"Baltic Sea project to boost regional coherence of marine strategies through improved data flow, assessments and knowledge base for development of measures - BalticBOOST"
- Laufzeit:
- 15.09.2015 - 31.12.2016
- Gesamtkoordination:
- Projektleitung (IOW):
- Dr. Michael L. Zettler
- Finanzierung:
- Projektpartner:
HELCOM is currently developing indicators that reflect the state of the seabed habitats in terms of the condition of benthic communities and the extent and distribution of habitats as well as an indicator reflecting the “Cumulative impacts on benthic biotopes”. However, so far no environmental targets have been developed that address pressures from human activities on seabed habitats. Development of environmental targets related to the seabed habitats is expected to be a complex task, involving the consideration of many different habitat types, their natural variation, as well as different types of pressures and activities.
- Korpinen, S., U. L. Zweifel, F. Bastardie, D. van Denderen, K. Hoppe, P. Jonsson, P. Kauppila, M. Milardi, R. Nielsen, H. Nilsson, K. Norén, H. Nygård, M. Sköld, S. Valanko and M. Zettler (2018). Estimating physical disturbance on seabed. Helsinki: Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - HELCOM. 33 S.