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Projekt: Implementation and networking of large scale, long term marine biodiversity research in Europe.-concerted action (

Acronym: BIOMARE
Title: Implementation and networking of large scale, long term marine biodiversity research in Europe.-concerted action (
Duration: 01.11.2000 - 30.10.2002
Project manager: Dr. Doris Schiedek
Funding: EU, Grundausstattung
Focus: Processes in the water column and at boundary layers (until 2002)
Department: Biological Oceanography
Participation: Projektmitarbeiter: Dr. Michael L. Zettler
Cooperation: Netherlands Institute of Ecology Yerseke; Niederlande (Koordinator), Plymouth Marine Laboratory; UK, Observatoire Oceanol. de Banyuls; Frankreich, Ecological Consultancy Services Dublin; Irland, University of Azores Horta; Portugal, Akvaplan-Niva/Univ. Svalbard Tromso; Norwegen, Inst. of Mar. Biol. Crete Heraklion; Griechenland, Institute of Oceanology Sopot; Polen, Alfred Wegener Institut Bremerhaven, Estonian Marine Institute, Tallinn; Estland, Abo Akademi Universität Abo; Finnland, CNRS CNRS/GDR 1117 Nantes; Frankreich, University of Ghent; Belgien, Scarborough Centre for Coastal Studies, University of Hull; UK, Tvarminne Zoological Station Hanko; Finnland, Universität Klaipeda; Litauen
Notes: keiner

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