We invite students from the entire Baltic Sea region to the
11th Baltic Earth Summer School on “Climate of the Baltic Sea region”
11th Baltic Earth Summer School on “Climate of the Baltic Sea region”
Students will be introduced into fundamental processes of the atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice and land surface with relevance for the climate system. We will start from basic principles and equations of motion that describe the circulation and dynamics in the atmosphere, ocean and sea-ice. The available knowledge in the literature about water and energy balances will be presented. Further basic methods of the analysis and modeling of the regional climate system will be treated, including the statistical analysis of time series to identify changes in regional climate. We will explain atmospheric pressure patterns of the large-scale circulation like the North Atlantic circulation with influence on the Baltic Sea and the corresponding catchment area, as well as the functioning of the wind-driven and thermohaline circulation of the Baltic Sea.
Furthermore, the course will deal with coupled atmosphere-ocean climate models, climate change, the greenhouse gas effect and other drivers of regional climate, dynamical downscaling, and the variability of circulation and regional climate. We will also study the possible impact of climate change on the marine ecosystem including biogeochemical cycles.
With the help of teachers from several disciplines, a holistic Earth System approach will be presented although the main focus of the course is on the physical aspects of changing climate. In addition to lectures, tutorials, exercises and literature studies the course will give the students the opportunity to discuss the learned topics further during group exercises.

Course site:
Askö Laboratory situated 80 km south of Stockholm in the Swedish archipelago.
Course period: 8 days in total, 18 August – 25 August 2025,
Travel from Stockholm to Askö by bus and boat on 18 August and return on 25 August.
Travel from Stockholm to Askö by bus and boat on 18 August and return on 25 August.
Estimated number of participants: ~ 20 students from all Baltic Sea countries and several experienced lecturers/supervisors (will be announced soon)
Costs: Accommodation and all meals are provided free of charge on Askö. Travel costs will not be reimbursed but limited funds are available and applications for travel support are welcome together with your application (please add a brief motivation).
Credits: 3 ECTS for the successful participation (exam) in the course.
Applications: This school is primarily intended for master students in geosciences and associated fields.
Please use our application tool on this website: https://www.io-warnemuende.de/bess-application.html
Also provide your contact, a motivation letter (max. 1 page), a short CV (max. 2 pages) and a recommendation letter from your supervisor.
Deadline for applications: 1st May, 2025.
Successful candidates will be notified by 31st May 2025.
Berit Recklebe, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW)
beri t.recklebe@io-warnemuende.de
Berit Recklebe, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW)
beri t.recklebe@io-warnemuende.de
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