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BONUS BLUE BALTIC: SEAMOUNT - New surveillance tools for remote sea monitoring and their application on SGD and seabed surveys; Sub-project: Scientific instrumentation of SEAMOUNT infrastructure

Objectives of the sub-project SISI are
- the compilation of the scientific sensor suite and the integration of the various sensors in the platforms of the SEAMOUNT infrastructure
- the development of processing procedures for the application on the dynamics of submarine groundwater discharges.
The adaptation and integration encompasses several fields: the mechanical adaptation with the aim of compact sensor platforms on the vehicles (ROV and AUV) and monitoring stations; the electrical adaptation
to the subsystem (ROV, AUV, mooring) with the aim of best energy efficiency; the electronic adaptation optimising data flows for storage and/or transmission. The data structures have to be integrated in a way
that they can be accessed by the infrastructure for autonomous planning of best sampling strategies.


  • Meyer, D., R. D. Prien, L. Rautmann, M. Pallentin, J. J. Waniek and D. E. Schulz-Bull (2018). In situ determination of nitrate and hydrogen sulfide in the Baltic Sea using an ultraviolet spectrophotometer. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 431, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00431