemical model development
Dr. Anju Mallissery
Deputy working group leader,
Biogeochemistry of coastal ecosystems
Dr. Anna-Adriana Anschuetz
Marine CDR Methods
Dr. René Friedland
Applied ecosystem modelling,
Assessment of marine ecosystem status
Dr. Hagen Radtke
Biogeochemical model development
Dr. Jurjen Rooze
Marine sediment geochemistry,
Impact of fisheries