Algal blooms at Heiligendamm
Since 1988 the Baltic Sea Research Institute performs weekly analyses of abundance and mass of microalgae collected in the immediate coastal zone. The saisonal succession of the dominant groups of pelagic microalgae as well as periods of intense biomass formation (algal blooms) of these organisms are presented for the coastal station Heiligendamm.
Please choose a year:
[2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003] [2002] [2001]* [2000]* [1999]* [1998]*
* only in German

State of the Baltic Sea
- Annual Reports on the state of the Baltic Sea Environment
- Cruise Reports
- Data from the autonomous measuring stations
- Development of the suboxic and anoxic regions since 1969
- Baltic Thalweg transect since 2014
- Algal blooms at Heiligendamm since 1998
- "Major Baltic Inflow" December 2014
- "Major Baltic Inflow" January 2003
- Baltic saline barotropic inflows 1887 - 2018
- Further Reading