Projekt: The Service of Sediments in German Coastal Seas
Akronym: | SECOS TP4.1 |
Titel: | The Service of Sediments in German Coastal Seas |
Laufzeit: | 01.04.2013 - 31.03.2016 |
Projektleiter: | Prof. Dr. habil. Gerald Schernewski |
Finanzierung: | BMBF-FONA |
Schwerpunkt: | Küstenmeere und Gesellschaft |
Sektion: | Biologische Meereskunde |
Kommentar: | Objectives: a) Evaluation and further development of indicators and thresholds for water and sediment quality in the Baltic Sea, b) quantification of the role of temporal variability and long-term changes on quality objectives, c) regionalization of thresholds for coastal water types and water bodies (according to the WFD), d) provision of quality threshold maps for a good water quality status in the western Baltic Sea e) model based assessments, whether the new BSAP riverine load reduction objectives (full implementation of the BSAP) would meet the targets in the western Baltic Sea and would fulfil requirements of the MSFD and f) suggestions towards an integration of the MSFD, BSAP and WFD approaches. |