MODEL DATA: Meta-data-set FUTURA II (Present and future climate)

1.) General description of the data set:

Simulations with the coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean regional climate model RCAO, driven by the output of either ERA-40 or the global climate simulations ECHAM5 and HadCM3 with the greenhouse gas emission scenarios A2 and A1B:


Hindcast simulation:

ERA-40 downscaled with RCA to 25km



RCAO-ECHAM5 A1B_3, 25km


RCAO-HadCM3 A1B, 25km


RCAO-ECHAM5 A2, 25km


RCAO-ECHAM5 A1B_1, 25km

Impact simulations with the coupled physical-biogeochemial model RCO-SCOBI driven by RCAO in preparation

2.) Created:

2010 (RCAO), 2011 (RCO-SCOBI)

3.) Last update:

New scenarios will be available during 2011 (ongoing work).

4.) Keywords:

Regional climate model, coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean model

5.) Area:

Europe, parts of the North Atlantic

6.) Spatial extension:

Rotated grid covering the entire Baltic Sea catchment area

7.) Spatial resolution:

25 km in the atmosphere and 2 nautical miles in the ocean (RCO-SCOBI)

8.) Time window:


9.) Temporal resolution:

6-hourly for atmospheric variables, 2-daily for oceanic variables

10.) Data and arrays:

Variables describing the three-dimensional atmospheric and oceanic climate,

including biogeochemical variables

11.) Reference to other data sets:

Climate simulation with ECHAM5, HadCM3

12.) Data quality (degree of validation):

model simulation

13.) Where to find the data?

Data available from the Oceanographic Research Unit at SMHI (RCO-SCOBI) via the contact person

14.) Contact persons:

Dr. Markus Meier
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Research Department
SE-60176 Norrkšping, Sweden

Dr. Anders Hšglund
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Research Department
SE-60176 Norrkšping, Sweden