Prof. Dr. Hans Burchard
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea ResearchDept. of Physical Oceanography and Instrumentation
Seestraße 15, D-18119 Warnemünde, Germany
mail: hans .burchard@io-warnemuende.de
Phone: +49-(0)381-5197-140
Fax: +49-(0)381-5197-114

Scientific Interest
- Process studies in estuaries, coastal seas and shelf seas
- Anthrogenic impacts on coastal ocean functionning
- Physical and biogeochemical interactions
- Sediment dynamics in estuaries and coastal seas
- Long-term changes and variability in coastal seas
- Turbulence closure modelling (GOTM)
- Three-dimensional numerical model development (GETM)
- Development and improvement of numerical methods
Check out these links:
Biannual Warnemünde Turbulence Days (WTD)
Virtual European Physical Oceanography and Shelf Sea Seminar Series (VEPOSSSS)
Gordon Research Conference on Coastal Ocean Dynamics (GRC)
General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM)
General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM)