Status Report October 2005

The following monitoring datasets were processed and quality-controlled:

  • Sweden (SMHI, 1979 - 1998)
  • Danmark (NERI, 1950 - 2002)
  • Poland (IMGW, 1979 - 2002)
  • ICES (1978 - 2002)

State of data holdings in the IOW data base as by October 2005:

  • Monitoring (BMP) data from 1951 - 2005 (CTD, hydrochemical bottle data)
  • various (Baltic Sea) from 1970 - 2003

     >> about 15 million measured samples, 12 million from IOW

     >> Number of samples 1951 - 2005

temperature, salinity, oxygen
  • data from 440projects in the Baltic Sea

>> about 73 000 hydrographic stations (CTD profiles, hydrochemical bottle data)

  • current meter data Darss Sill (Baltic Sea) 1973 - 1992
  • various (Atlantic) 1976 - 1992

Example of a climatological map