
- Programme as pdf -

  Monday, 12 June
14:00-20:00 Registration
15:30-18:30 BONUS Young scientist workshop: Hugh Kearns "Turbocharge your writing and communicate the impact of your research!" Room "Rostock"
18:30-22:00 BONUS Young scientist club, Conference Venue and IGA-Park
  Tuesday, 13 June
09:00-10:00 Registration + coffee
10:00-10:30 Congress opening, Room "Rostock":
Wolfgang Schareck, Rector of the University of Rostock
Ulrich Bathmann, Director of the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde
10:30-11:15 Opening lecture: Martin Visbeck "The future of the ocean – challenges and opportunities for humanity", Room "Rostock"
11:15-12:00 Keynote: Maren Voß "Continuum and gradients: what are the linkages of nutrient cycles in the Baltic Sea", Room "Rostock"
12:00-13:15 Lunch break
  Session 1: Dynamics of gradient systems
Session chair Karol Kulinski
Room "Rostock"
Session 2: Processes that affect coastal seas
Session chair Jacob Carstensen
Room "Demmin"
Crosscutting session: Major Baltic Inflows
Session chair Laura Tuomi
Room "Wismar"
13:15-13:30 Winogradow A., Szymczycha B., Koziorowska K., Stokowski M., Kuliński K., Pempkowiak J.: Stable carbon isotopic signatures of the Baltic organic matter - revisited. Constrains related to the origin, season, area and depth Razinkovas-Baziukas, A., Bartoli, M., Bresciani, M., Giardino, C., Gasiūnaitė, Z., Grinienė, E., Lubienė, I., Petkuvienė, J., Pilkaitytė, R., Umgiesser, G., Vaičiūtė, D., Žilius, M.: To bloom or not to bloom: the genesis and consequences of cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic lagoons Mohrholz, V.: Major Baltic Inflow statistics - revisited
13:30-13:45 Böttcher, M.E., Lapham, L., Gussone, N., Struck, U., Buhl, D., Immenhauser, A., van Zuilen, K., Nägler, T.F., Pretet, C., Dellwig, O., Huckriede, H., Halas, S.: Multi-isotope (C - O - S - H - B - Mg - Ca - Ba) and trace element variations in a pore water profile across a brackish-fresh water transition of a Baltic Sea sediment Loick-Wilde, N., Eglite, E., Weber, S., Schulz-Bull, D., Wodarg, D., Liskow, I., Wasmund, N., Montoya, J. P.: Amino acid synthesis and turnover during N2 fixation in a decaying cyanobacteria bloom and biochemical match with zooplankton Umlauf, L., Holtermann, P. L.: Detailed observation of rotating bottom gravity currents induced by a Major Baltic Inflow
13:45-14:00 Müller-Karulis, B., Sundh, J., Berg, C., Hagström, Å., Humborg, C.: Including bacterial DOC uptake into a biogeochemical model of the Baltic Sea Klais, R., Otto, S.A., Teder, M., Simm, M., Ojaveer, H.: Winter-spring climate effects on small-sized copepods in the coastal Baltic Sea Höflich, K., Lehmann, A., Myrberg, K.: Towards an improved mechanistic understanding of major saltwater inflows into the Baltic Sea
14:00-14:15 Lips, U., Liblik, T., Lips, I., Rünk, N., Kikas, V., Laanemets, J., Väli, G.: A cascade of multi-scale processes shaping the signal dynamics and maintaining the energy transfer in stratified Baltic Sea basins Bathmann, U., Böttcher, M. E., Forster, S., Gogina, M., Hiller, A., Kunz, F., Lipka, M., Liu, B., Morys, C., Renz, J., Schernewski, G., Zettler, M. L.: Linking abiotic and biotic information for evaluation of sedimentary services in the German Baltic Sea Lehmann, A., Höflich, K., Herrford, J., Getzlaff K.: Climate variability, extremes and trends of total sea level variations of the Baltic Sea
14:15-14:30 Buschmann, F., Suhhova, I., Liblik, T., Lips, U.: On the turbidity dynamics in the near-bottom layer of the Gulf of Finland Gogina, M., Lipka, M., Woelfel, J., Liu, Bo, Böttcher, M. E., Zettler, M. L.: Who or what shapes the gradients in pore-water profiles? On the hunt for an explanation of the impact of bentic macrofauna on biogeochemistry and benthic-pelagic element coupling Brunnabend, S.-E., Meier, H.E.M., Lange, X.: Global mean sea level rise changes salt inflow into the Baltic Sea
14:30-14:45 Lilover, M-J., Kõuts, T., Leppäranta, M.: High-resolution ice dynamics in the Gulf of Finland Kininmonth, S., Blenckner, T., Niiranen, S., Watson, J., Orio, A., Casini, M.: Disentangling environmental and trophic volatility for a fishery in flux: Non-Stationary modeling of the Baltic Sea system. Stanev, E.V., Pein, J., Grashorn, S., Schrum, C.: Two-layer exchange between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Fine-resolution 3D numerical modelling.
14:45-15:15 Coffee break
15:15-16:00 Chair: Jacob Carstensen, Room "Rostock"
Keynote: Byron Crump "Estuaries as bioreactors: transdisciplinary research on the Columbia River estuary"
16:00-16:15 Asmala, E., Carstensen, J., Conley, D.J., Slomp, C.P., Stadmark, J., Voss, M.: Efficiency of the coastal filter: nitrogen and phosphorus removal in the Baltic Sea
16:15-16:30 Bartl, I., Liskow, I., Schulz, K., Umlauf, L., Voss, M.: River plume and bottom boundary layer – hotspots for nitrification in a coastal bay?
16:30-16:45 Gustafsson, E., Savchuk, O.P., Gustafsson, B.G., Müller-Karulis, B.: Key processes in the coupled carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling of the Baltic Sea
16:45-17:00 Norbäck Ivarsson, L., Andrén, T., Moros, M., Lönn, M., Andrén, E.: Baltic Sea coastal eutrophication in a thousand years perspective
17:00-19:00 Poster Session, Conference venue, upper floor
  Wednesday, 14 June
09:00-09:45 Chair: Lasse Riemann, Room "Rostock"
Keynote: Hans-Otto Pörtner "Climate change impacts on ocean biology: physiological underpinnings, projections and uncertainties"
09:45-10:00 Dähne, M., Herrmann, A., Westphal, L., von Vietinghoff, V., Benke, H., Gallus, A.: Marine mammals in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – combining different methods is necessary for acquiring the full picture
10:00-10:15 Kaskela, A.M., Kotilainen, A.T.: Quantifying seabed geodiversity of the Baltic Sea
10:15-10:30 Schimanke, S., Ridal, M., Olsson, E., Undén, P. et al.: High resolution regional reanalysis over Europe for 1961 - 2015
10:30-10:45 Schneider, B., Müller, J.D.: High-resolution pCO2 measurements on a cargo ship in the Baltic Sea: Progress in biogeochemical research by the analysis of CO2 data
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
  Crosscutting session: Major Baltic Inflows
Session chair Urmas Lips
Room "Wismar"
Session 2: Processes that affect coastal seas
Session chair N.N.
Room "Demmin"
Session 4: Coastal seas and society
Session chair Anda Ikauniece
Room "Rostock"
11:15-11:30 Daewel, U., Schrum, C.: Using scenario modelling to understand long term changes in Baltic Sea ecosystem dynamics and eutrophication Viikmäe, B., Torsvik, T.: Analysing Lagrangian timescales in the Gulf of Finland Hummel, H., Razinkovas, A., van der Meer, J., Provenzale, A., Hummel, C.: The role of Ecosystem Services and Pressures in Protected Areas: different views of scientists and PA managers
11:30-11:45 Prien, R.D., Floth-Peterson, M., Pallentin, M., Holtermann, P., Schulz-Bull, D.E.: Eulerian Observation of the 2014/2015 Major Baltic Inflow in the Eastern Gotland Basin Giudici, A., Kalda, J., Soomere, T.: Compressibility of surface flows under the combined effect of currents and winds Inacio, M., Schernewski, G., Nazemtseva, Y., Benz, J., Friedland, R: Marine ecosystem services assessment: from Szczecin Lagoon to Pomeranian Bay
11:45-12:00 Bonaglia, S., Hylén, A., Kononets, M.Y., Marzocchi, U., Nilsson, M., Almroth Rosell, E., Hall, P.O.J.: The 2014 Major Baltic Inflow affected benthic greenhouse gas emissions in the Baltic proper: an in situ study Roiha, P., Siiriä, S., Alenius, P., Westerlund, A., Purokoski, T.: Deep Currents in the Bothnian Sea observed with Argo Floats Virtasalo, J., Kotilainen, A.: Assessment of human and climate change impacts on the coastal Baltic Sea floor
12:00-12:15 Rehder, G., Hietanen, S., Jilbert, T., Jürgens, K., Myllykangas, J.-P., Naumann, M., Paul, L., Otto, S., Schmale, O., Werner, J.: There and Back Again: The impact of the 2014 MBI and later return to anoxic conditions on the dynamics of methane and nitrous oxide Tuomi L., Vähä-Piikkiö O., Alenius P., Björkqvist J.-V., Kahma K.K.: Hindcast statistics of surface Stokes drift in the Baltic Sea Raateoja, M., Setälä, O., Vesikko, L., Myrberg, K.: The results of the Gulf of Finland year 2014 thematic assessment
12:15-12:30 Dellwig, O., Meyer, D., Pollehne, F., Schnetger, B., Arz, H. W.: Impact of the Major Baltic Inflow (2014) on manganese and trace metal cycling in the Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea) Vortmeyer-Kley, R., Gräwe, U., Feudel, U.: Eddy census of the central Baltic Sea for the period 2012-2014 Luttmann, A., Janßen, H., Gilek, M., Saunders, F.: Integration in Maritime Spatial Planning as an enabler for sustainable governance in coastal and marine waters
12:30-12:45 Marzocchi, U., Van de Velde, S., Risgaard-Petersen N., Meysman F., Hall, P.: A Major Baltic Inflow creates a temporal niche for cable bacteria in Eastern Gotland Basin sediments Discussion Schiele, K.S., Darr, A., Pesch, R., Schuchardt, B., Siebert, U., Unger, B., Herr, H., Fließbach, K., Garthe, S.: Towards an ecosystem approach in Marine Spatial Planning
12:45-14:00 Lunch break
  Session 1: Dynamics of gradient systems
Session chair Lasse Riemann
Room "Rostock"
Session 2: Processes that affect coastal seas
Session chair Irena Telesh
Room "Demmin"
BONUS Workshop "Technology for Science"
Room "Wismar"
14:00-14:15 Teikari, J.E., Fewer, D.P., Shrestha, R., Hou, S., Leikoski, N., Mäkelä, M., Simojoki, A., Hess, W.R., Sivonen, K.: Phosphonates, an additional phosphorus source for Nodularia spumigena cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea Carstensen, J., Gustafsson, E., Gustafsson, B., Chiericci, M.: Long-term and seasonal trends in coastal carbonate systems Keynote
Schulz-Bull, D.: Modern Technology for the Measurement of Trace Chemicals in Seawater
14:15-14:30 Herlemann, D.P.R., Lundin, D., Andersson, A.F., Labrenz, M., Jürgens, K.: Structuring of Baltic Sea bacterial communities by salinity and season Elovaara, S., Degerlund, M., Kaartokallio, H., Tamelander, T.: Phytoplankton viability as a crossroads in organic carbon flow
14:30-14:45 Nowak, P., v. Ammon, U., Rohde, H., Schaible, R., Schoor, A., Schubert, H., Steinhardt, T: Analysis of diaspore bank of Baltic coastal waters Nausch,M., Nausch, G., Unger, J., Steinrücken, P., Bach, L., Achterberg, E., Riebesell, U., Wannicke, N.: Dissolved organic phosphorus in the Baltic Sea - concentration, composition and uptake Keynote
Lips, U.: Gliders as a valuable component of the Baltic Sea research infrastructure: experiences and perspectives
14:45-15:00 Lehmann, A., Hinrichsen, H.-.H., Höflich, K.: Climate variability of hydrographic conditions of the Baltic Sea and their impact on cod nursery areas Thoms, F., Gogina, M., Janas, U., Kendzierska, H., Voss, M.: Muddy vs. Sandy- A new view on sedimentary nutrient fluxes by means of a Chamber Lander
15:00-15:15 Stuckas, H., Knöbel, L., Schade, H., Breusing, C., Hinrichsen, H.-H., Bartel, M., Langguth, C., Melzner, F.: Hybridization between Baltic blue mussels (Mytilus edulis, M. trossulus): Does pervasive gene flow cause adaptation to low salinity conditions? Edman, M., Almroth-Rosell, E., Eilola, K., Meier, M.: Model based inventory of nutrient retention efficiency and coastal filter function along the Swedish coastline Rehder, G., Müller, J.D., Schneider, B., Anderson, L., Turner, D., Aßmann, S., Fietzek, P., Bastkowski, F., Kuliński, K.: Towards accurate, long-term traceable pH-measurements in the Baltic Sea: rationale, results and vision of the BONUS PINBAL project
15:15-15:45 Coffee break
  Session 3: Past and future changes
Session chair Elinor Andrén
Room "Demmin"
Session 4: Coastal seas and society
Session chair Teresa Radziejewska
Room "Rostock"
BONUS Workshop "Technology for Science"
Room "Wismar"
15:45-16:00 Tamelander, T., Degerlund, M., Elovaara, S.: Plankton phenology and pathways of primary production in the warming northern Baltic Sea Karnauskaitė, D., Schernewski, G.: An Indicator System to support Coastal and Marine Management von Borries, J., Chavet, S., Andersen, A., Riemann, L., Labrenz, M.: In Situ fixation as innovative tool providing unbiased samples for studying microbial activities in aquatic environments
16:00-16:15 Buczko, U., Schwark, F., Karstens, S., Glatzel, S., Lai, D.: Carbon stocks and carbon sequestration in coastal reed beds of the southern Baltic Sea Friedland, R., Buer, A.-L., Dahlke, S., Fritsche, B., Inacio, M., Paysen, S., Schernewski, G., Schumacher, J., Stybel, N.: Nutrient retention measure in German Baltic Sea waters – potentials and limits of some eco-technologies Martin, D.: The BONUS Innovation project "CHANGE"
16:15-16:30 Aunins, A., Dierschke, V., Markones, N.: Highly visible indicators of change: Population trends of waterbirds breeding and wintering along the Baltic Sea coast Örey, S., Kraus, G., Tomkiewicz, J., Haslob, H., Reusch, T., Dierking, J.: Thinner females - fewer eggs? Temporal trends in Eastern Baltic cod fecundity (2004-2016) Andrusaitis, A., Sirendi, M.: BONUS Innovation for the Baltic Sea research
16:30-16:45 Voroshilova I., Ezhova E., Kerckhof F., Willing M.J., Pavlova V.: Genetic diversity of European invasive populations of Rangia cuneata (Bivalvia: Mactridae) Eggert, A., Beck, A.J., Schlosser, C., van der Lee, E.M., Achterberg, E.P., Gledhill, M., Gräwe, U.: Transport and fate of toxic constituents of dumped munitions in the western Baltic Sea Discussion of results from BONUS Innovation projects
16:45-17:00 Srėbalienė G., Olenin, S., Narščius, A.: Assessing invasion potential of the non-indigenous species based on their expansion rate Beck, A.J., Stamer, B., Gledhill, M., Schlosser, C., Achterberg, E.: Release, transport, and fate of explosive compounds (TNT, RDX, HMX) from discarded munitions in the Baltic Sea
19:00 Congress Dinner, Restaurant Ratskeller Rostock (address: Neuer Markt 1, 18055 Rostock)
  Thursday, 15 June
09:00-09:45 Chair: Kai Myrberg, Room "Rostock"
Keynote: Jacob Carstensen "Hypoxia in the Baltic Sea. Causes and consequences"
09:45-10:00 Naumann, M., Feistel, S., Nausch, G., Ruth, T., Zabel, J., Plangg, M., Hannsson, M., Andersson, L., Lysiak-Pastuszak, E., Feistel, R., Nehring, D., Matthäus, W., Meier, H.E.M.: Hypoxic to euxinic conditions in the Baltic Sea 1969-2016 – a seasonal to decadal spatial analysis
10:00-10:15 Liblik, T., Naumann, M., Hansson, M., Alenius, P., Lips, U., Nausch, G., Wesslander, K., Lips, I., Viktorsson, L.: Impact of the recent Major Inflow on the water column structure in the NE Baltic
10:15-10:30 Bauersachs, T., Lorbeer, N., Schwark, L.: Climate change drives the formation of harmful cyanobacterial blooms in the Baltic Sea
10:30-10:45 Schrum, C., Ho-Hagemann, H., Staneva, J., Rockel, B.: A North Sea-Baltic Sea regional coupled models: atmosphere, wind waves and ocean
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
  Crosscutting session: Monitoring / Observation /Assessment systems
Session chair Laura Tuomi
Room "Wismar"
Session 3: Past and future changes
Session chair Inga Dailidiene
Room "Demmin"
Session 4: Coastal seas and society
Session chair N.N.
Room "Rostock"
11:15-11:30 Heinrich, C., Reimers, H.-C., Schwarzer, K.: Assessing spatial distribution and state of marine benthic habitats in the SW Baltic – Operational seafloor mapping in context of the EU directives Dudzińska-Nowak, J., Harff, J., Zhang, W., Groh, A., Deng, J.: Coastal morphogenesis of the southern Baltic Sea -modelling approaches and parameterization Savchuk, O.P.: Myths of the Baltic Sea eutrophication
11:30-11:45 Rikka, S., Kõuts, T., Pärt, S., Vahter, K.: High resolution TSM mapping of dredging operations using automated UAV activated by online in situ measurements: proof on concept Hyttinen, O., Kotilainen, A.T., Obrochta, S., Andrén, T., Quintana-Krupinski, N., Jensen, J.B., Bennike, O., Lougheed, B., Wacker, L., Passchier, S., Snowball, I., Herrero-Bervera, E., Ryabchuk, D., Dorokhova, E.: Fennoscandian Ice Sheet deglacial dynamics in the Baltic Sea – North Atlantic transition area Stoicescu, S.-T., Lips, U., Liblik, T.: Assessment of eutrophication status based on sub-halocline oxygen conditions in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea)
11:45-12:00 Minchin, D., Olenin, S.: Rapid assessment surveys: a practical way to assess the abundance and distribution range of non-indigenous species Kudryavtseva, N., Soomere, T.: Satellite altimetry shows changes in extreme wave heights over the Baltic Sea Wasmund, N., Kownacka, J., Göbel, J., Jaanus, A., Johansen, M., Jurgensone, I., Lehtinen, S., Powilleit, M.: The “Diatom/Dinoflagellate index” as an indicator for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
12:00-12:15 Tikka, K., Alenius, P., Tuomi, L.: Automatic classification of CTD profiles in the Baltic Sea Pindsoo, K., Soomere, T.: Trends in the extreme water levels of the Baltic Sea Telesh, I.: Biodiversity impact on ecological niche partitioning of native and invasive species in microplankton of the Baltic Sea
12:15-12:30 Stips A., Bolding K., Macias D., Bruggeman J., Eayris C.: On the potential impact of SO2 deposition from vessel engine wash water on North Sea pH Laakso, L., Mikkonen, S., Alenius, P., Drebs, A., Pirinen, P.: Trends of sea water column properties and meteorological variables based on more than 100 years of observations at Utö Island, Baltic Sea Olenin, S., Minchin, D.: Marine invasive species indicators: implications for environmental assessment and management
12:30-12:45 Discussion Meier, H.E.M., Höglund, A., Eilola, K., Almroth-Rosell, E.: Impact of accelerated future global mean sea level rise on hypoxia in the Baltic Sea Liu, T.K., Cheng, M.H.: Developing a risk assessment model for ballast water management utilizing the analytical hierarchy process (AHP)
12:45-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-16:00 Poster Session, Conference venue, upper floor
16:00-18:00 BONUS Science meets Policy: "The role of evidence-based science in decision-making", Room "Rostock"
18:00-20:00 BMB Meeting, Room "Rostock"; BSG meeting, Room "Wismar"; CBO meeting, Room "Demmin"
  Friday, 16 June
09:00-09:45 Chair: Teresa Radziejewska
Keynote: Ragnar Elmgren "Remembering Fredrik Wulff — Baltic Sea ecosystem modeller, institution leader and creator of the Baltic Sea eutrophication management decision support system"
09:45-10:30 Keynote: Anna-Katharina Hornidge "Marine sciences and a tool for organising interdisciplinarity for a healthy ocean"
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:15 Zandersen, M., Hyytiainen, K., Meier, H.E.M., Tomczak, M., Bauer, B., Haapasaari, P., Olesen, J.E., Gustafsson, B., Kosenius, A.K., Refsgaard, J.C., Fridell, E., Pihlainen, S., Letissier, M.D.A.: Using extended socio-economic scenarios to investigate drivers and pressures on the Baltic Sea up to 2100
11:15-11:30 Myrberg, K., Korpinen, S., Uusitalo, L.: How the Baltic Sea oceanography sets the scene for the implementation of the EU MSFD?
11:30-11:45 Chubarenko, I., Poterukhina, I., Bagaeva, M., Khatmullina, L., Isachenko, I., Nizhnikovskaya, O.: Microplastics: pollutant with unknown transport properties
11:45-12:00 Scholten, J., Kreuzburg, M., Hsu, Feng-Hsin, Schlüter, M., Rapaglia, J., Schubert, M.: Submarine Groundwater discharge to the Eckernförde Bay, Baltic Sea: Towards a quantitative assessment
12:00-13:15 Lunch break
  Crosscutting session: Monitoring / Observation /Assessment systems
Session chair Urmas Lips
Room "Wismar"
Session 3: Past and future changes
Session chair Helge Arz
Room "Demmin"
Session 4: Coastal seas and society
Session chair Irina Chubarenko
Room "Rostock"
13:15-13:30 Konik M., Kowalewski M., Darecki M., Bradtke K.: A novel approach to estimate information under cloud cover in the satellite images using numerical models Vallius, H., Suuroja, S., Petersell, V., Alliksaar, T.: Sediment quality in Estonian western Gulf of Finland - with reference to the northern Gulf of Finland Buer, A-L., Wegener, P., Katarzyte, M., Lange, X., Schernewski, G.: Bathing Water Quality at the German Baltic coast: Long-term development, problems and challenges
13:30-13:45 Kratzer, S.: Distribution of suspended matter across the Baltic Sea Kaiser, J., Belt, S.T., Tomczak, M., Brown, T.A., Wasmund, N., Häusler, K., Dellwig, O., Moros, M., Arz, H.W.: C25 highly branched isoprenoid alkenes as biomarkers and time-markers for the occurrence of the marine planktonic diatom Pseudosolenia calcar-avis in the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea Schernewski, G. et al.: Beach macro-litter on southern Baltic beaches
13:45-14:00 Lorkowski, I., Schwichtenberg, F., Janssen, F., Brüning, T., Neumann, D., Neumann, T., Nerger, L., Matthias, V.: Towards an operational biogeochemical model system to support the Marine Strategy Framework Directive reporting Andrén, E., Telford, R.J., Jonsson, P.: Reconstructing the history of coastal eutrophication and quantifying total nitrogen reference conditions in Bothnian Sea coastal waters Gebhardt, C.: Selective feeding of Arenicola marina influences distribution and burial of microplastic particles in marine sediments
14:00-14:15 Placke, M., Meier, H.E.M., Neumann, T., Gräwe, U.: Assessment of state-of-the-art Baltic Sea models and their setups for usage in climate applications Ahlgren, J., Grimvall, A., Omstedt, A., Rolff, C., Wikner, J.: Temperature, DOC level and basin interactions explain the declining oxygen concentrations in the Bothnian Sea Kesy, K., Oberbeckmann, S., Müller, F., Klaeger, F., Hentzsch, A., Mothes, S., Labrenz, M.: The fate and stability of bacterial biofilms on microplastics after passing the gut of invertebrates living in the Baltic Sea
14:15-15:00 Coffee + Closing Congress