Workshop on
"Coastal Ocean Modelling" organised by the KDM Working Group on
“Coastal Ocean Modelling”
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To increase the communication between coastal ocean modellers in German marine research institutions, a national workshop on coastal ocean modelling will be organised during
22-23 February 2018 at ZMAW in Hamburg.
This workshop is organised by the coastal ocean modellers of the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM).
The key questions to be discussed during the workshop are:
- What are the future challenges in coastal ocean modelling?
- Do we need better coordination between model developers and model applicants on the national level?
- Could we profit from a common repository of reference model results?
- Would we profit from a coastal ocean model intercomparison study (CoastalMIP)?
- Do we need to develop new models or are we happy with what we have?
- Do we need common interfaces for model and module coupling?
- Are the national (super)computing resources sufficient?
To finance lunch and coffee breaks a participation fee of 50 Euro (non-students) / 30 Euro (PhD-/Students) will be required.