Publications 2020
- Meßner, U., H. Menzel-Harloff and M. L. Zettler (2020). Die Molluskenfauna zwischen Friedland und den Brohmer Bergen (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) - ein Exkursionsbericht. Arch. Natur- u. Landeskunde Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 57: 64-71, doi: 10.30819/anlk.57.03
- Wick, N., S. Krause, C. Schaum, F. Fischer, D. Fischer, F. Klaeger and M. Labrenz (2020). Herausforderungen bei Probenahme, -aufbereitung und Analyse von Mikroplastik in der kommunalen Abwasserbehandlung. KA : Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall 67: 118-124
- Klaeger, F. and S. Oberbeckmann (2020). Multilevel assessment of microplastics and associated pollutants in the Baltic Sea. The project repository journal : prj / EDMA 7: 40-43
- Mack, L., J. Attila, E. Aylagas, A. Beermann, A. Borja, D. Hering, M. Kahlert, F. Leese, R. Lenz, M. Lehtiniemi, A. Liess, U. Lips, O.-P. Mattila, K. Meissner, T. Pyhalahti, O. Setala, J. S. Strehse, L. Uusitalo, A. W. Wranne and S. Birk (2020). A synthesis of marine monitoring methods with the potential to enhance the status assessment of the Baltic Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 552047, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.552047
- Vikström, K., I. Bartl, J. Karlsson and J. Wikner (2020). Strong influence of baseline respiration in an oligotrophic coastal ecosystem. Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 572070, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.572070
- Möller, L., B. Kreikemeyer, Z.-H. Luo, G. Jost and M. Labrenz (2020). Impact of coastal aquaculture operation systems in Hainan island (China) on the relative abundance and community structure of Vibrio in adjacent coastal systems. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 233: 106542, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2019.106542
- Enders, K., A. S. Tagg and M. Labrenz (2020). Evaluation of electrostatic separation of microplastics from mineral-rich environmental samples. Front. Environ. Sci. 8: 112, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.00112
- Buer, A.-L., D. Taylor, P. Bergström, L. Ritzenhofen and A. Klemmstein (2020). Nitrogen and phosphorous content in blue mussels (Mytilus spp.) across the Baltic Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 705, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00705
- Zettler, M. L. (2020). Beobachtung der seltenen blauen Version des Edelkrebses Astacus astacus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Litauen = Observation of the blue coloured noble crayfish Astacus astacus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Lithuania. Lauterbornia 87: 134-136
- Attila, J., K. Dahlbo, S. Kaitala, K. Kallio, H. Kankaanpää, V. Karvinen, P. Kauppila, S. Knuuttila, S. Koponen, S. Korpinen, N. Kotamäki, A. Kremp, H. Kuosa, S. Lehtinen, M. Lehtiniemi, K. Lehtonen, A. Lepistö, O. Malve, J. Mannio, H. Nygård, J. Pajala, H. Piepponen, H. Pitkänen, T. Pyhälahti, M. Raateoja, A. Räike, J. Seppälä, O. Setälä, K. Spilling, S. Suikkanen, T. Tamminen, S. Tattari and L. Uusitalo (2020). Meriseurannan tiekartta - SYKEn ylläpitämien ja koordinoimien meren tilaseurantojen nykytila ja kehittäminen. Ed. by H. Pitkänen, M. Raateoja, P. Kankaanpää, L. Uusitalo, A.-S. Heiskanen, J. Kettunen, H. Kankaanpää and S. Korpinen. Suomen ympäristökeskus. 69 S. (Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja ; 26/2020), http://hdl.handle.net/10138/320467
- Kownacka, J., S. Busch, J. Göbel, S. Gromisz, H. Hällfors, H. Höglander, S. Huseby, A. Jaanus, H. H. Jakobsen, M. Johansen, M. Johansson, I. Jurgensone, N. Liebeke, W. Krasniewski, A. Kremp, S. Lehtinen, I. Olenina, M. v. Weber and N. Wasmund (2020). Cyanobacteria biomass, 1990-2019. Baltic Sea Environment Fact Sheet Eutrophication 2020. Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission (HELCOM), https://helcom.fi/baltic-sea-trends/environment-fact-sheets/eutrophication/
- Alacid, E., A. Reñé, R. Gallisai, A. Paloheimo, E. Garcés and A. Kremp (2020). Description of two new coexisting parasitoids of blooming dinoflagellates in the Baltic sea: Parvilucifera catillosa sp. nov. and Parvilucifera sp. (Perkinsea, Alveolata). Harmful Algae 100: 101944, doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2020.101944
- Mertens, K. N., M. Adachi, D. M. Anderson, C. J. Band-Schmidt, I. Bravo, M. L. Brosnahan, C. J. S. Bolch, A. J. Calado, M. C. Carbonell-Moore, N. Chomérat, M. Elbrächter, R. I. Figueroa, S. Fraga, I. Gárate-Lizárraga, E. Garcés, H. Gu, G. Hallegraeff, P. Hess, M. Hoppenrath, T. Horiguchi, M. Iwataki, U. John, A. Kremp, J. Larsen, C. P. Leaw, Z. Li, P. T. Lim, W. Litaker, L. MacKenzie, E. Masseret, K. Matsuoka, Ø. Moestrup, M. Montresor, S. Nagai, E. Nézan, T. Nishimura, Y. B. Okolodkov, T. Y. Orlova, A. Reñé, N. Sampedro, C. T. Satta, H. H. Shin, R. Siano, K. F. Smith, K. Steidinger, Y. Takano, U. Tillmann, J. Wolny, A. Yamaguchi and S. Murray (2020). Morphological and phylogenetic data do not support the split of Alexandrium into four genera. Harmful Algae 98: 101902, doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2020.101902
- Kesy, K., M. Labrenz, B. S. Scales, B. Kreikemeyer and S. Oberbeckmann (2021). Vibrio colonization is highly dynamic in early microplastic-associated biofilms as well as on field-collected microplastics. Microorganisms 9: 76, doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9010076
- Hohmann, M. and M. L. Zettler (2020). Weitere Nachweise der Schwebegarnele Paramysis lacustris (Czerniavsky, 1882) (Crustacea: Mysida) im Gebiet der unteren Havel von Brandenburg und Sachsen-Anhalt = Further records of the mysid shrimp Paramysis lacustris (Czerniavsky, 1882) (Crustacea: Mysida) in the area of the lower Havel river of Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt/Germany. Lauterbornia 87: 16-18
- Osinski, R. D., K. Enders, U. Gräwe, K. Klingbeil and H. Radtke (2020). Model uncertainties of a storm and their influence on microplastics and sediment transport in the Baltic Sea. Ocean Sci. 16: 1491-1507, doi: 10.5194/os-16-1491-2020
- Nygård, H., M. Lindegarth, A. Darr, G. E. Dinesen, O. R. Eigaard and I. Lips (2020). Developing benthic monitoring programmes to support precise and representative status assessments: a case study from the Baltic Sea. Environ. Monit. Assess. 192: 795, doi: 10.1007/s10661-020-08764-7
- Beier, S., A. F. Andersson, P. E. Galand, C. Hochart, J. B. Logue, K. McMahon and S. Bertilsson (2020). The environment drives microbial trait variability in aquatic habitats. Mol. Ecol. 29: 4605-4617, doi: 10.1111/mec.15656
- Tagg, A. S., M. Sapp, J. P. Harrison, C. J. Sinclair, E. Bradley, Y. Ju-Nam and J. J. Ojeda (2020). Microplastic monitoring at different stages in a wastewater treatment plant using reflectance micro-FTIR imaging. Front. Environ. Sci. 8: 145, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.00145
- Kanerva, M., M. Kiljunen, J. Torniainen, M. Nikinmaa, J. Dutz and K. A. Vuori (2020). Environmentally driven changes in Baltic salmon oxidative status during marine migration. Sci. Total Environ. 742: 140259, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140259
- Zettler, M. L., A. Kremp and J. Dutz (2020). Biological assessment of the Baltic Sea 2019. Rostock: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde. 88 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte = Marine Science Reports ; 115), doi: 10.12754/msr-2020-0115
- Wäge, J., O. Schmale and M. Labrenz (2020). Quantification of methanogenic Archaea within Baltic Sea copepod faecal pellets. Mar. Biol. 167: 153, doi: 10.1007/s00227-020-03759-x
- Kuznecova, J., S. Šulčius, A. Vogts, M. Voss, K. Jürgens and E. Šimoliūnas (2020). Nitrogen flow in diazotrophic cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae is altered by cyanophage infection. Front. Microbiol. 11: 2010, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.02010
- Schernewski, G., H. Radtke, R. Hauk, C. Baresel, M. Olshammar, R. Osinski and S. Oberbeckmann (2020). Transport and behavior of microplastics emissions from urban sources in the Baltic Sea. Front. Environ. Sci. 8: 579361, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.579361
- Roth-Rosenberg, D., D. Aharonovich, T. Luzzatto-Knaan, A. Vogts, L. Zoccarato, F. Eigemann, N. Nago, H.-P. Grossart, M. Voss and D. Sher (2020). Prochlorococcus cells rely on microbial interactions rather than on chlorotic resting stages to survive long-term nutrient starvation. mBio 11: e01846-20, doi: 10.1128/mBio.01846-20
- Li, J., Z. Yu, S. Choo, J. Zhao, Z. Wang and R. Xie (2020). Chemico-proteomics reveal the enhancement of salt tolerance in an invasive plant species via H2S signaling. ACS Omega 5: 14575-14585, doi: 10.1021/acsomega.0c01275
- Gogina, M., M. L. Zettler, I. Wåhlström, H. Andersson, H. Radtke, I. Kuznetsov and B. R. MacKenzie (2020). A combination of species distribution and ocean-biogeochemical models suggests that climate change overrides eutrophication as the driver of future distributions of a key benthic crustacean in the estuarine ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 77: 2089-2105, doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa107
- Brandt, J., L. Bittrich, F. Fischer, E. Kanaki, A. Tagg, R. Lenz, M. Labrenz, E. Brandes, D. Fischer and K.-J. Eichhorn (2020). High-throughput analyses of microplastic samples using fourier transform infrared and raman spectrometry. Appl. Spectrosc. 74: 1185-1197, doi: 10.1177/0003702820932926
- Dippner, J. W. (2020). Response: Commentary: Lake or sea? The unknown future of central Baltic Sea herring. Front. Ecol. Evol. 8: 229, doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00229
- Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Eds. (2020). Die Meeresschutzgebiete in der deutschen ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone der Ostsee - Beschreibung und Zustandsbewertung - Stand 25.02.2020. Erstellt von Bildstein, T., Schuchardt, B., Bleich, S., Bennecke, S., Schückel, S., Huber, A., Dierschke, V., Koschinski, S., Darr, A. Bonn: Bundesamt für Naturschutz. 535 S. (BfN-Skripten ; 553), doi: 10.19217/skr553
- Greathead, C., P. Magni, J. Vanaverbeke, L. Buhl-Mortensen, U. Janas, M. Blomqvist, J. A. Craeymeersch, J. Dannheim, A. Darr, S. Degraer, N. Desroy, A. Donnay, Y. Griffiths, I. Guala, L. Guerin, H. Hinchen, C. Labrune, H. Reiss, G. Van Hoey and S. N. R. Birchenough (2020). A generic framework to assess the representation and protection of benthic ecosystems in European marine protected areas. Aquat. Conserv.-Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 30: 1253-1275, doi: 10.1002/aqc.3401
- Stolle, C., M. Ribas-Ribas, T. H. Badewien, J. Barnes, L. J. Carpenter, R. Chance, L. R. Damgaard, A. M. Durán Quesada, A. Engel, S. Frka, L. Galgani, B. Gašparović, M. Gerriets, N. I. Hamizah Mustaffa, H. Herrmann, L. Kallajoki, R. Pereira, F. Radach, N. P. Revsbech, P. Rickard, A. Saint, M. Salter, M. Striebel, N. Triesch, G. Uher, R. C. Upstill-Goddard, M. van Pinxteren, B. Zäncker, P. Zieger and O. Wurl (2020). The MILAN campaign: Studying diel light effects on the air-sea interface. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc. 101: E146-E166, doi: 10.1175/bams-d-17-0329.1
- Böhmer, R. and M. L. Zettler (2020). A new species of Afriscrobs (Gastropoda: Anabathridae) from South Africa. Arch. Molluskenkd. 149: 49-54, doi: 10.1127/arch.moll/149/049-054
- Buer, A.-L., M. Maar, M. Nepf, L. Ritzenhofen, S. Dahlke, R. Friedland, P. Krost, F. Peine and G. Schernewski (2020). Potential and feasibility of Mytilus spp. farming along a salinity gradient. Front. Mar. Sci., 371, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00371
- Kaiser, J., N. Wasmund, M. Kahru, A. K. Wittenborn, R. Hansen, K. Häusler, M. Moros, D. Schulz-Bull and H. W. Arz (2020). Reconstructing N2-fixing cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea beyond observations using 6- and 7-methylheptadecane in sediments as specific biomarkers. Biogeosciences 17: 2579-2591, doi: 10.5194/bg-17-2579-2020
- Cyriaque, V., A. Géron, G. Billon, J. Nesme, J. Werner, D. C. Gillan, S. J. Sørensen and R. Wattiez (2020). Metal-induced bacterial interactions promote diversity in river-sediment microbiomes. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 96: fiaa076, doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiaa076
- Öztürk, B., J. Werner, J. P. Meier-Kolthoff, B. Bunk, C. Spröer and D. Springael (2020). Comparative genomics suggests mechanisms of genetic adaptation towards the catabolism of the phenylurea herbicide linuron in Variovorax. Genome Biol. Evol. 12: 827-841, doi: 10.1093/gbe/evaa085
- Adyari, B., D. Shen, S. Li, L. Zhang, A. Rashid, Q. Sun, A. Hu, N. Chen and C.-P. Yu (2020). Strong impact of micropollutants on prokaryotic communities at the horizontal but not vertical scales in a subtropical reservoir, China. Sci. Total Environ. 721: 137767, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137767
- Xie, R., P. Rao, Y. Pang, C. Shi, J. Li and D. Shen (2020). Salt intrusion alters nitrogen cycling in tidal reaches as determined in field and laboratory investigations. Sci. Total Environ. 729: 138803, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138803
- Kreuzburg, M., F. Rezanezhad, T. Milojevic, M. Voss, L. Gosch, S. Liebner, P. Van Cappellen and G. Rehder (2020). Carbon release and transformation from coastal peat deposits controlled by submarine groundwater discharge: a column experiment study. Limnol. Oceanogr. 65: 1116-1135
- Alneberg, J., C. Bennke, S. Beier, C. Bunse, C. Quince, K. Ininbergs, L. Riemann, M. Ekman, K. Jürgens, M. Labrenz, J. Pinhassi and A. F. Andersson (2020). Ecosystem-wide metagenomic binning enables prediction of ecological niches from genomes. Commun. Biol. 3: 119, doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-0856-x
- Ellegaard, M., M. R. J. Clokie, T. Czypionka, D. Frisch, A. Godhe, A. Kremp, A. Letarov, T. J. McGenity, S. Ribeiro and N. John Anderson (2020). Dead or alive: sediment DNA archives as tools for tracking aquatic evolution and adaptation. Commun. Biol. 3: 169, doi: 10.1038/s42003-020-0899-z
- Jordan, S. F. A., T. Treude, I. Leifer, R. Janßen, J. Werner, H. Schulz-Vogt and O. Schmale (2020). Bubble-mediated transport of benthic microorganisms into the water column: Identification of methanotrophs and implication of seepage intensity on transport efficiency. Sci. Rep. 10: 4682, doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61446-9
- Papenmeier, S., A. Darr, P. Feldens and R. Michaelis (2020). Hydroacoustic mapping of geogenic hard substrates: Challenges and review of German approaches. Geosciences 10: 100, doi: 10.3390/geosciences10030100
- Werner, J., E. Nour, B. Bunk, C. Spröer, K. Smalla, D. Springael and B. Öztürk (2020). PromA plasmids are instrumental in the dissemination of linuron catabolic genes between different genera. Front. Microbiol. 11: 149, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00149
- Yakneen, S., S. M. Waszak, PCAWG Technical Working Group, M. Gertz, J. O. Korbel, PCAWG Consortium, B. Aminou, J. Bartolome, K. A. Boroevich, R. Boyce, A. N. Brooks, A. Buchanan, I. Buchhalter, A. P. Butler, N. J. Byrne, A. Cafferkey, P. J. Campbell, Z. Chen, S. Cho, W. Choi, P. Clapham, B. N. Davis-Dusenbery, F. M. De La Vega, J. Demeulemeester, M. T. Dow, L. J. Dursi, J. Eils, R. Eils, K. Ellrott, C. Farcas, F. Favero, N. Fayzullaev, V. Ferretti, P. Flicek, N. A. Fonseca, J. L. Gelpi, G. Getz, B. Gibson, R. L. Grossman, O. Harismendy, A. P. Heath, M. C. Heinold, J. M. Hess, O. Hofmann, J. H. Hong, T. J. Hudson, B. Hutter, C. M. Hutter, D. Hübschmann, S. Imoto, S. Ivkovic, S.-H. Jeon, W. Jiao, J. Jung, R. Kabbe, A. Kahles, J. N. A. Kerssemakers, H.-L. Kim, H. Kim, J. Kim, Y. Kim, K. Kleinheinz, M. Koscher, A. Koures, M. Kovacevic, C. Lawerenz, I. Leshchiner, J. Liu, D. Livitz, G. L. Mihaiescu, S. Mijalkovic, A. Mijalkovic Lazic, S. Miyano, N. Miyoshi, H. K. Nahal-Bose, H. Nakagawa, M. Nastic, S. J. Newhouse, J. Nicholson, B. D. O’Connor, D. Ocana, K. Ohi, L. Ohno-Machado, L. Omberg, B. F. F. Ouellette, N. Paramasivam, M. D. Perry, T. D. Pihl, M. Prinz, M. Puiggròs, P. Radovic, K. M. Raine, E. Rheinbay, M. Rosenberg, R. Royo, G. Rätsch, G. Saksena, M. Schlesner, S. I. Shorser, C. Short, H. J. Sofia, J. Spring, L. D. Stein, A. J. Struck, G. Tiao, N. Tijanic, D. Torrents, P. Van Loo, M. Vazquez, D. Vicente, J. A. Wala, Z. Wang, S. M. Waszak, J. Weischenfeldt, J. Werner, A. Williams, Y. Woo, A. J. Wright, Q. Xiang, L. Yang, D. Yuen, C. K. Yung and J. Zhang (2020). Butler enables rapid cloud-based analysis of thousands of human genomes. Nat. Biotechnol. 38: 288-292, doi: 10.1038/s41587-019-0360-3
- The ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes Consortium, P. J. Campbell, G. Getz, J. O. Korbel, J. M. Stuart, J. L. Jennings, L. D. Stein, M. D. Perry, H. K. Nahal-Bose, B. F. F. Ouellette, C. H. Li, E. Rheinbay, G. P. Nielsen, D. C. Sgroi, C.-L. Wu, W. C. Faquin, V. Deshpande, P. C. Boutros, A. J. Lazar, K. A. Hoadley, D. N. Louis, L. J. Dursi, C. K. Yung, M. H. Bailey, G. Saksena, K. M. Raine, I. Buchhalter, K. Kleinheinz, M. Schlesner, J. Zhang, W. Wang, D. A. Wheeler, L. Ding, J. T. Simpson, B. D. O’Connor, S. Yakneen, K. Ellrott, N. Miyoshi, A. P. Butler, R. Royo, S. I. Shorser, M. Vazquez, T. Rausch, G. Tiao, S. M. Waszak, B. Rodriguez-Martin, S. Shringarpure, D.-Y. Wu, G. M. Demidov, O. Delaneau, S. Hayashi, S. Imoto, N. Habermann, A. V. Segre, E. Garrison, A. Cafferkey, E. G. Alvarez, J. M. Heredia-Genestar, F. Muyas, O. Drechsel, A. L. Bruzos, J. Temes, J. Zamora, A. Baez-Ortega, H.-L. Kim, R. J. Mashl, K. Ye, A. DiBiase, K.-l. Huang, I. Letunic, M. D. McLellan, S. J. Newhouse, T. Shmaya, S. Kumar, D. C. Wedge, M. H. Wright, V. D. Yellapantula, M. Gerstein, E. Khurana, T. Marques-Bonet, A. Navarro, C. D. Bustamante, R. Siebert, H. Nakagawa, D. F. Easton, S. Ossowski, J. M. C. Tubio, F. M. De La Vega, X. Estivill, D. Yuen, G. L. Mihaiescu, L. Omberg, V. Ferretti, R. Sabarinathan, O. Pich, A. Gonzalez-Perez, A. Taylor-Weiner, M. W. Fittall, J. Demeulemeester, M. Tarabichi, N. D. Roberts, P. Van Loo, I. Cortés-Ciriano, L. Urban, P. Park, B. Zhu, E. Pitkänen, Y. Li, N. Saini, L. J. Klimczak, J. Weischenfeldt, N. Sidiropoulos, L. B. Alexandrov, R. Rabionet, G. Escaramis, M. Bosio, A. Z. Holik, H. Susak, A. Prasad, S. Erkek, C. Calabrese, B. Raeder, E. Harrington, S. Mayes, D. Turner, S. Juul, S. A. Roberts, L. Song, R. Koster, L. Mirabello, X. Hua, T. J. Tanskanen, M. Tojo, J. Chen, L. A. Aaltonen, G. Rätsch, R. F. Schwarz, A. J. Butte, A. Brazma, S. J. Chanock, N. Chatterjee, O. Stegle, O. Harismendy, G. S. Bova, D. A. Gordenin, D. Haan, L. Sieverling, L. Feuerbach, D. Chalmers, Y. Joly, B. Knoppers, F. Molnár-Gábor, M. Phillips, A. Thorogood, D. Townend, M. Goldman, N. A. Fonseca, Q. Xiang, B. Craft, E. Piñeiro-Yáñez, A. Muñoz, R. Petryszak, A. Füllgrabe, F. Al-Shahrour, M. Keays, D. Haussler, J. Weinstein, W. Huber, A. Valencia, I. Papatheodorou, J. Zhu, Y. Fan, D. Torrents, M. Bieg, K. Chen, Z. Chong, K. Cibulskis, R. Eils, R. S. Fulton, J. L. Gelpi, S. Gonzalez, I. G. Gut, F. Hach, M. Heinold, T. Hu, V. Huang, B. Hutter, N. Jäger, J. Jung, Y. Kumar, C. Lalansingh, I. Leshchiner, D. Livitz, E. Z. Ma, Y. E. Maruvka, A. Milovanovic, M. M. Nielsen, N. Paramasivam, J. S. Pedersen, M. Puiggròs, S. C. Sahinalp, I. Sarrafi, C. Stewart, M. D. Stobbe, J. A. Wala, J. Wang, M. Wendl, J. Werner, Z. Wu, H. Xue, T. N. Yamaguchi, V. Yellapantula, B. N. Davis-Dusenbery, R. L. Grossman, Y. Kim, M. C. Heinold, J. Hinton, D. R. Jones, A. Menzies, L. Stebbings, J. M. Hess, M. Rosenberg, A. J. Dunford, M. Gupta, M. Imielinski, M. Meyerson, R. Beroukhim, J. Reimand, P. Dhingra, F. Favero, S. Dentro, J. Wintersinger, V. Rudneva, J. W. Park, E. P. Hong, S. G. Heo, A. Kahles, K.-V. Lehmann, C. M. Soulette, Y. Shiraishi, F. Liu, Y. He, D. Demircioğlu, N. R. Davidson, L. Greger, S. Li, D. Liu, S. G. Stark, F. Zhang, S. B. Amin, P. Bailey, A. Chateigner, M. Frenkel-Morgenstern, Y. Hou, M. R. Huska, H. Kilpinen, F. C. Lamaze, C. Li, X. Li, X. Li, X. Liu, M. G. Marin, J. Markowski, T. Nandi, A. I. Ojesina, Q. Pan-Hammarström, P. J. Park, C. S. Pedamallu, H. Su, P. Tan, B. T. Teh, J. Wang, H. Xiong, C. Ye, C. Yung, X. Zhang, L. Zheng, S. Zhu, P. Awadalla, C. J. Creighton, K. Wu, H. Yang, J. Göke, Z. Zhang, A. N. Brooks, M. W. Fittall, I. Martincorena, C. Rubio-Perez, M. Juul, S. Schumacher, O. Shapira, D. Tamborero, L. Mularoni, H. Hornshøj, J. Deu-Pons, F. Muiños, J. Bertl, Q. Guo, A. Gonzalez-Perez and Q. Xiang (2020). Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes. Nature 578: 82-93, doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-1969-6
- Olofsson, M., S. Suikkanen, J. Kobos, N. Wasmund and B. Karlson (2020). Basin-specific changes in filamentous cyanobacteria community composition across four decades in the Baltic Sea. Harmful Algae 91: 101685, doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2019.101685
- Enders, K., R. Lenz, J. A. Ivar do Sul, A. S. Tagg and M. Labrenz (2020). When every particle matters: A QuEChERS approach to extract microplastics from environmental samples. MethodsX 7: 100784, doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2020.100784
- Kahru, M., R. Elmgren, J. Kaiser, N. Wasmund and O. Savchuk (2020). Cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea: Correlations with environmental factors. Harmful Algae 92: 101739, doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2019.101739
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