Marine conservation's expert contribution to Maritime Spatial Planning
- Duration:
- 01.10.2015 - 31.12.2017
- Project manager:
- Dr. Kerstin Schiele
- Funding:
- BfN - Bundesamt für Naturschutz
- Partners:
The aim of this research and development project is the development of a scientific bases for the integration of nature conservation concerns into maritime spatial planning (MSP) processes. A midterm aim is to support the development of an expert contribution of nature conservation to MSP in the German EEZs of the North and Baltic Seas. One focus of this project is on the identification of spatial claims and of the sensitivity of endangered and representative species and habitats (in particular habitats according to §30 BNatSchG, FFH habitat types, Red List species). Another pillar is an analysis of legal and process orientated options for the integration of marine conservation into MSP processes.