Leibniz ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research Rostock
- Duration:
- 01.04.2015 - 30.06.2019
- Project manager:
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bathmann
- Funding:
- Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
- Website:
- Partners:
Phosphorus (P) is essential for all life on earth, because all organisms participate in the global biogeochemical P cycle in which soils are central for the global food production. Agriculture and the entire economy are challenged by future limitations of mineable rock P, upgraded to mineral P fertilizer. Despite foreseeable depletions of P resources, uncontrolled amounts of P are still lost due to agricultural practice and insufficient recycling causing environmental problems such as eutrophication in aquatic systems. Therefore, research is urgently required to reduce significantly our dependence on the seriously declining global rock P reserves.
The objective of the Leibniz ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research Rostock is to intensify interdisciplinary collaboration and research around this essential element and its sustainable management. Multidisciplinary research is directed to develop methodological, technical and management options for a more sufficient and efficient P usage, and P recycling across all economic sectors. The understanding of environmental P impacts will be improved and possible reductions optimized. This includes also many ethical, socio-economic and political issues.
The planned P research activities are strongly linked to the graduate concept for the ScienceCampus Rostock, which is directed to an excellent, structured graduate education of young researchers along with an extending internationalization.
The ScienceCampus Rostock follows the aim to concentrate expertise present in the participating Leibniz and University institutions to form new, innovative and urgently needed P research initiatives and directions. The establishment of theme-oriented research networks will be by nature inter- and transdisciplinary. Thus, the ScienceCampus Rostock aims to develop knowledge and technology to secure the P resources in a future world.
- Lohrer, C., P. P. Cwierz, M. A. Wirth, D. E. Schulz-Bull and M. Kanwischer (2020). Methodological aspects of methylphosphonic acid analysis: Determination in river and coastal water samples. Talanta 211: 120724, doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2020.120724
- Recknagel, C., P. Thelin, M. Abraham, D. Schulz-Bull and P. J. R. Sjöberg (2018). Using standard additions to improve extraction and quantification of inositol hexakisphosphate in sediment samples by ion chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Talanta 188: 192-198, doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.05.072
- Krämer, I. (2018). Phosphor-Paradox. Meer & Küste 7: 6-7, https://eucc-d-inline.databases.eucc-d.de/files/documents/00001202_MuK_2018_web.pdf
- Krämer, I., U. Bathmann, B. Eichler-Löbermann, P. Leinweber, J. Tränckner and K. Wimmers, Eds. (2018). Handling the phosphorus paradox in agriculture and natural ecosystems: Scarcity, necessity, and burden of P. Springer (Ambio Special Issue), https://link.springer.com/journal/13280/47/1/suppl/page/1
- Leinweber, P., U. Bathmann, U. Buczko, C. Douhaire, B. Eichler-Löbermann, E. Frossard, F. Ekardt, H. Jarvie, I. Krämer, C. Kabbe, B. Lennartz, P.-E. Mellander, G. Nausch, H. Ohtake and J. Tränckner (2018). Handling the phosphorus paradox in agriculture and natural ecosystems: Scarcity, necessity, and burden of P. Ambio 47, 1: 3-19, doi: 10.1007/s13280-017-0968-9
- Habedank, F., M. Abraham, H. Tardel, F. Feldhusen and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2017). Determination of organophosphate pesticides in sea and surface water with ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid micro-extraction coupled to GC-MS/MS analysis. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 97: 818-830, doi: 10.1080/03067319.2017.1361944
- Krämer, I. and S. Häberle, Eds. (2016). Phosphorus 2020 - challenges for synthesis, agriculture and environment: 8th International Phosphorus Workshop IPW8, September 12-16, 2016, Rostock, Germany. Program and book of abstracts. Rostock: Leibniz ScienceCampus Phosphorus Research Rostock. 282 S., doi: 10.12754/procs-2016-ipw8
- Krämer, I., M. Nausch, G. Nausch, D. Mehl and B. Deutsch (2016). Phosphor - von der Quelle bis ins Meer. Wasser u. Abfall 18: 18-22
- Leinweber, P., D. Zimmer and I. Krämer (2016). Nachhaltige Versorgung der Pflanzenbestände mit Phosphat - begrenzender Faktor für die Bioökonomie? In: Bioökonomie: welche Bedeutung haben die Agrar- und Forstwissenschaften? Wissenschaftliche Tagung des Dachverbandes Agrarforschung (DAF) e.V. am 20. und 21. Oktober in der Landesvertretung Hessen, Berlin. Frankfurt am Main: DLG-Verlag (Agrarspectrum): 77-87