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DAM CREATE: DAM Protection and sustainable use - CREATE: Concepts for reducing the effects of anthropogenic pressures and uses on marine ecosystems and on biodiversity; Subproject: Habitat variability and bioarchives as a measure of habitat integrity using the example of the living lab Eckernförde Bay

In the course of climate change and intensive use, coastal marine ecosystems are under enormous pressure. It is difficult to distinguish between natural variability and the influence of human interaction. However, preserving the undisturbed nature (integrity) of the ecosystem and sustainable use requires a profound understanding of the system. The overall goal of this project is to differentiate anthropogenic effects in the Eckernförde Bay (Baltic Sea) from natural variability. The results are available to stakeholders to generate knowledge for the assessment, management, and protection of coastal ecosystems. The work focuses on a) consulting services for the implementation of bioarchives into existing long-term measurement series for future monitoring of environmental changes and b) hydroacoustic investigation of small-scale anthropogenic tracks (e.g. anchor tracks).