IOW Board of Governors
The Board of Governors directs the institute under Section 5, paragraph 2 of the Implementation Agreement of the Framework Agreement on the Joint Promotion of Scientific Research.
The Board of Governors is tasked with supervising fundamental affairs of the institute, as well as advising and making appropriate recommendations on financial matters.
Woldemar Venohr
Ministry of Science, Culture, Federal and European Affairs Mecklenburg-West Pomerania,
Head of the Department 3
Deputy Chair:
Dr. Zage Kaculevski
Federal Ministry for Education and Research, Head of the Division 724
Prof. Dr. Katja Fennel
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
Peter Grönwoldt
Federal Ministry for Education and Research
Prof. Helge Heegewaldt
President of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency
Sabine Müller
Innomar Technology Rostock
Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Prommer
Rector of the University of Rostock
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board advises the Board of Governors and the Director on research matters, makes recommendations to the institute’s working groups and promotes collaboration with domestic and international institutions. It comments on the director’s annual report, evaluates the scientific work of the institute, advises on appointment of faculty and reports its findings to the Board of Governors.
The Scientific Advisory Board consists of at most 10 members, both domestic and international scientists whose specialties are related to the scientific goals of the institute. Members of the board serve terms of at most four years and can be reappointed only once. The members can be nominated by the Director of the institute.
Scientific Council
The Scientific Council advises the Director and the Board of Governors on the institute’s important scientific matters. The council advises on the establishment and dissolution of sections, and the appointment and dismissal of the director, section leaders and members of the Scientific Advisory Board.
The council includes all of the section leaders, their deputies and four elected scientists from the institute. These four members are elected to three-year terms under electoral regulations adopted by the whole institute and agreed to by the Director and Board of Trustees.
Dr. Henry Bittig
Department Marine Chemistry
Dr. Florian Börgel
Department Physical Oceanography
Deputy Spokesperson:
Prof. Dr. Helge Arz
Head of department Marine Geology
Prof. Dr. Michael E. Böttcher
Deputy of department Marine Geology
Dr. Jacob Geersen
Department Marine Geology
Prof. Dr. Heide Schulz-Vogt
Head of department Biological Oceanography
Prof. Dr. Klaus Jürgens
Deputy of department Biological Oceanography
Isabell Klawonn
Department Biological Oceanography
Prof. Dr. Markus Meier
Head of department Physical Oceanography
Dr. Volker Mohrholz
Deputy of department Physical Oceanography
Prof. Dr. Gregor Rehder
Head of department Marine Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Joanna J. Waniek
Deputy of department Marine Chemistry