A Systems Approach Framework for Coastal Research and Management in the Baltic
- Duration:
- 01.04.2015 - 31.03.2018
- Project manager:
- Prof. Dr. habil. Gerald Schernewski
- Funding:
- Website:
- Partners:
The coastal regions of the Baltic Sea are among the most intensively used worldwide. A holistic approach is needed, integrating different human activities with ecosystem capacity and environmental forcing. The ultimate objective of this project is a coherent and systematic management approach that encompasses multiple impacts in a spatially heterogeneous context.
BaltCoast tackles this complex task using the Systems Approach Framework (SAF). The SAF is an issue oriented investigation and methodology that applies a holistic perspective. It investigates and quantifies the functions of systems in order to simulate specific questions concerning their functions or policies. It comprises the process from issue identification through system analyses to policy implementation. This Systems Approach can, hence, competently address implementation of international directives (e.g. Water Framework Directive (WFD), Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)). BaltCoast addresses multiple issues through case studies that reflect current regional management challenges and develop a generic tool for integrated system assessment.
- Inácio, M. and G. Schernewski (2023). Temporal Changes in Aquatic Ecosystem Services Provision: Approach and Examples. In: Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis. Ed. by H. Schubert and F. Müller. Cham: Springer International Publishing (Ecological Studies, Analysis and Synthesis ; 246): 273-288, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-13682-5_25
- Karstens, S., M. Dorow, R. Bochert, N. Stybel, G. Schernewski and M. Mühl (2022). Stepping stones along urban coastlines - improving habitat connectivity for aquatic fauna with constructed floating wetlands. Wetlands 42: 76, doi: 10.1007/s13157-022-01598-8
- Gyraite, G., M. Katarzyte and G. Schernewski (2019). First findings of potentially human pathogenic bacteria Vibrio in the south-eastern Baltic Sea coastal and transitional bathing waters. Mar. Poll. Bull. 149: 110546, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110546
- Karnauskaitė, D., G. Schernewski, J. G. Støttrup and M. Kataržytė (2019). Indicator-based sustainability assessment tool to support coastal and marine management. Sustainability 11: 3175, doi: 10.3390/su11113175
- Friedland, R., A.-L. Buer, S. Dahlke and G. Schernewski (2019). Spatial effects of different zebra mussel farming strategies in an eutrophic Baltic lagoon. Front. Environ. Sci. 6: 158, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00158
- Friedland, R., G. Schernewski, U. Gräwe, I. Greipsland and M. Pastuszak (2019). Managing eutrophication in the Szczecin (Oder) Lagoon - development, present state and future perspectives. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 521, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00521
- Schumacher, J., G. Schernewski, D. Karnauskaitė, M. Kataržytė, S. Pakleppa, K. Pape, S. Schönwald and M. Völzke (2020). Measuring and comparing the sustainability of coastal tourism destinations in Germany, Lithuania, and Indonesia. Environ. Dev. Sustain. 22: 2451-2475, doi: 10.1007/s10668-018-00301-4
- Støttrup, J. G., G. E. Dinesen, J. Schumacher, C. Gillgren, M. Inácio and G. Schernewski (2019). The systems approach framework for collaborative, science-based management of complex systems. J. Coast. Conserv. 23: 881-898, doi: 10.1007/s11852-018-00677-5
- Schernewski, G., R. Friedland, A.-L. Buer, S. Dahlke, B. Drews, S. Höft, T. Klumpe, M. Schadach, J. Schumacher and A. Zaiko (2019). Ecological-social-economic assessment of zebra-mussel cultivation scenarios for the Oder (Szczecin) Lagoon. J. Coast. Conserv. 23: 913-929, doi: 10.1007/s11852-018-0649-2
- Buer, A.-L., G. Gyraite, P. Wegener, X. Lange, M. Katarzyte, G. Hauk and G. Schernewski (2018). Long term development of bathing water quality at the German Baltic coast: spatial patterns, problems and model simulations. Mar. Poll. Bull. 135: 1055-1066, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.08.048
- Inácio, M., G. Schernewski, Y. Nazemtseva, E. Baltranaitė, R. Friedland and J. Benz (2018). Ecosystem services provision today and in the past: a comparative study in two Baltic lagoons. Ecol. Res. 33: 1255-1274, doi: 10.1007/s11284-018-1643-8
- Inácio, M. (2016). The Ecosystem Services Assessment Tool (ESAT) - Assessing ecosystem services and tracking their changes over time. Coastal & Marine 25: 8-9
- Gillgren, C., J. G. Støttrup, J. Schumacher and G. E. Dinesen (2019). Working together: collaborative decision making for sustainable Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). J. Coast. Conserv. 23: 959-968, doi: 10.1007/s11852-018-0631-z
- Kataržytė, M., J. Mėžinė, D. Vaičiūtė, S. Liaugaudaitė, K. Mukauskaitė, G. Umgiesser and G. Schernewski (2018). Fecal contamination in shallow temperate estuarine lagoon: Source of the pollution and environmental factors. Mar. Poll. Bull. 133: 762-772, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.06.022
- Schumacher, J., G. Schernewski, M. Bielecka, M. I. Loizides and X. I. Loizidou (2018). Methodologies to support coastal management - A stakeholder preference and planning tool and its application. Mar. Policy 94: 150-157, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.05.017
- Strøttrup, J. G., G. E. Dinesen, J. Schumacher, C. Gillgren and G. Schernewski (2018). An introduction to the Systems Approach Framework. Coastal & Marine 27: 4-5
- Schernewski, G., M. Inácio and Y. Nazemtseva (2018). Expert based ecosystem service assessment in coastal and marine planning and management: A Baltic Lagoon case study. Front. Environ. Sci. 6: 19, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00019
- Newton, A., A. C. Brito, J. D. Icely, V. Derolez, I. Clara, S. Angus, G. Schernewski, M. Inácio, A. I. Lillebø, A. I. Sousa, B. Béjaoui, C. Solidoro, M. Tosic, M. Cañedo-Argüelles, M. Yamamuro, S. Reizopoulou, H.-C. Tseng, D. Canu, L. Roselli, M. Maanan, S. Cristina, A. C. Ruiz-Fernández, R. F. d. Lima, B. Kjerfve, N. Rubio-Cisneros, A. Pérez-Ruzafa, C. Marcos, R. Pastres, F. Pranovi, M. Snoussi, J. Turpie, Y. Tuchkovenko, B. Dyack, J. Brookes, R. Povilanskas and V. Khokhlov (2018). Assessing, quantifying and valuing the ecosystem services of coastal lagoons. J. Nat. Conserv. 44: 50-65, doi: 10.1016/j.jnc.2018.02.009
- Karnauskaitė, D., G. Schernewski, J. Schumacher, R. Grunert and R. Povilanskas (2018). Assessing coastal management case studies around Europe using an indicator based tool. J. Coast. Conserv. 22: 549-570, doi: 10.1007/s11852-018-0597-x
- Schernewski, G., E. Baltranaitė, M. Kataržytė, A. Balčiūnas, N. Čerkasova and J. Mėžinė (2019). Establishing new bathing sites at the Curonian Lagoon coast: an ecological-social-economic assessment. J. Coast. Conserv. 23: 899-911, doi: 10.1007/s11852-017-0587-4
- Schernewski, G., J. Schumacher, E. Weisner and L. Donges (2018). A combined coastal protection, realignment and wetland restoration scheme in the southern Baltic: planning process, public information and participation. J. Coast. Conserv., doi: 10.1007/s11852-017-0542-4
- Schumacher, J. (2016). A participation, preference and planning tool for a systematic involvement of stakeholders. Coastal & Marine 25: 10-11
- Schernewski, G., C. Bartel, N. Kobarg and D. Karnauskaite (2018). Retrospective assessment of a managed coastal realignment and lagoon restoration measure: the Geltinger Birk, Germany. J. Coast. Conserv. 22: 157-167, doi: 10.1007/s11852-017-0496-6
- Støttrup, J. G., G. E. Dinesen, H. Janßen, C. Gillgren and G. Schernewski (2017). Re-visiting ICM theory and practice: lessons learned from the Baltic Sea region. Ocean Coastal Manage. 139: 64-76, doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.02.002
- Friedland, R. and N. Stybel (2016). Fighting eutrophication in shallow coastal waters. YOUMARES 7, Hamburg, German Society for Marine Research: 43
- Janßen, H. and R. Ernsteins (2016). Re-evaluating best-practice ICZM case studies around the Baltic Sea. Coastal & Marine 25: 6-7
- Janßen, H., R. Ernsteins, J. G. Stottrup, G. E. Dinesen and R. Povilanskas (2016). A retrospective analysis of best practice Integrated Coastal Management cases around the Baltic Sea. In: 7th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium: abstracts book. Ed. by C. Marcos, A. Pérez-Ruzafa and M. Pérez-Marcos. Murcia: Compobell: 82, 978-84-944757-5-7
- Friedland, R. and M. v. Weber (2015). Wasserqualitäts- und Nährstoffreduktionsziele für die deutsche Ostsee. Wasser u. Abfall 17: 10-15, doi: 10.1007/s35152-015-0591-7
- McFadden, L. and G. Schernewski (2014). Critical reflections on a systems approach application in practice : a Baltic lagoon case study. Reg. environ. change 14: 2115-2126, doi:10.1007/s10113-012-0337-y
- Schernewski, G., S. Schönwald and M. Kataržytė (2014). Application and evaluation of an indicator set to measure and promote sustainable development in coastal areas. Ocean coastal manage. 101, Part A: 2-13, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.03.028
- Schernewski, G. and S. Bock (2014). Internet based training and education for coastal management in Germany: a critical evaluation. Mar. policy 43: 21-28, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2013.03.015