Euromarine Foresight Symposium
"Future Coast – Europe"
5th – 7th October 2015
At the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW), Berlin
Hosted by Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research on behalf of the German Marine Research Consortium, Strategic Group Coastal Research
Please download the ABSTRACT BOOK here.

Under conditions of global change and increasing demands for use, European coasts are under pressure. Hence, the future challenges are cooperation between natural sciences, socio-economic disciplines and humanities as well as involvement of stakeholders from local to global levels.
“Future Coast – Europe” aims at bringing together Europe´s expertise in coastal research in order to identify key areas, which already have a good research data basis but would particularly benefit from an enhanced transdisciplinary concerted action and from transnational synergies. Furthermore, participants will discuss their individual research foci in relation to the European policies and policy developments such as Future Earth in order to set up demonstration missions for an integrated coastal zone management.
The overall objective is to elaborate a network of partners that work in well studied areas in European coastal and regional seas with a long standing history of projects in order to develop a joint research programme for fully-integrated coastal zone management. This will be the scientific basis for future European collaborative projects.
During the first two days, participants will introduce scientific studies and programmes in European coastal zones. The primary, but not exclusive, focus will be on
- natural sciences (day 1)
- humanities, economics, and law (day 2)
We will
- look at comparability of approaches and data bases
- define research needs to achieve a fully integrated understanding of European coastal zones
- identify coastal areas that are exemplary with regard to natural conditions and/or use
During the workshop on day 3, we will establish a network to launch joint research activities in key areas that will have identified during day 1 and 2.