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How do megacities impact coastal seas? Searching for evidence in Chinese marginal seas

German-Chinese kick-off meeting in Guangzhou on the research vessel HAIYANG 10: Joanna Waniek (3. f. l.) is the head coordinator of the research regarding the fingerprint of megacities in the sea. (Photo: IOW)

Two research projects, which join several German and Chinese partner institutions, were launched into action with a kick-off meeting in Guangzhou, China, from December 4 to 8, 2017. They are supported by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research with a total of 1.25 Mio. Euros and aim at recognising the fingerprint of megacities in the marine sediments of Chinese marginal seas. On the German side, both projects are coordinated by IOW. In the face of a worldwide increase of megacities, the research results will be of great interest not only for Chinese decision makers.

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