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CoastalFutures 2:
DAM Schutz und Nutzen-2: CoastalFutures-2 - Zukunftsszenarien zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Nutzung mariner Räume; Vorhaben: Szenarien für Ökosystemleistungen

01.12.2024 - 30.11.2027
Project coordinated by:
Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH
Project manager (IOW):
Prof. Dr. Markus Meier
BMBF - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Leibniz-Universität Hannover (LUH)
Stiftung Tieräztliche Hochschule Hannover - Institut für Terrestrische und Aquatische Wildtierforschung (TiHo-ITAW)
Thünen Institut für Seefischerei
Technische Universität Braunschweig (TUBS)
Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)
CoastalFutures is developing a novel cross-scale end-to-end (E2E) model system for the North and Baltic Seas and the coastal areas. With this model system, the project creates a virtual environment (i) for investigating the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic use on ecosystems and (ii) for testing different management measures. The project thus provides an innovative decision support tool for maritime system management and creates actionable knowledge. CoastalFutures focuses on four management sectors: (i) offshore energy generation, (ii) fisheries, (iii) coastal protection and sand management and (iv) nutrient and pollutant inputs. The development of models and scenarios, the assessment of the impacts of use on the ecosystem and the socio-economic assessment are carried out together with partners from maritime management, industry stakeholders and non-governmental organizations. The development of scenarios requires a regional and sectoral contextualization of the scenario storylines and an in-depth understanding of the social, political and institutional contexts. This includes the individual perception of the problem, beliefs and attitudes of interest groups from different sectors, as well as conflicts and compromises between them. Together with decision-makers, effective protection and management options are then developed in a participatory approach and evaluated together with stakeholders.


  • Schernewski, G., M. Jekat, F. Kösters, T. Neumann, S. Steffen and M. von Thenen (2024). Ecosystem Services Supporting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs): Assessments of Navigation Waterways Deepening Based on Data, Experts, and a 3D Ecosystem Model. Land 13, 10, doi: 10.3390/land13101653
  • Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, M. Bučas and M. von Thenen (2024). Ecosystem Services of the Baltic Sea—State and Changes during the Last 150 Years. Environments 11, 9, doi: 10.3390/environments11090200