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Projekt: TP3: Responses and adaptations of heterotrophic and chemoautotrophic prokaryotic key players to a high CO2 world

Title: TP3: Responses and adaptations of heterotrophic and chemoautotrophic prokaryotic key players to a high CO2 world
Duration: 01.09.2012 - 31.08.2015
Project manager: Prof. Dr. Klaus Jürgens
Funding: BMBF
Focus: Small- and meso-scale processes
Department: Biological Oceanography

Benjamin Bergen, Klaus Jürgens


Geomar (Prof. U. Sommer, Prof. A. Engel)


Responses and adaptations of heterotrophic and chemoautotrophic prokaryotic key players to a high CO2 world Heterotrophic and chemoautotrophic prokaryotes are probably differently affected by increasing carbon dioxide concentrations. Whereas the former are mainly indirectly impacted via phytoplankton and dissolved organic matter production (DOC, supply and composition), the activity of the latter group could be directly influenced by changing pH and DIC. During BIOACID phase 2 our goal will be to examine the response and adaptation of selected prokaryotic key players.

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