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Hypoxic and anoxic regions in the Baltic Sea, 1990

The content of this webpage is part of the Marine Science Report No 100 2016 and should be cited as:

Susanne Feistel, Rainer Feistel, Dietwart Nehring, Wolfgang Matthäus, Günther Nausch, Michael Naumann: Hypoxic and anoxic regions in the Baltic Sea, 1969 - 2015. Meereswiss. Ber., Warnemünde, 100 (2016) doi: 10.12754/msr-2016-0100

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Jan/Feb, 1990: download SVG (computed 2016)
Mar/Apr, 1990: download SVG (computed 2016)
Apr/May, 1990: download SVG (computed 2016)
Jul/Aug, 1990: download SVG (computed 2016)
Oct/Nov, 1990: download SVG (computed 2016)
Apr/May & Oct/Nov, 1990: download SVG (computed 2016)
Inflows into the Baltic Proper, not reaching the intensity of MBIs pushed away the anoxic deep water in the Bornholm and Gdańsk Basins and supplied them with oxygen in March. In November, anoxic conditions returned in the Bornholm Basin, but not in the Gdańsk Basin. The eastern Gotland Basin was characterized by stagnant conditions with very high concentrations of H2S (cf. Fig. 3). Oxygen was present in the deep water of the northern and western Gotland Basins during the whole year (NEHRING, 1991).



  • NEHRING, D., 1991: Die hydrographisch-chemischen Bedingungen in der westlichen und zentralen Ostsee im Jahr 1990. – Fischerei-Forschung, 29(2), 5-15. (Link)