IOWDB - the Oceanographic Database of IOW
The IOWDB was designed for the particular requirements of the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research. It is aimed at the management of historical and recent measurement of the IOW (to some extend of other data, too) and to provide them in a user-friendly way via the research tool ODIN.
The data stock IOW possesses was declared as highly valuable by independent commissions.
Research cruises have been conducted since 1949. The post-processing and analysis of the resulting observational data was carried out by varying methods and with altering quality. A substantial fraction of early data was successively transferred to modern storage media, the quality was controlled and improved, if necessary, by detailed individual scientific inspection.
Historical data measured on research cruises of the former Institute for Oceanography (IfM) between 1949 and 1991 were transferred to the IOW database until 2002.
Added to the IOWDB data stock were so-called 'foreign data', provided by several countries which carry out Baltic Sea monitoring activities, too.
In 2007, an input of partially validated hydrographic, meteorological and current data from the MARNET database into the IOWDB was realized.
Oceanographic Database research with Interactive Navigation

The research tool ODIN is the abbrevaition of "Oceanographic Database research with Interactive Navigation". It refers to a tool which permits a rather convenient research of the data stock of the IOWDB. It is possible to restrict the data request to certain projects, stations, parameters, time or depth intervals or geographic regions. The supported output file formats are Blueprint, ASCII table, Excel sheet or NetCDF.
Current contents of our database
Oceanographic readings and metadata (mainly Baltic Sea) from 1877 - 2025 obtained on 992 research cruises of the IOW resp. IfM and cooperating institutes
- ca. 89 mio. measured samples
- CTD profiles, hydrochemical and biological data
- Current-meter time series
- Trace metal data
- Meteorological data
Phyto- and zooplankton data from 1988 - 2023
- ca. 307000 readings stored
- 975 species investigated