Rostock offers a great amout of childcare possibilities for all ages.
The institutional differences depend on the child's age:
For Kindergarten you can apply at your supervisor/head of department for a childcare possibility in Warnemünde. That is an intern IOW process that is decided about in the executive unit. Also it depends on free capacities in the kindergarten.
If there are no free capacities you can look for kindergarten online: https://www.kitaplaner.de/rostock/elternportal/elternportal.jsf
Additionally to the application on the online platform we recommend to contact the institutions directly and ask for capacities. All contacts of each institution is provided on the website, too.
If you have contacted a kindergarten/daycare/creche successfully then there are some administrative and organizational steps to follow:
- fill out the "Antrag auf Berechtigung" (claim for eligibility)
- fill out the "Arbeitszeitnachweis" (proof of working time) and let your head of department or administration/human ressources sign
With those two documents AND the confirmation of the Ortsamt, (and the documents you/your child receives from the immigration office) you can go to the Youth and Social office of the city of Rostock.