Principal Investigators
Person | Affiliation | Workpackage |
The key approach of the main research activities are focused on the process-oriented investigation of separated and connected biogeochemical element cycles with the use of special analytical approaches as stable isotope (S, O, C) and redox-sensitive element partitioning (e.g., S, C, O, P, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ba). It is reflected by the five main research areas: e-mail: michael.boettcher(at) |
Department of
Marine Geology
B4 B5 |
Research Interest
e-mail: joachim.dippner(at) |
A3 A5 A6 |
Research interests: My group focuses on the nitrogen cycling processes in the water ecosystem, both in the sediments and in the water column. We study the nitrogen removing processes denitrification and anammox, as well as nitrification, the process that feeds the removal processes, and DNRA, a process that recycles nitrogen within the water ecosystem. We aim at quantifying the rates under various environmental conditions and at understanding the factors that control the processes. The data produced in our group can be used to improve and validate ecosystem models. e-mail: susanna.hietanen(at) |
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences / Aquatic Sciences University of Helsinki |
B1 |
Director Swedish BNI, Watershed Research Interests:
e-mail: christoph.humborg(at) |
Baltic Nest Institute, ResilienceCentre, Stockholm University, Sweden |
B2 C2 |
Head of Division of Oceanography at the Research Department of SMHI Research Interests: Past, present and future climate variability of the Baltic Sea and Arctic Ocean; dynamical downscaling using regional climate system models; ocean and sea ice processes; coupled physical-biogeochemicalprocesses with impact on the marine ecosystem; interdisciplinary research e-mail: Markus.Meier(at) |
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and
Stockholm University |
A4 C6 |
Research Interests: My research focuses on direct and indirect effects of climate-induced variability and change as well as fisheries on the structure and function of marine foodwebs. I am especially interested in the dynamics and interactions of fish and zooplankton populations. Within this field I conduct studies on the effect of trends in physics and zooplankton on recruitment and growth of marine fish populations, and the occurrence and causes of ecosystem reorganizations such as regime shifts and trophic cascades in marine ecosystems. My present research combines statistical analyses of long-term data series, field-based process studies, and modelling techniques. The ultimate goal of my work is the integration of environmental processes into an ecosystem-based management of marine resources. e-mail: christian.moellmann(at) |
Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science Hamburg University |
D1 D2 |
Research Interests
e-mail: fedemp(at) |
Biodiversity Conservation Informatics Group University of Helsinki |
A2 |
Research interests:
e-mail: art(at) |
C4 | |
Senior scientist and head of the group “Coastal and Marine Management” at the Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research. National representative and executive board member of EUCC - The Coastal Union International. e-mail: gerald.schernewski(at) |
Department of
Marine Oceanography |
C5 |
Research Interests
e-mail: m.venohr(at) |
Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) |
C1 C3 D3 D4 D5 |
Research Interests I am working on the biogeochemistry of nitrogen in coastal and estuarine system. Over the past years the focus on the working group was on nitrogen fixation and its regulation in the Mekong river plume and in the Baltic Sea. Furthermore we are working on the quantification of losses of nitrogen via denitrification using the IP-method. In the AMBER project we will work again in river plumes but with the focus on the dissolved organic substances.
e-mail: maren.voss(at) |
Department of
Marine Oceanography |
B3 D6 |
Research Interests
e-mail:ilppovuo(at) |
A1 A2 |
Research Interests
e-mail: weslaw(at) |
Department of Marine Ecology
Institute of Oceanology PAS
B6 |