Finding an apartment and registering
IOW offers guest rooms up to 4 months.
To check the availability of these rooms please contact your department.
The guest rooms are situated in the IOW villa building (see picture). Please click on the picture to see more pictures of the rooms. |
picture: IOW/K.Beck
If no guest room is available or latest after 4 months of staying there, you should find an apartment of your own.
You find some useful websites in here.
If you stay longer than three months in Germany, please register your German address at the citizens' registration office (Ortsamt) within two weeks from your arrival.
In Rostock you have several registration offices. Please look at the area that you live in for finding the responsible registration office: Information for Rostock citizens
Please take care that you must make an appointment by using this online form: Online-Terminvergabe Ortsämter Rostock
The following documents are required before you go there:
1. fill out the "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung" (landlord confirmation) and let it sign from your landlord
2. your passport or ID card
3. if you already have an address in Germany then bring the confirmation of your registration of that place
If you move to Germany with your family (spouse, children) make sure
- they are listed in the "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung" as well
- their ID card or passport is also required
- marriage and birth certificates --> original document AND German translation by an officially certified translator
- they will have to go to the Ortsamt with you in person
After registration you will receive a "Meldebescheinigung" (certificate of registration) that is necessary also for the migration office registration.
With the registration at the Ortsamt you will automatically be registered at the Financial authority that will send you the "Steueridentifikationsnummer" (tax ID) by mail after a couple of weeks.