Process information
Process information Ship time on German research vessels is allocated in a joint procedure agreed between the institutions operating the vessels and the funding providers. The Review Panel German Research Vessels (GPF) appointed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) organises external scientific reviews for cruise proposals (more info). The positively evaluated proposals are the basis for the actual cruise planning process. The institutions operating the respective vessels are responsible for the preparation of individual cruise plans.
You can contact the IOW vessel coordinator directly for advice on logistical matters related to the preparation of your cruise proposal on FS ELISABETH MANN BORGESE:
Johann Ruickoldt, Research Vessel Coordinator
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde
Tel.: +49 381 5197 170 | E-Mail: joha nn.ruickoldt@io-warnemuende.de