WP D-Cluster: Policy and Advisory

The research conducted within AMBER will contribute to the further development and implementation of the EAM, considering the most important environmental threats, i.e. climate change, eutrophication and fisheries. Developing systems of Indicators and Reference Targets and/or Limits is a crucial step towards the development of an EAM (ICES 2005). Indicators are needed to monitor the progress being made towards meeting operational objectives (also called EcoQOs), but can also serve in detecting major changes in the abiotic and biotic environments (early warning indicators). Management decisions will be made dependent on the actual state of an indicator as judged by attached (target or limit) reference levels. Based on the time-series, field and modelling studies conducted within AMBER, new and existing EcoQOs both for eutrophication in the coastal zone and for open-sea ecosystem-based fisheries management will be developed and evaluated.

WP Title and Aim Responsible PI Partners

An Indicator System for Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management

Development of a system of Indicators and Reference Targets and Limits for Ecosystem-based fisheries management 

Christian Möllmann (IHF)



Assessment of the effect of productivity changes in coastal areas on open-sea fish stocks

Assessment of the impact of coastal sea eutrophication on the open-sea food web and fish stock dynamics.

Christian Möllmann (IHF)



Evaluation and modification of existing EcoQOs

We will 1) evaluate these existing WFD reference conditions and the definition of “a good water quality” for the southern Baltic coastal waters and, if necessary 2) suggest modified values which are consistent across river – coastal waters – sea systems. We further will assess the possibilities to extend the WFD spatially towards the open Baltic Sea.

Markus Venohr (IGB) IOW, IGB, CORPI

Assessment of climate change impacts on EcoQOs

Analysis of the effects of climate change on the definition of EcoQOs (good status according to the WFD)? Will it be possible to reach the EcoQOs under these circumstances? We further will explore the water quality requirements from the perspective of different users (WFD, tourism, fisheries) and how they perceive water quality.

Markus Venohr (IGB) IOW, IGB, CORPI

Management implications for river basin – coast - sea systems

Aim is to develop alternative options for management, taking into account the ongoing climate and anthropogenic changes. Questions are: 1) Which water quality can be reached for coastal waters with which nutrient load reduction measures in the river basin? 2) To what extend can the measures be supported by an internal water quality management (enlarged mussels beds, macrophyte belts)? 3) Which element (P, N, N/P ratio) should preferably be managed in the southern Baltic (detailed spatially and temporally highly resolved study across the coastal gradients)? 4) What are the possible legal and planning tools for an efficient nutrient load management?

Markus Venohr (IGB) IOW, IGB, CORPI, ITM

Synthesis and assessment of changes in coastal areas

Holistic integrated synthesis and assessment of change and trends in the coastal area.

Maren Voss (IOW) all

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