Current Theses
Ph.D. Theses
Paul Cwierz: Influence of scrubber technology on the chemical composition of ship emissions
Tassiana Serafin: Contribution of shipping emission to marine pollution
Jann-Gerrit Müller: Impact of natural organic matter on the fate of anthropogenic pollutants in the nearshore Baltic Sea
Completed Theses (since 2013)
Ph.D. Theses
Mo Zhou: Analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in the Baltic Sea
Marisa Wirth: Analysis of Organophosphorus Compounds in the Marine Environment, University of Rostock
Lisa Rönspieß: Importance of the lower Warnow for P-Concentrations, P-Transformations, P-Retention and P-Bioavailability, University of Rostock
Friederike Habedank: Analysis of organo phosphorus pesticides in surface and Baltic Sea water
Constantin Recknagel: Significance of organic Phosphorous Compounds for the Baltic Sea: Inositol Phosphates and Phospholipids, University of Rostock
Kathrin Fisch: Occurrence and transport of polar pollutants in coastal ecosystems, University of Rostock, 2018
Karoline Hammer: Effect of Organic Compounds on the Acid-base System of the Baltic Sea, University of Rostock, 2017
Janne Hähnel: Studies for the Characterization of novel Oil binding Materials and for the Determination of the Oil degradation Perfomance of a Microorganism Consortium from the Baltic Sea, University of Rostock, 2017
Wael Skeff: Polar Herbicides in the German Baltic Estuaries - Analysis, Occurrence and Effects, University of Rostock, 2015
David Meyer: Investigation of redox sensitive compounds in the pelagic redoxcline using in situ measurements, University of Rostock, 2013
Paul Cwierz: Determination of Methylphosphonic Acid in Water Samples near the Baltic Sea using Electrodialysis and GC-MS, University of Rostock
Maike Wilschnack: Development of an ASE-Method for the Detection of modern Contaminants in the particulate Phase, University of Rostock, 2019
Moritz Sievers: Studies for the Recovery of Bulk Parameters (DOC, DOP, DON) after the Electrodialysis of Seawater, University of Rostock, 2018
Marisa Wirth: Interactions between Marine Snow and Macondo Oil spilled during the Deepwater Horizon Accident, Universität Rostock, 2017
Eric Tollkühn: Optimization and Validation of the Analysis of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Honey, Herbs and Infant Foods using HILIC-RP-LC-MS/MS, University of Rostock, 2017
Carina Deich: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Surface Waters of the oligotrophic North-East Atlantic, University of Rostock, 2016
Yvonne Düwel: Adsorption of Glyphosate, AMPA and Glufosinate to Baltic Sea Sediments, University of Rostock, 2016
Lina Westphal: Determination of Organotin Compounds in Sediments of the Baltic Sea, University of Rostock, 2015
Kathrin Fisch: Enrichment and Detection of Phenoxy-, Triazine-, Urea Pesticides and other Organic Contaminants in Water using SPE and HPLC-MS/MS, University of Rostock, 2014
Florian Cordes: Analysis of Pt, Re, Se and Te using Q-ICP-MS for the Reconstruction of Redox Conditions in Modern and Pre-Industrial Baltic Sea Sediments, University of Rostock, 2014
Eva Fritzsche: Determination of Organic Trace Compounds in the Baltic Sea by modern Mass Spectrometic Methods, Chemnitz University of Technology, 2013
Hannes Lüdtke: Investigations of the Seasonal Influence on the Concentrations of the Herbicide Glyphosate and its Metabolite AMPA in the Warnow River
Anna Pudelko: Optimization of individual Process Steps for the Automated Sample Preparation using Freestyle Xana in the Field of the Analysis of Organic Trace Compounds in Marine Environment, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, March 2019
Julian Schade: Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Sediments of the Black Sea, University of Rostock, 2014
Carina Deich: Method Development for the Determination of Particle-Bound Glyphosate in the Marine Environment, University of Rostock, 2014