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Dr. Natalie Loick - Wilde

Natalie Loick - Wilde
Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research
Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
Phone: +49 381 5197 206
Fax: +49 381 5197 440
Reviewer für
Limnology and Oceanography
Frontiers in Microbiology
Marine Chemistry
Deep-Sea Research I
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Journal of Plankton Research
Journal of Marine Systems
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies
Marine Environmental Research


ASLO-Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
GASIR-German Association for Stable Isotope Research

Soziale Medien


  • Funktionelle Diversität
  • Aquatische Nahrungsnetzbeziehungen
  • Mariner Stickstoff - und Kohlenstoffkreislauf, Aminosäurekreislauf
  • Phyto- und Zooplankton Ökophysiologie
  • Bulk and Aminosäure-Spezifische Ökologie Stabliler Isotope


  • MeNARP: Metabolism of Nitrogen in the Amazon River Plume and WTNA
    DFG (01.11.2020-31.10.23). Position: PI
  • Blue_Estuaries
    BMBF Fona (01.11.2020-31.10.23), Position: PI
  • Collaborative Research: Impact of the Amazon River Plume on nitrogen availability and planktonic food web dynamics in the Western Tropical North Atlantic (WTNA)
    NSF (01.05.2018-31.02.2020). Position: Co-PI
  • Zooplankton Energy Turnover in a Changing environment (ZET Change)
  • Zooplankton assoziierte Methanproduktion (ZooM)


Bombar, Deniz (University of Copenhagen, Denmark); Capone, Douglas J. (University of Southern California); Conroy, Brandon. J. (Virginia Institute of Marine Science); Coles, Victoria J. (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science); Dippner Joachim W. (IOW); Dittmar, Thorsten (ICBM Oldenburg); Doan, Hai Nhu (Institute of Oceanography Nha Trang, Vietnam); Dutz, Jörg (IOW); Fernández-Urruzola, Igor (IOW, current affiliation: University of Concepcion, Chile); Graeve, Martin (AWI Bremerhaven); Grewe, Ulf (IOW); Medeiros, Patricia M. (University of Georgia); Mohrholz, Volker (IOW); Montoya, Joseph P. (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA); Nausch, Günther (IOW); Nausch, Monika (IOW); Nguyen, Lam Ngoc (Institute of Oceanography Nha Trang, Vietnam); Nguyen-Thi, Anh Mai (Institute of Oceanography Nha Trang, Vietnam); Rheder, Gregor (IOW); Schmale Oliver (IOW); Schulz-Bull, Detlef (IOW); Seidel, Michael (ICBM Oldenburg); Steinberg, Deborah K. (Virginia Institute of Marine Science); Subramaniam, Ajit (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, USA); Voss, Maren (IOW); Wäge, Jannine (IOW); Wasmund, Norbert (IOW); Weber, Sarah C. (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, current affiliation: IOW)
