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Areas of Research: (1) Northeast Atlantic KIEL 276; (2) Baltic Sea; (3) Black Sea; (4) South China Sea

Bio-physical interactions

The interactions between physical and biological processes on different time and space scales are the focus of the research activities in my working group. Of special interest are those physical processes which influence the production, modification and sedimentation of particles in the water column of the world ocean. In our research we are considering both the natural and the anthopogenic particles. Most of our research activities is carried out in the Northeast Atlantic and in the Baltic Sea, but we are occasionally also working in the South China Sea and the Black Sea. Our studies are embeded in the research foci 3 and 4.

A major part of our work involves the determination of inorganic nutrients in the Baltic Sea and it is embedded in the HELCOM-Monitoring-Program. In addition, it is an important component of the long-term measurements at the IOW carried out within the research foci 3.

Working group leader:

Senior scientist:


PhD students:

Technical staff:

  • Madleen Dierken
  • Birgit Sadkowiak
  • Lars Kreuzer
  • Jomnas Radisch (Apprentice)

Students (M.Sc. & B.Sc.):

  • Kendra Witt

Currently ongoing PhD, Master and Bachelor theses:

Kendra Witt (2024): Microplastic abundances, Statsexamensarbeit, University Rostock, FB Chemistry/Lehramt

Completed PhD, Master, Bachelor and Diploma theses:

Beltran, Oscar: Physical controls on Cyanobacteria bloom occurance, PhD thesis, FB Biology, University Rostock, 93p

Merck Nico (2023): Development of a setup for optical plastic detection, Masterthesis, IAE Universiy Rostock

Heck Mareike (2023): Microplastic in saisonal ice of the northern Baltic Sea, Masterthesis, FB Biology, 43p

Reineccius Janika (2023): Abundance, distribution and composition of microplastic in combination with organic pollutants in the particulate phase from different marine systems, PhD thesis, University Rostock, FB. Chemistry, 124p

Mairon Tabea (2023): Biogeochemical chararacterisation f the Azores Front System, Bachelor thesis, University Rostock, FB Biowissenschaften, 45p

Frazao Helena (2022): Scales of variability in the subtropical Northeast Atlantic, PhD thesis, University Rostock. 130p

Gabriel Tom (2022): Chemical composition of particle flux in the Gotland Basin (2000-2020), Statsexamensarbeit, University Rostock, FB Chemistry/Lehramt, 71p

Bimberg Nelly (2021): Phytoplankton succession in coastal Baltic Sea:  Heiliegendamm time series 1988-2000, Bachelor Arbeit, University Rostock, FB. Biowissenschaften, 41p

Deich Carina (2021): Detection of estrogenic substances and their distribution patterns in the marine environments, PhD thesis, University Rostock, FB Chemie, 92p

Pflugstert Lena (2021): Natural ans synthetic estrogens, Bachelor thesis, University Rostock, FB. Biowissenschaften, 32p

Heck Mareike (2021): Oberflächenmorphologie von Mikroplastik entlang eines Tiefengradienten, Südchinesisches Meer, Bachelor thesis, University Rostock, FB. Biowissenschaften, 43p

Zimmermann Genoveva (2021): Influence of UV, mechanical stress and salinity gradient on ageing of microplastics, Bachelor thesis, Universiy Rostock, FB. Biowissenschaften, 46p

Pullwer, Judith (2021): Long-term variability of particle flux in the deeo ocean of the subtropical Northeast Atlantic, PhD thesis, University Rostock, FB. Chemistry, 90p

Appelt Jana: Fibers in sediment trap material from the Kiel 276 in the North Eastern Atlantic, Master thesis, University Rostock FB Chemistry, 46p

Hinrichs Theda (2019): Vertical distribution of microplastic in NE Atlantic, Bachelor Thesis, FB Biowissenschaften, University Rostock, 46p

Reineccius, Janika (2018): Optimizing methods of microplastics identification in sediment trap material from different study sites of the North Atlantic Ocean, Master thesis, FB Chemistry, University Rostock, 81p

Tsaldaris, Leon (2018): Anthopogenic fingerprint in a shallow water core from a Tibetan lake. Bachelor thesis, Universität Rostock, FB Biowissenschaften, 47p

Przibilla, Anna (2017): Anthopogenic fingerprints on the particle flux in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, Bachelor thesis, FB Chemistry, University Rostock, 43p

Mörsch, Thamyana (2017): Distribution pattern of DOC in the area of the Azores Front, Bachelor thesis, University Rostock, FB Marine Biology, 31p

Khamzaeva, Kheda (2017): POC in der Ostsee: Vergleich von Stagnationsperioden und Einstromereignissen anhand con Langzeitbeobachtungen im Gotland und Bornholm Becken, Bachelor thesis, University Rostock, FB Marine Biology, 34p

Schoop, Anne (2016): Detection of endocrine disrupting compounds in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea, Master thesis, FB Chemistry, University Rostock, 49p.

Deich, Carina (2016): Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and organochlorine compounds in surface waters of the oligotrophic North East Atlantic, Master thesis, FB Chemistry, University Rostock, 58p.

Fett, Theresa (2016): Temporal DOC pattern in the Baltic Sea with the focus on Major Baltic Inflows: Case studies Bornholm Basin and Gotland Basinn, Bachelor thesis, FB Marine Biology,  University Rostock, 46p.

Rönn, Elisa (2015): Estimation of the nutrient pool in the oligotrophic Northeastatlantic, Master thesis, FB Chemistry, University Rostock, 83p.

Neun, Anne (2015): Optimierung der Methode zur Bestimmung von gelöstem organischen Kohlenstoff (DOC) anhand von Proben aus der Ostsee, Master thesis, FB Chemistry, University Rostock, 55p.

Reichardt, Aurelia (2015): Sinking velocity of new and aged micro-plastic particles, Bachelor thesis, FB Marine Biology, Univerity Rostock, 41p.

Fründt, Birte (2015): Decadal variability of the primary production and export production in the Madeira Basin, PhD thesis, University Rostock, 99p (DECADE DFG Project)

Stern, Judith (2014): Chemical composition of the Sahara dust at Kiel 276 (33°N, 22°W) in the Northeastatlantic, Master thesis, FB Chemistry, University Rostock, 88p.

Bär, Katharina (2014): Chemical characterisation of lithogenic particles from the Northeastatlantic, Master thesis, FB Chemistry, University Rostock,  49p.

Halfter, Svenja (2014): Distribution of biogenic particles between the shelf and the central Black Sea, Bachelor thesis, University Rostock, 40p.

Chikwililwa, Chibo (2014): Marine biotoxins in the northern Benguela region- biological and chemical parameters affecting the production of harmful algal blooms, PhD Thesis, University Rostock, 97p.

Bauer, Andrea (2013): Hydrographical and biogeochemical characterization of the Beibu Gulf during Southwest monsoon including remote sensing and modelling, PhD thesis, University Rostock, 146pp (BEIBU BMBF-Project).

Fiskal, Annika (2012): Detecting the Azores Front using in-situ data, Bachelor thesis, University Rostock,  35p.

Brust, Juliane (2011): Interannual variability of lithogenic particle fluxes in the subtropical northeast Atlantic, PhD thesis, University Rostock, 103p (LITHFLUX DFG-Project).

Fründt, Birte (2009): Dekadische Variabilität in der Thermokline des subtropischen Nordostatlantiks: Fallstudie bei KIEL 276 (33°N, 22°W), Diploma thesis, University Rostock, 143p.

Bauer, Andrea (2008): Saisonale und zwischenjährliche Variationen in der Lage der Azorenfront (2000 – 2008), Diploma thesis, University Rostock, 95p.