Regional adaptation strategies for the German Baltic coast
- Duration:
- 01.07.2009 - 31.12.2014
- Project coordinated by:
- Ecologic Institute
- Project manager (IOW):
- Prof. Dr. habil. Gerald Schernewski
- Funding:
- BMBF - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
- Website:
- Partners:
The objective of RADOST is the development of adaptation strategies for the Baltic coastline of Germany through a dialogue between academics, economists, policy-makers and the public. Other important goals are to minimize the economic, social and environmental harm and to capitalize on development opportunities brought about by climate change. Furthermore, the project aims to strengthen and extend the network and communication of the stakeholders on the Baltic coast and beyond.
The natural and engineering scientific work in RADOST will investigate the regional impacts of climate change. It will providing the basic data and the research will capture the structural and functional changes resulting from climate change in the western Baltic Sea as well as its inner and outer coastal waters.
- Beusekom, J. v., R. Thiel, I. Bobsien, M. Boersma, C. Buschbaum, A. Dänhardt, A. Darr, R. Friedland, M. Kloppmann, I. Kröncke, J. Rick and M. Wetzel (2018). Aquatische Ökosysteme: Nordsee, Wattenmeer, Elbeästuar und Ostsee. In: Hamburger Klimabericht - Wissen über Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Hamburg und Norddeutschland. Ed. by H. v. Storch, I. Meinke and M. Claußen. Berlin: Springer: 89-107, doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-55379-4
- Schumacher, J., S. Schönwald and G. Schernewski (2014). Measuring sustainability and climate change adaptation in coastal communities: a German case study. In: Coastal adaptation processes in the German Baltic Sea Region. Rostock: EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland: 37-53, 978-3-939206-14-9
- McFadden, L. and G. Schernewski (2014). Critical reflections on a systems approach application in practice : a Baltic lagoon case study. Reg. environ. change 14: 2115-2126, doi:10.1007/s10113-012-0337-y
- Blobel, D., N. Dreier, S. Enderwitz, C. Filies, P. Fröhle, I. Haller, C. Heidecke, J. Hirschfeld, J. Mahnkopf, G. Schernewski, C. Schlamkow, R. Scholz, A. Schröder and A. Wagner (2014). RADOST - Regionale Anpassungsstrategien für die deutsche Ostseeküste. In: Wege zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel : regionale Netzwerke, Strategien und Maßnahmen. Ed. by H. Biebeler, H. Bardt, E. Chrischilles, M. Mahammadzaheh and J. Striebeck. Köln: Inst. der Dt. Wirtschaft (KLIMZUG Klimawandel in Regionen): 147-168, 978-3-602-14932-2
- Schernewski, G., B. Schippmann and T. Walczykiewicz (2014). Coastal bathing water quality and climate change - a new information and simulation system for new challenges. Ocean coastal manage. 101: 53-60, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.01.004
- Schernewski, G., S. Schönwald and M. Kataržytė (2014). Application and evaluation of an indicator set to measure and promote sustainable development in coastal areas. Ocean coastal manage. 101, Part A: 2-13, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.03.028
- Hirt, U., J. Mahnkopf, M. Gadegast, L. Czudowski, U. Mischke, C. Heidecke, G. Schernewski and M. Venohr (2014). Reference conditions for rivers of the German Baltic Sea catchment: reconstructing nutrient regimes using the model MONERIS. Reg. environ. change 14: 1123-1138, doi:10.1007/s10113-013-0559-7
- Schernewski, G. and S. Bock (2014). Internet based training and education for coastal management in Germany: a critical evaluation. Mar. policy 43: 21-28, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2013.03.015
- Schernewski, G., R. Friedland, M. Carstens, U. Hirt, W. Leujak, G. Nausch, T. Neumann, T. Petenati, S. Sagert, N. Wasmund and M. v. Weber (2015). Implementation of European marine policy : new water quality targets for German Baltic waters. Mar. policy 51: 305-321, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2014.09.002