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Temporal pattern of anthropogenic and natural particles at the slope of South China Sea (TRAN)

Within of TRAN (Temporal pattern of anthropogenic and natural particles at the slope of South China Sea) a contamination free mooring will be deployed at the cnothern continental slope of South China Sea in the area affected by the Pearl River plume. The mooring will allow to register the temporal pattern of sedimentation of natural and anthopogenic particles, and is an set up as extension to the bilateral Sino-German MEGAPOL project. The IOW project Megacity’s fingerprint in Chinese southern marginal seas: Investigation of pollutant fingerprints and dispersal aims to study the marine environmental conditions in an area spanning from the northern shelf in proximity to Pearl River of the South China Sea towards the deep sea, to enhance our understanding of the effects of growing anthropogenic pressure in a highly dynamic marine ecosystem governed by natural variability ranging on space scales from small to mesoscale and time from daily to decadal.