SECOS - TP 1 (1.1):
SECOS: Küstenmeerforschung: Die Leistung der Sedimente in deutschen Küstenmeeren; Leit-antrag; Vorhaben: Koordination
- Duration:
- 01.04.2013 - 31.03.2016
- Project manager:
- Dr. Thomas Leipe
- Funding:
- BMBF - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
- Partner:
SECOS Sub-project 1.1 Mapping and Typology
Objectives: Past sedimentological and geochemical mapping efforts together with more than 3000 surface sediment samples in the archive of the IOW and the BSH form the base of the activities in WP1.1. In combination with the macrozoobenthic mapping they will constitute a trunk habitat atlas of the German Baltic sea floor that allows defining representative classes of sediments. In order to be fully compatible the data sets, however, need to be extended and aligned and transformed into a shared modern GIS-format. This information will be combined with the results of process studies at the sediment/water interface in selected model areas (WP2) to assess the spatial functioning of the defined sediment classes. These results will be incorporated into digital GIS-maps, which then display both geological and biological structural information and functional service properties (e.g., particle-, fluid- and gas exchange and element retention capacities).
Task 1: The first task of WP 1.1 is (i) to reassess available sedimentological data, (ii) to define representative classes of sediment characteristics and of quantitative importance for the German Baltic Sea and (iii) to transform this data into a shared modern GIS-format in order to be available for computing initial maps of benthic habitats (WP 1.2).
Task 2: A second task is (i) to complement the repository of sediment samples from the German Baltic sea bottom and (ii) to define a representative sub-set for analyzing supplementary variables (organic C, N, P, biogenic SiO2, and selected inorganic and organic contaminants) important for establishing advanced functional sediment maps.
Task 3: Based on the new extended sedimentological database the regional distribution and total area calculation of the defined sediment typologies will be performed. In combination with the functional property maps of benthic macrofauna and with the results of the process studies at the sediment/water interface on selected key areas (WP2) will result in final functional sediment maps.
- Leipe, T., M. Naumann, F. Tauber, H. Radtke, R. Friedland, A. Hiller and H. W. Arz (2017). Regional distribution patterns of chemical parameters in surface sediments of the south-western Baltic Sea and their possible causes. Geo-Mar. Lett. 37: 593-606, doi: 10.1007/s00367-017-0514-6
- Hiller, A. (2016). Das WebGIS zur Verknüpfung und Präsentation interdisziplinärer Forschungsergebnisse - Baltic Sea Atlas. In: GeoForum MV 2016 - Geoinformation im Alltag - Nutzen und neue Anforderungen. Ed. by R. Bill, M. L. Zehner, A. Golnik, T. Lerche, J. Schröder and S. Seip. Berlin: GITO Verl.: 173-178, 978-3-95545-164-6