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Projekt: Mixing and Parameterisation

Akronym: FEHY ATR E1-10
Titel: Mixing and Parameterisation
Laufzeit: 01.01.2009 - 31.01.2010
Projektleiter: Dr. Volker Mohrholz
Finanzierung: Fehmarnbelt AS
Schwerpunkt: Transport und Transformationsprozesse (bis 2012)
Sektion: Physikalische Ozeanographie und Messtechnik

In frame of EIA of the planned Fehmarnbelt link a parameterisation will be determined that can be applied to describe the flow resistance from marine substructures as well as the associated mixing in the 3D local and regional models. Furthermore, the mixing from ferry traffic shall be determined and also parameterised. The analyses will be a combination of literature review, physical model experiments, and field measurements.
